Apex Legends: How to Play Rampart

Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to discuss Rampart, the new Apex Legends hero added in season 6.

She is an aggressive legend with an interesting kit and tactical ability. My name is Mildo, and I am currently working with the Apex Legends Boosting services team here at Immortal Boost. My job requires me to hold a strong grip on every Legend so that when clients ask me to play any Legend of their choice, I should be ready. Without further ado, let’s get started. 

Apex Legends Rampart and Immortalboost brand logo

Rampart is the aggressive defender Legend in Apex Legends. With a huge weapon on her back, a strong connection for LMGs, and a spunky personality, Rampart can rip up the enemies in no time. To play around, she can make your weapons deal more damage and feel flexible. 

Today, we are going to be looking at this aggressive Legend, Rampart. I will be breaking down all of her abilities, learning how to play her, showing off some in-game examples, ranking her in the meta of Apex Legends, and much more. 

Rampart Abilities Overview

Before knowing anything about Rampart you must be aware of Rampart’s abilities in Apex Legends. I will be breaking down all her abilities and will then discuss all the tips and tricks that you can follow while playing this aggressive defender Legend. 

Passive Ability (Modded Reloader)

Let’s begin by going over some of the Rampart’s abilities which are pretty simple compared to some of the other Legends in the game. The rampart passive is called a modded loader. This gives light machine guns a nice little buff when she is using them. It causes a 25% reduction in reload speed for light machine guns and a 15% boost in the magazine size for them. 

Tactical Ability (Amped Cover)

Rampart’s tactical ability is the amped cover. This is more or less a deployable wall that Rampart can place down to block incoming damage while also allowing her to deal 20% more damage when you are shooting through the upper portion of that wall. She carries three charges of the tactical, which is best for rapid deployment and posting up in some areas, and she can have up to five of these walls down at the same time. 

If the sixth wall is placed, then the first one will be removed. 

While charge takes three seconds to activate and only has 45 health while you are activating them, which means that players need to take care when you are placing them to try not to have enemies shoot or to place them in areas where enemies will not be able to see you. 

Once it is fully placed then the bottom portion of the wall has 400 total health and the top portion of the wall has 175 health. 

Ultimate Ability (Shiela)

For Rampart’s ultimate, this is going to be a minigun, also known as Shiela, that she does get after every two minutes. This is more or less a turret that Rampart can either place on the ground or run around with her hands. As soon you activate it, you will have the option to use it in either mode. 

The turret does 14 damage to the body with a two-times headshot multiplier, which means it will do more than 2,000 total damage with an entire magazine, just the body. Shiela has a base magazine size of 150, and it will take 350 damage before it is destroyed. Similar to the amp walls, she could also pick up that turret. 

If it has not been used and if it hasn’t taken any damage, then she will gain 50% of that ultimate back. Rampart can also aim down sights by clicking or pressing your sprint button, and you can begin to spin up the turret by clicking your normal aim down sights button. 

While Shiela is in mobile mode, you can actually run around with it in your hand; you can shoot some of the magazines and put the turret away, pull out your weapons, and then pull Shiela back out if you have ammo and keep on dishing out the damage. 

If you run out of Ultimate, though, then you have the option to either put it on the ground or just discard it. One of the biggest things to know, Shiela, is the longer you hold down the firing of Shiela, the more accurate it will become, which will matter a ton if you are shooting at anyone outside of the close to mid-range.

Tips for Rampart Passive

There is not really anything extra to add here. Rampart absolutely benefits from LMGs and you should be encouraged to use them for that faster reload in larger magazine size. You don’t have to force yourself to use them and you should still use the weapons that you want to use the weapons or the weapons that you can find. 

The only other thing to really mention about the passive it does make her ultimate turret have a bigger magazine size when she activates it or reloads it. If you have an LMG in your hands then it’s just a nice little boon to enjoy. 

Thanks to its unique overheating mechanic, L-Star EMG does not have traditional magazines or reloads. You can fire before the L-Star starts to overheat, as the Modded Loader will increase the number of shots, and you will be able to speed up the cooldown. 

As we all know, the LMG is one of the best weapons in the meta. You can also check out the top weapons in Apex Legends

Tips for Rampart Amped Cover  

Apex Legends Rampart

For the tactical ability, there are a ton of things that you should look at. This ability allows Rampart to place down a half-height barrier. The barrier spawns an amped barrier above it, in the first 3 seconds of its lifetime and it blocks incoming shots and also enhances the 20% damage of outgoing shots. 

Fighting with Rampart Walls

Let’s talk about general wall combat. Rampart’s tactical is an inactive ability. It means that you have to stop shooting to use it. It can often be hard to know when to use it and when not to. If in doubt just remember that shooting is always the important thing. Your abilities are there to help you but don’t focus too much on your wall placements instead focus on shooting and movement first and wall placement second. 

Wall Baiting

If you are out in the open, then you can place a wall and then straighten out. The enemy has an option; they choose to shoot you or the wall. This gives you the choice to shoot them freely as they shoot your wall or return to the wall once it’s built. If they are going to shoot you out in the open, you need to make sure that they are going to miss some shots so that you can go back to your wall and not be beamed by a player. 

If it does build, then always try to place down another wall as you are traveling to that first wall, so now, they will again focus on your current built amp wall as you are firing at them; meanwhile, you’ve got another amp hole building. If you are targeting a bunch of people, then this is going to be hard as you never want to take fights out in the open, but there are times when you have to, and this can be an effective way to take a fight when you have no other choice. 

Use Walls as Decoys

If the enemies are holding an angle, then you can place a wall on that angle and then immediately push the other angle. They are going to think that you will peek with the wall, and they are either going to shoot the wall or peek that angle expecting you to push it, and then you just flank them from the other side. 

You need to think of the wall as decoys to trick your opponents into aiming or shooting elsewhere so they are forced to reload, go behind the cover, or re-aim their target when they realize that you have taken a different route. 

Stop Crouch Peekers

Sometimes you have the amped wall, they break the wall and the enemies will try to push you and they will start crouching peeking at your cover right in front of you, this makes it kind of hard to hit a player especially if they are peeking in and out with a shotgun. 

Peeking Angles with Wall

If you get the best angle, then you can actually place the walls behind the cover. You can pick the angle and rotate your aim so that the wall builds on the other side of the cover without leaving that cover, which allows you to get a free peek where players are going to shoot your wall, and once they have to reload, you can peek freely without them actually shooting you. Keep in mind that the wall can work as a decoy here, or if it does build, then you have a free opportunity to peek at that angle, which otherwise you just wouldn’t have. 

Tips for Rampart Ultimate

Let’s talk about the Rampart Shiela. Shiela became mobile, which increased its usefulness about tenfold. 

Spinning Up

When using Shiela in mobile mode, the big thing is that spinning up time. Spinning up takes quite some time and if you are not prepared then enemies are going to destroy you pretty easily since you will have limited mobility. This makes being aggressive with mobile Shiela slightly harder to do in my opinion. 

It’s kind of all about pushing into an area, spinning up, and then letting the enemy come to you so you are ready to fight Shiela.   

If you do run into an enemy and Shiela is not spinning up then it’s just not going to work out that well. So be super careful, don’t get caught off guard, and don’t overextend yourself with the minigun in hand. 

1 Mag, no problem

When using Shiela in the mobile form, you only get one magazine, so you have to make it count. A great thing about Shiela, though, in this form, is that you can put it away and still be able to use it as long as you do have ammo left. 

This is just very important, and in a lot of ways, I think you should be using Shiela as if it was just a third gun in your arsenal; put it away, pop off some heal, back up to do some shots, and switch to your other guns. Keep in mind that you do not need to rip through the entire magazine in one go. 

Provide covering fire  

You aren’t locked to one position as you can move around now. Fire Sheila towards enemies if your team needs to take space so your squad can push aggressively. When shot through Amped Cover Then this minigun deals very high DPS. When using Sheila, you should always place an Amped Cover otherwise you will be vulnerable and stationary. 

Placing Minigun on chokepoints  

In situations where an enemy is guaranteed to appear in front of you, rampart’s Ultimate is extremely powerful and must be used. Place down your minigun near any chokepoint. Protect it with Amped Cover, and be attentive as you are going to destroy the enemy team in no time. 

Ramp Up Time

If you cut around the corner then somebody can actually full DPS you with the R-99 before you even get your initial shots. Just remember that ramp-up time and when you are holding an angle and shooting, you then stop for any reason that a lot of Ramparts do this then you are in real danger. 

If you are coming around the corner and you are trying to shoot somebody, the biggest mistake you can make is to lower that ramp-up time. It’s better to hold the pressure the minute you release the ramp-up time the enemies can come around and do some peek shots are you. That’s why I don’t think that Shiela can be used in competitive play as most players know how to abuse that but try to use your mobility with Shiela to be as a benefit.  

Rampart Turret Tips

Let’s talk about a turret as there are so many things to talk about. Players don’t think that turret is that good but the turret is really powerful if you use it right. Firstly, if you are on PC then turn your effects to low so it’s easier to shoot target. The most important rule of the turret is to try and place it down before players can notice it. If you use it once, then they are focused on you they are likely to destroy the turret so you are not going to be able to use it effectively. 

There’s one exception to this if you come across a third a third party and players don’t know that you are there then you can place down the turret and use it without a wall to get some easy squad wipes. If you are using your wall out in the open or use it but your wall breaks then look up in the air and shake your aim side to side. 

There’s a shot window where the gun starts up where you can’t do anything and doing this makes it harder for players to hit you and if they do hit you then most bullets will hit the turret itself and not you. The longer you fire the turret the tighter the spread gets, so it’s often best to keep firing and just quickly move your aim to any players that may be trying to peek angles. With a tight enough spread, they could peek just for a second and you could do a 100 or more damage.

Another opportunity is if a player is blocking a door, then you can place the turret down and shoot the door and then shoot them. The turret and the thermite are the only things in the game that basically instantly damage any player blocking a door. In the thermites case, you will also usually have players just back away from the door as soon as the flame goes down but with the instant the door breaks you are going start shooting anyone behind it. 

Legend Combos

Let’s briefly talk about a few of the Legend combos that you may want to give a try with Rampart. The first matchup is going to be none other than Octane. Octane will help immensely and give Rampart some mobility with that pad and this pad paired up with Shiela can be quite fun and it is something that should try out. There’s so much for Rampart than grabbing that Shiela and raining fire down on enemies while you are flying through the air. 

The second Legend to pair with Rampart is going to be Revenant. The death totem with a rampart ultimate, and the octane pad can just be enough to map like Storm Point and Broken Moon. I also want to recommend both Horizon and Caustic with Rampart as both of these Legends have some ability to slow down enemy’s movements. Horizon Black hole and Caustic gas can help make players less mobile which means that you can get some better shots on them with that ultimate turret. 

I also think that Seer and Bloodhound are going to be really good options to pair up with Rampart so you can get those wall hacks and be better aware of the enemy’s locations. This will just make it smart with Shiela, leave you less revealed, and allow you to spin up at the most valuable time since you can’t see them through the wall. 

Is Rampart a good Arena Legend

Many players’ most common question nowadays is whether Is the Rampart a good Arena Legend. The answer for me is absolutely yes. Rampart is the top-tier pick in the arena for a few reasons. The barriers are great, getting cover can be tough in the arena sometimes and these barriers will allow you to just open a lot more creative ways to play in the arena.

The barrier can do everything but I think they are just way more valuable in the arena even before Rampart saw a buff to her ultimate, she was a top tier for me and now she does have an ultimate which is quite good. So, don’t sleep on Rampart for arenas as she is the top-five pick in arenas.

Why Pick Rampart? 

Another question that arises from many Apex Legends players is why choosing Rampart over some of the other sweatier Legends like Octane, Revenant, Wraith, and Pathfinder. The main reason for me is her unique play style and the defensive and offensive type of nature that she has. She is pretty unique in this aspect and she can really shine in all modes of Apex Legends. 

If you want to post up then use barriers, and if you are looking to make an offensive play then use Shiela and let it rain. However, I will say that Rampart really does require a lot more thinking when you are playing her so you are using her effectively. 

Ranking Rampart in Meta

Every player must know where Rampart ranks in the current meta of Apex Legends. Rampart’s turret is better than ever and it can honestly be massively deadly. Her walls though on the other side take a little bit too long to activate. The passive benefits of LMGs which is absolutely insane since LMGs are just so meta. 

Rampart has a solid two-thirds of her kit being useful. In that third part of her tactical ability, the wall is still useful but incredible. Rampart is going to be somewhere in the middle now. She’s probably somewhere in the top seven to top ten position. 


Thank you for reading my guide. I hope you will dominate every game with Rampart! You can always head over to Apex Legends Win Boosting service, where you can get the number of wins you want for Rampart. Also, if you plan to unlock badges, then you can head over to Apex Legends Badge Boosting service, where you can just select the badge you want and check out.  

Our process is very smooth; once you place an order, just sit and watch how our pro boosters will get the job done and get you wins and badges for Rampart.