The Best Apex Legends Wraith Ultimate Guide in 2024

Hi guys! I will discuss Wraith, the new Apex Legends hero added with Season 1. 

With an interesting kit and a passive ability, she is a whirlwind fighter. I’m working as an Apex booster here at Immortal Boost; I had to master her immediately so I could do my job perfectly, just like before she was released.


Today, I will discuss some of my favorite tips for Wraith. Let’s dig into them. 

Warith is an original lobby stomper in Apex Legends with every pro player dominating lobbies as they flip their kunai around. While she isn’t quite as strong as in the old days, she is still the game-aggressive, flexible creative legend she was all those seasons ago. Are you going to be wasting your time playing Wraith and should you be playing someone else, if that’s what you’re asking yourself, it depends upon what you’re looking for. 

While she may not be directly considered a movement legend Wraith, her physical size in the game will let her scat around and figure out a place for the squad, which means that those who play her should consider themselves more of the leader on the team who needs to be ready to shock call for that team. 

Wraith’s ability to reset engagements and extend her life through her abilities will give her a nine-lives feel, as she can simply keep going back from more and keep getting away. 

I will touch on the abilities quickly, and then we’ll get some advanced Wraith tips and talk about the best way to succeed in this legend.

Tactical: Into The Void

Wraith ability activated - into the void

By activating this ability, Wraith enters the void after a little bit over a second and becomes invulnerable for four seconds, gaining 30 seconds of movement speed. This activation time slows the rate down a little bit, causing you to lose your momentum. While it’s active, you leave a blue trail behind you, and that’s visible to all players.

This slow is really worth keeping in mind because if you get caught out in the open while trying to activate it, you’ll be beamed. You’re a very easy target when you’re trying to enter your phase, so make sure you break the line of sight whenever possible before activating. 

Activating Wraith’s phase is at the core of her kit and playing around with its cooldown is a big part of finding success on this legend.  This ability can feel really clunky for new Wraith players but once you get the activation timing down and hone in, on when best to use your phase, you unlock Wraith playstyle.

How to use Tactical Ability effectively

Wraith’s Tactical and Ultimate ability and combination make for one of the strongest play styles and gameplay examples that Apex can offer. Into the void is her tactile ability which gives a 30 % increase to her movement, which does allow the wraith to reposition herself to escape out of the bad situation or go directly through an area of congestion to make a play. 

This ability does take a fairly long eternity of 1.25 seconds to activate, so pre-planning and almost foreseeing into the future is going to be necessary if you do want to get this ability off and not end up dead during the activation. You’re also slowed, making it even more troublesome if an enemy has a line of sight on you or if you’re caught in the open. 

  • When activating the tactical, it is recommended to stay behind cover to avoid damage. However, if you’re caught off guard and in the open, jumping in any sort of strafe to the left and right will be your best bet. So, just don’t stand there like a bot. 
  • You can implement sliding off objects, sliding down hills, and even doing a wall jump into a tactical phase. These are great ways to avoid damage and keep up your overall momentum, making you harder to hit as you enter the phase. 

Wraith can see enemies while in the phase, which is going to be helpful if you don’t run into an enemy as you exit. However, a massive warning that I do want to give is if an enemy is somewhat close to you and there are not a lot of spots for the wraith to phase. Two enemies can simply chase a wraith down while she is phasing, which is something that you should be aware of. 

Always try to monitor your surroundings and pre-planned Escape routes. Likewise, if your team is fighting and you phase out, you’ll be leaving them in two or three for a short amount of time, so be sure not to phase away from your team unless you absolutely have to.

Passive: Voices From The Void


Her passive ability by far is the weakest part of her set. Voices from the void isn’t Passability that calls out when enemies are looking down sights at her. This can give her a brief second of awareness to take cover and prevent her from taking some big damage. Most notably from snipers or poking types of weapons.

Audible Cues

Wraith will also give audible cues if an enemy trap is nearby when approaching an area or if enemy players who are alive or have recently died are nearby. If you get this audible notification, you can share this intel with your team through a ping.  

Wraith has a little Spidey sense allowing her to know when she’s being aimed at or if traps are nearby. You’ll get a prompt to share this info with your team when it happens and it can be pretty useful especially when you’re getting eyed by a sniper, However, this ability is inconsistent. Sometimes, wraith won’t say anything until you’re already getting beam. The bottom line is when it does activate in time, it can give you some useful information and keep you from getting shot for free. 

Wraith’s playstyle is forward. They are usually the ones in front of the team as they make their way through rotations. This ability definitely helps them stay on their toes as they cross open areas, and it allows them to scout for a second or play solo a lot safer than other legends.  

Ultimate (Dimensional Rift)

If you reactivate this ability while your energy is above 95%, it won’t go on cooldown, which can be great if you’re second-guessing using a portal. Players can use the portal from either side as often as they want before it hits its 60-second expiration time. While placing out the portal, you can use her phase, allowing you to use the portal more discreetly but, more importantly, avoid damage. 

Popping this ultimate and using her tactical right before you start taking damage opens up many Portaling options. While you don’t gain the movement speed buff from her phase if you use it during her ultimate, you do enter your phase a lot faster, and this combo is essential for getting good use of her portal. 

There are plenty of times when you’ll be looking to portal and won’t need to use your tactical. Where Wraith really shines is when she’s able to make portal plays in the heat of the fight. Her ability to get your team out of danger or reposition to find a better angle is what really makes this ability strong, and her phase makes all these plays possible. 

Wraith’s Ultimate of the dimensional rift is a 152-meter two-way portal that Wraith can create to transport herself, her team, and anyone else who does walk into it. The portal has an active timer of 45 seconds and has a fairly lengthy 3-minute and 30-second recast, which does mean ultimate accelerants are pretty necessary for Wraith.

Portal Speed


In general, when you’re running with the Wraith portal, the speed boost that you get starts around 20% and then increases all the way up to 60%. The closer you get to 0% energy remaining, the greater the speed will be, between 50% and 0% remaining. When using that ultimate Portal, your Wraith ability and it is going to activate instantly, finally bypassing that 1.25-second activation timer. 

This is going to give you invulnerability while also running with the portal, there are two ways you can look at this since you do move faster and faster the longer, you’re on. With the portal, it is wise to Wraith tactical earlier when you aren’t moving as fast so you get that invulnerability earlier and then get that speed at the end. Pathfinder is the only legend with similar abilities, such as a grappling hook, to get out of the fight and the ultimate fast get-out.

Tips and Tricks to Play Wraith

The tips below will tell you how to play Wraith effectively in a game. I will discuss when to use the ability, how to use it, and how to play aggressively. 

Avoid Momentum Decrease With

As I mentioned earlier, Wraith’s tactical phase takes a little over a second, and she loses some of her momentum before she enters it. However, you can avoid the slowdown by increasing your momentum before activating this ability. Sliding down a hill ledge, boosting, or just jumping off a ledge can give you a window of speed that offsets the slow phase activation. 

This is a pretty easy mechanic to master, and it will make your tactical feel much better. Seriously, that slow will get you killed, so learning to use your surroundings to mitigate this effect is a must. 

Hold tactical for Escapes  

Wraith’s phase ability is almost always used best as a means of protection for yourself. Don’t use this thing to get into a fight quickly. The strength of this ability doesn’t come from that movement speed instead, it comes from the invulnerability. Rather than charging into a third party with your tactical instead, hold on to it as an escape route after things get hairy. 

This ability is used to reset if you knocked an enemy, so it was a viable option to phase in, get a kill, and phase out but this is no longer the case. You must ensure you have it up to phase to safety when needed. If you’re looking to get aggressive in a fight and not utilising your ultimate, it’s almost always a better option to take the fight, get as much damage as possible, or get one knock and then phase out to safety. 

Aggressive play  

I love how aggressively you can play if you keep this ability in your back pocket. One of my favorite plays on Wraith is to sneak up on a squad, get a knock, and then phase back to regroup with my team before the enemy can track me down whether you’re taking fights like this or just rotating the map hold on this tactical for a bad situation.

Careful of Doors

Be careful not to get trapped in buildings while trying to phase away. You can’t interact with anything while in this mode, so if there are any closed doors you won’t be able to able to open them until you exit your phase. 

You will feel weird when you’re getting away from an enemy only to be trapped in a building for the whole duration of a phase because the door wasn’t open. So, try to ensure the doors are open or just get out of the building when you use this ability. 

Portalling Downed Teammates

Let’s talk about her arguably coolest ability, The Portal. One of my favourite uses for this ability is to teleport downed teammates to safety. If your team gets carried away and gets knocked out of a position, rather than having to charge in there, win some gunfights and then rez like every other legend, as Wraith can just bring them back to safety. 

If you have your phase up, you could use almost any situation to grab a downed teammate, which can make for some sneaky, very low-risk Razzes on your squad. Keep in mind that enemies can take your portal, but odds are you’ll still be in a better position to fight them as they come out of it than you would be charging in to take the fight with a disadvantage. 

Make sure you keep your portal at ground level if you want to get your teammate up because as you guys know you can’t jump when you’re down.   

Portal Trap 

If you take a portal that you think enemies will follow you through, you could be ready for them and ruin their day. Popping out of a portal can be disorienting, so use this to your advantage. Many players will blindly follow you through your portal if you have them low with little regard for where it’s taking them. 

I have turned so many fights by just Prenating my portal or being ready to deal damage as soon as they come through. Better yet, if you can get an enemy to follow you back to your squad, you can always bait them into caustic traps, Watson fences, or any other sort of damage that your team can provide. 

Don’t just think of this ability as a mobility for your squad because there are tons of mind games you can play with your enemies to get the upper hand using your Portal.

Portal Kidnap

I have a little bonus tip before I move: you can grab enemies with your portal and bring them back to your team for free kills. This play is referred to as a kidnap and it’s one of the coolest plays you can make on Wraith. While it’s risky and not practical in most situations, it can make for some pretty stylish plays and feels incredible when you pull it off. 

To make it happen, just queue up your ultimate, use your phase, and make sure you’re in it as you get close to your target. The phase will let you walk right through them and drop your portal just as you pass through them. 

If you do it right, they’ll instantly use Portal to come back to your starting spot and you can follow them back and help your team clean them up. If you put the starting point of the portal in the air, they will drop out, and they’ll be unable to shoot until their character recovers.

Wraith Playstyle

Let’s talk about Wraith’s Playstyle. Wraith excels most when she’s the leader of the team, helping them carve out their path to victory. As her voice line says, whether you’re rotating, looking for a third party, or just looking to escape from a bad situation, Wraith is incredibly strong in the right hands.

Her portal is more discreet than any other form of team movement in the game, and it’s more flexible, too. As Wraith, you should look for off angles in a fight. She is meant to be a pest in fights, constantly looking for flanks or new angles with the expectation that she can phase out to safety if she gets into too much trouble. 

No other legend in the game can go invulnerable and the ability to do so should not be overlooked. Your job is to scout out and look to make smart movements on the map and in fights. As a wraith, you always try to give the advantage to your team to play with your pressure and the ability to reposition quickly. 

While we all know her as the TTV, pub-stopping legend she can be, she thrives best in a team setting where she can have some backup from her team to allow her to make risky plays. 

If you use her portal effectively to move your teammates around fights and constantly look to have your phase up when you get in a bad spot or just ensure you can get quality portals then you have the essence of what makes a good rate. 

Ranking Wrath in the Meta

Wraith really shines in a properly and well-coordinated team, but if you are wondering where her spot is in the meta of Apex, Wraith is a very good legend. She’s in the upper part of the legends ranking for me, somewhere around the top five to top seven legends, and she’s definitely worth a spot in any squad at any skill level.

Loadouts + Wingman

Wraith is the best legend in the game at using the wingman. This is not only due to the wingman’s strength and power but also because pistols like the wingman allow you to strafe extremely fast, even while aiming down your sight. 

Wraith is slow with LNG, but she is fast strafing with the wingman, even while aiming down her sights. Take advantage of her small size and pick up the wingman, and you’ll be an extremely small target and hard to hit in your game. You can use the same load-outs for the Catalyst in Apex Legends.  

Wraith also excels with shotguns, so the peacekeeper, Eva, and mastiff are all effective. She is also solid with SMGs and assault rifles. Just try your best not to snipe with charge riffles from long range. 

Wrapping it up

Thank you for reading my guide. I hope you have great success as Wraith! Check out the 20 Kills Badge Boost, where my colleagues and I will help you unlock this badge for Wraith or boost your rank to your wish with our Apex Legends Rank Boosting service.