Apex Legends Best Caustic Guide- Play like a Pro

Hey guys! Today, I’m going to be talking about Caustic, the new Apex Legends hero who was added at the launch of Apex Legends.

He is a powerful defensive legend with an exciting kit and a passive ability. Since I’m a professional Apex Legends player and a member of the Apex Boost team here at Immortal Boost, I had to master him immediately so I could do my job ideally just like before he was released.

Continually dying, maybe you’re looking to grind those highest ranks in apex, or you’re just looking for a Legend with a lot of power and viability; well then, you’re in the right spot as the toxic trapper can be a wildly good Legend if mastered correctly. Caustic gas is what makes him so unique in both his tactical traps and ultimate gas grenade, which are stellar abilities to deter enemies from engaging. 

If the enemies decide to fight in the gas, the gas will stop them from sprinting, obstruct their vision, and even let Caustics watch those highlighted enemies in his gas, much like a digital threat optic. Remember, Caustic is a fortified Legend, meaning he takes 15% less damage at the cost of a slightly larger hitbox. 

Tactical (Nox Gas Traps)

Caustic Abilites in Apex legends

Caustic’s Tactical gas trap is going to be one of those abilities that excels in a defensive playstyle so if you’re looking for this then you’re choosing the right Legend and ability. However, the traps are not exclusively for defensive play style and they can be used aggressively as well. Caustics’ traps activate when an enemy comes in contact or within the range of that trap or a trap is shot by players, and this could be yourself, teammates, or even enemies. 

Up to six traps can be placed, but if a seventh is placed on the ground, then the first one will be removed. Traps can easily be destroyed while they’re inflating just by shooting or shooting the base of an already-placed trap. This makes the placement of his traps a critical part, and this is what will separate your average Caustic from a great one. 

It’s also worth mentioning that an already activated gas trap can still be destroyed by dealing 150 damage to it, and the gas will still linger for a couple of seconds after that specific trap is destroyed. If a trap can stay activated, then it’s going to run for a total of 11 seconds before it does go away. 

Best way to use Caustic Tactical Ability

Since traps automatically activate when enemies come in range, an emphasis on placing them out of sight lines cannot be stressed enough. The best places to put the traps are directly behind doors, around doors, behind rocks and trees, under ledges, on top of zip lines, and a lot more. Anywhere you do place a trap, it needs to be in a spot that enemies will walk up to, and they’ll not be able to see the trap until it’s too late. 

Door trap placement is the bread and butter of Caustic and utilizing building needs to be done as often as possible. If buildings are not available for caustics to fortify up, choke points or more close-off areas are viable second and third options. Anywhere more open is a must-avoid for caustic. Because of this the rotations and positioning of the terrain and buildings are arguably the most important part of a Caustic success in the game.   

The basic way to defend an area is to throw caustic traps directly on closed doors. This will prevent the door from being opened unless it is kicked down. If the door is broken, then the trap will be activated, and it will still keep enemies away, or they will just have to take the gas damage. It’s paramount for Caustic to remain relatively close to the traps so he can’t take advantage of any enemy players being in the gas. 

It’s easy for Caustic to tell when an enemy player activates the trap. The gas trap glows through the wall, and you can see enemies taking damage. Caustic should still try to remain close to his traps, as now enemies can quickly discard the traps by shooting at them if they have to. 

Placing the Caustic Traps

Dropping a gas trap more or less just gives you a fourth person in your party looking out for you and watching your back. You can also drop a trap slightly offset from the doors, this will cause the door to open for the trap partially and it will activate. The great thing about this method is that it will allow you to tell if an enemy is in that doorway more readily. This method is only useful, though, if you have a doorway that is slightly further away and you want extra intel to know if someone is approaching from behind or an alternate angle that you aren’t watching. 

Trapping next to or to the side of doors is also a viable strategy if it’s a double door then be mindful of traps being placed too close to the side wall, if a door opens a trap will not activate due to the actual door covering up the trap, so this can be a huge issue as it will let enemies walk into the building area without activating the trap or that trap will activate so late that it will not matter. 

Try to place the trap slightly offset from the door or wall so it can activate. On a single doorway if possible, and if the space allows it, drop the trap on the side of the door where the door opens so the physical door is not blocking the trap, and the trap will activate right away as an enemy player tries to enter.

There are just so many ways to use traps defensively, but if you’re trying to make an advancement or push, then Caustic needs always to drop traps when he gets to an area and is about to fight enemies. This is going to create a safety net for yourself in the team that you can retreat to and it also lets you play with some bonus cover, and damaged enemies, and slow them down if you do get aggressively pushed and of course, if do need to move on, you can simply just pick the traps up.   

Passive (Nox Vision)

Caustic utilizes Nox gas through a trap and grenade. It’s a green gas cloud where enemies within will take 5 damage per tick. Going up by one damage for every two consecutive ticks they take until they get out of it and the damage is dealt directly to your health. They may bypass any amount of armor they currently have. However, Undowned enemies that damage taken is always a flat 5 HP per tick. Additionally, enemies inside the gas will be slowed and unable to sprint. 

Your teammates will be unaffected by the gas, and the gas man himself is immune to it. Any enemy who has Caustic Legend comes across, too. His passive vision grants vision similar to digital threat optics for enemies within his gas, highlighting them in a thicker shade of green as long as they’re also within line of sight. 

Best way to use Caustic Tactical Ability

Stacking different sources of gas does improve the damage but only slightly. The slow will remain the same, However, instead any additional sources of gas past the first one will only damage enemies for an additional 1 HP per tick. 

The gas itself will block Lifeline drone healing capabilities while inside and damage most Legend abilities, such as Crypto drones, Rampart barriers, and Wattson Alts. A key thing to note with Caustic’s passive is that the vision game doesn’t carry over to your teammates, so you’ll need to communicate all the information you have on their locations and status. 

Keep in mind that the vision granted by being in his gas isn’t blocked by Bangalore smoke grenades. So, it’s a valuable tool to take advantage of when fighting against Bangalore or even with her on your team. 

Remember that enemy core sticks are immune to the effect of gas and, therefore, are not highlighted due to your passive. This might confuse you when you’re on the lookout for hit markers by enemies caught in your gas in an enclosed space, only to find an immune core stick in the corner ready to have you.   

Ultimate (Nox Gas Grenade)

Smoke Gernade Ability in Apex legends

If you do want to master Caustics and take them to the next level, a deep knowledge of Caustic’s ultimate is an absolute must. Like Caustic’s gas traps, the Nox gas grenade will ultimately damage enemies and slow their movement, but this time, it will last for 15 seconds. It is thrown on the ground, and the gas clouds are much bigger than a single trap. 

It also can’t be destroyed once activated like those gas traps; the timer is pretty long at three minutes, though, so you need to take care when you’re using it and save it for when you want to make a big play, or you’re in a tight bind. The gas grenade has much more range, not only in the gas area but also in its capabilities since you can throw the grenade much further than a trap. 

Due to this, the grenade is a massive playmaker when it comes to forcing rotations and having players move out from behind cover. Enemies hiding behind something like a rock or in buildings at high ground or even low ground can all be flushed out with this singular ability which makes it a potent tool. Not only to damage enemies with the gas but also to beam them while they’re scattering. 

Waiting for certain opportunities can be crucial, but sometimes, just opening with a throw of the gas grenade on enemies is a great thing to do. Not only will they take damage, but they will also be slowed, and you can get easier shots from yourself and your team. 

You can also drop the gas grenade onto yourself if you are in the open and require some cover from pushing enemies. The gas has a much wider range, and it will provide more cover to conceal yourself from the damage or allow you to revive your squad again. In many ways, it is similar to Bangalore smoke, but it also causes damage. 

Proper placement of this grenade will also force enemies to rotate in ways that are not advantageous for them. Thus, it can be used to funnel players, funneling outside of the ring, flushing into the open, forcing them to take massive damage from the gas, or any of a number of other viable strategies. 

Critical Tips to Play 

Having tips and tricks is great, but if you cannot utilize them, then what’s the point? Mastering Caustic does not end with understanding his abilities. Maximizing your success on Caustic is all about having enemies push you, which often is not too hard, especially if you’re playing pubs. 

Having enemies push further and deeper into your gas makes them more vulnerable, which allows you to get a leg up, which is our main goal. Mastering Caustics sometimes begins with understanding how to counter him. The big one is going to be other Caustics. Be on the lookout for this, as other Caustics are not going to take your gas damage and will be able to push you. 

Revenant silence can also be fierce, as you won’t be able to re-trap and fortify areas if you’re suppressed. The other detriment to Caustic is Caustic himself. Too often, players push into the open, push out of their buildings, or leave themselves way too revealed. 

Caustics requires a ton of patience, so be smart and methodical when making your movement. I’ve talked about aggressive and defensive Caustic. He still does have support capabilities with the revives, and Caustic should be on the priority list to get the gold backpack. This is only so, though, if you’re not with a Lifeline or a Gibraltar. 

Both the gas grenade and tactical trap have a pretty decent activation timer and pullout timer from the movement you do press the ability to them being useful in activating. Because of this, you should never use the trap while you’re actively getting gunned down in a close- range fight. You do want to set up early but if you are dropping a trap at the feet of enemies that are gunning you then it will not do a lot and you will be soon knocked. 

Integrating Into the Meta

Legend combos and weaponry are also important, as utilizing these in the right way will massively enhance your power. Close-range weapons will be an absolute must. Shotguns are good, but SMGs are also incredible. Players are slowed in your gas, and it will make one Maggie a little easier. 

Bangalore is a great Legend to pair up with Caustic because you can combine the gas trap or gas grenade with the smoke, and this combination is going to be a force to reckon with. They will not be able to see where to go while they’re in the smoke, and they will take damage at the same time.  

Bloodhound and Seer for the scans through the gas are always good and any movement Legend is going to massively help this chunky character get around without taking too much damage. 

Consider pairing Fuse and Horizon. You can use their ultimate abilities and your gas grenade to explore some exciting places. 

How to Play Caustic

That’s all the details one might want to know about Caustic’s individual abilities and passive bonuses. Let’s talk about how to Caustic in the game. By default, you’ll want to consider placing traps in positions that enemies reach quickly. So, the end of zip lines, Wraith portals, and gravity cannons creates a surefire way to catch them in a vulnerable position. 

Outside of that entryway doors, around corners, or behind the cover should be what you’re looking for at all times when rotating. Having your traps in position beforehand is the key to making the most of it. It not only ensures that you have the upper hand at the start of a fight but also gives you options to fall back and avoid being chased when you’re low. 

It might make sense to feel like you need to trigger all your traps yourself to ensure they aren’t shot and disarmed. However, if they’re well placed then consider that activating them yourself will discourage them from entering. Removing the opportunity for them to trigger it themselves and get caught in position. 

However, even when the enemy is already guessed up in enclosed areas, you can trap them during the gunfight to keep the pressure up or discourage them from rotating in a certain way. 

How to Play against Caustic

There are several things you can consider when playing against the Caustic. The first is that he is his own worst enemy. Picking Caustic as I’ve described earlier will make you immune to the effect of the enemy. However, your gas will also not work on them. 

His abilities interact with other Legend abilities, too. Like the Gibraltar bubble, blocking gas as long as the source of the gas is on the opposite side, Wattson’s Alt can destroy Caustic’s tactical and all if it’s thrown within range, negating its effect entirely. 

If not triggered, a Crypto world will disarm all traps in range and will continue to deal damage to those already activated. Mirage can spring traps with his decoy to reveal Caustic’s current location to him.  

Preferred Guns

When it comes to guns with Caustic, I always choose to have at least one weapon that is super close range, and this is because a lot of times you’re going to be in buildings, in close quarters, and you need a gun that can just shred up in one clip. You need to have some shotgun, some SMGs, or if you like the wingman or something as those are good close-range guns. 

It’s smart to have one somewhat medium-range gun. This is because you never want to be just sitting in the building as a Caustic. So, when a team is running up to your building or they’re running towards you, it’s better to get some suppressed fire from a medium gun. The guns that I chose while playing Caustic are the following. 

  • CAR
  • R-99
  • R-301
  • Flatline
  • Volt

These are all the best weapons that you can equip. 

His Meta Viability

Where Caustic ranks in today’s meta is difficult to pinpoint, though, because it depends on your play style and even what mode you prefer in Apex. Caustic thrives in a sweatier environment, so those who like ranked Apex will need to consider using him. 

However, for pubs and casual play, he is a little bit more difficult to be effective with. Caustic has a more methodical and slower play style, but regardless of what mode you’re playing, Caustic is still going to be great if you’re using him properly, which does slide him in somewhere around A-tier. 

Wrapping It Up 

Thank you for reading my guide. I hope you have great success as Caustic! The new season is around the corner! Check out our Apex Legends placement matches boosting, where my colleagues and I will help you unlock a new rank. You can select your last rank, checkout, and relax! We will do it for you.