Overwatch 2: How to Play Genji (Tips & Strategies) 2024

Hello everyone! My name is Abkreno and today I will talk about Overwatch 2 character Genji. I am currently working with Ow 2 boosting team here at Immortalboost as an Overwatch 2 booster. I mostly play tank and damage roles. So when my clients ask me to play specific heroes, I am always ready to complete my job. 

We are going to talk about Genji in this blog. He is a hyper-mobile hero. His abilities make him untouchable and sometimes unkillable. He is widely considered to be the best DPS hero in the game.  This blog will be a guide towards Genji. This hero was one of the first 21 original characters released in the game. 

Overwatch 2 Genji character and Immortalboost brand logo

In every competitive title, there’s a character that is just too overpowered to counter. Like Reyna or Jett in Valorant. Or the devil Kazuya in tekken. Because if the yielder behind them has got the skills they can be godly in their respective games. In Overwatch 2, there’s a similar character with the same characteristics that I have mentioned above. Super annoying to face, a hard carry of the game, and the scoreboard leader.

I will talk about which playstyle suits him, how to use his abilities to gain more value, what team composition should look like with him being in a team, and lastly, some of the tips that beginner Genji players should take. Without further ado, let’s get right into it.

If you are furious to know the real name of Genji then you will have to read this guide first and then you can come back and check out Overwatch 2 Characters real name.

Play Style:

Genji is a remarkably versatile hero when it comes to play style. You can be super aggressive and the “W” warrior with him. Where you take every fight you can and peek at every enemy whether it is a sniper or not. Or you could be a passive Genji where you wait and let your tank make space for you, and then you go in a site, take two kills, and back off. There is also a third playstyle that you could use with Genji. 

That is being a flank and taking out any sniper or any other hero who is not careful of his surroundings. Now, there are advantages and disadvantages to all of these playstyles, which I will list with each of them.


The Genji is designed to be played as an assassin who’s genetically improvised to ruthlessly kill anything that comes in the mission of talons. But I am not going to go into his lore; instead, we are sticking with this playstyle. So this hyper-aggressive playstyle can have a lot of impact since you have much more freedom to do what you want and have a free hand in everything.

But that sort of freedom comes at a cost because if your enemy side is stun-heavy, then this playstyle would let you get killed in no time. Since Overwatch 2 has stuns reduced, you could still make this work, but this playstyle is not ideal for beginners or players who do not have good mechanical skills.


Genji’s passive playstyle is recommended since you have a lot more time to calculate and to strategize the best possible attack. What you could do is either become a flanker who takes any enemy lone wolves who can cause trouble for your allies. Or you could stay at an angle and let your tank make the space and then you could go in full throttle and cause some serious damage to your enemy team.

The reason for recommending this is that a lot of e-sport professionals play passively, and they only attack when the second reason for recommending this must be because playing passively requires a lot less mechanical skill and reflexes. 

All in all, both playstyles have their pros and cons. Pick one which suits you and enjoy the hero.

Genji’s abilities and how to use them:

Overwatch 2 Genji character and Immortalboost brand logo

Swift Strike:

Genji’s swift Strike, or the Dash, has a couple of purposes. But first, let’s talk about what it is. So Genji can dash in a forward direction when using the swift Strike. It also damages the enemy on which Genji lands. The swift Strike has a cooldown of 8 seconds, which is reset if you end up getting a kill from it. 

You could use his dash for two things. First is the obvious nature of it, and it is to aggress and take easy picks on enemies. But beware of your escape route because if you mindlessly dash toward the enemies with no escape route in mind. Then that is a short and sure way of getting killed. You could also use his dash to peek out the widowmaker, Hanzo, or any other hero who can aggress towards you. By using his dash, you can escape out of their hand freely.


Genji’s deflect is one of the game’s abilities. At the same time, other heroes have a shield or a protection orb to cover them from any damage. Genji uses his dragon blade to deflect any incoming damage for a short duration of time. Now, obviously, there are a couple of use cases of the deflect. It can be used as a last resort in a failed rush scenario where you have dashed through on a side with no escape route. 

It can also be used to push the team and to provide some cover and distraction for your allies. Time your deflect perfectly because it will limit your next 8 seconds (deflect cooldown time) and how you will manage yourself in that duration.


Possibly the best thing in Genji’s kit. His dragon blade is extremely powerful and is super fun to use. He can wipe out an entire team with it without breaking a sweat. Dragon Blade is Genji’s ultimate it is essentially a sword power attack along with high damage that is mixed with 30% buff to his movement speed. You can easily turn a match upside down if you time it and use it correctly.

The dragon blade can be used on multiple occasions. You could use it as soon as it charges up to be a more aggressive and to-the-face type of enemy. If you are playing passively, then you will have more than enough time to calculate how to use it impactfully. You could also use it on a cluster of enemies since you have such high mobility, and the dragon blade is more or less a one-shot kill you can take on an entire team. 

Team composition:

As an offense hero Genji has to rely on his teammates a lot. Correct team composition is always a key factor in Overwatch 2. Now there are several heroes that you can pair up with Genji to give him more value. I’ll put down a bunch of them below. 


As always Mercy is the best pocket healer in the game.  Mercy has the potential to quadruple the amount of damage and impact of a hero. Mercy can be a great pair with Genji since the guy has insane movement and he is the high-risk and high-reward type of hero and because of that he always needs healing to cope with the situation. Mercy pocketing Genji is a great way of multiplying the destruction.


Suppose you are a believer in skill. Then you could also pair Genji with Sombra, who is another supermobile hero. Sombra alone can be destructive, and if you pair her with Genji, they can cause even more destruction upon their enemies as both of them can rotate and dash out of any situation quickly.


If you don’t want to pocket Genji but still want to help him throughout the match then picking up Lucio can be a good pair. Since Lucio is a versatile hero who heals his allies by area of effect. Playing passively is a lot more adequate with Lucio rather than with Mercy.

Some things to keep in mind

Don’t spam double jump:

Don’t spam double jump or Cyber-Agility because you’ll targeted and killed pretty quickly. The reason is that if you miss your jump then you are an easy target for the enemies thanks to your measly 150 hp.

Don’t Use his dashes without thinking:

As always, you could use Genji’s dash two ways. First, you either aggressively use them and get an early pick, or second, you can use them as a get-out-of-jail card. As I have told you earlier in this blog somewhere, do not use Genji’s dash until you are sure you will get a kill. 

Follow up on your teammate’s utility:

You should always follow up on your ally’s utility if they land on the enemy heroes. If the utility has lowered its HP, you could easily dive and take a kill. Because most of the time, when a grenade or another damaging ability gets thrown, the others get scattered around. By them being distracted, you could just dive in and kill any low-hp enemies.

Wrapping it up:

We are at the end of this long and tedious guide, and I am sure that you will find it helpful. Hope I have not missed anything related to this character. 

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