Get ready for the ultimate WoW experience with our Vault of the Incarnates Normal raid run! Our team of pro players will help you easily complete the first Dragonflight raid, unlocking the most thrilling PvE adventures ahead.
With our boost, you’ll defeat all 8 bosses and score 389-405 ilvl items that will gear your character to face the toughest challenges. Plus, the Primalist tier set bonuses will give you an edge in combat that’s hard to beat.
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to level up your WoW gameplay. Buy our Vault of the Incarnates Normal raid boost now and become a true champion!
Note: In the event that the spot you order is no longer available, we will offer you the next available time slot.
- Experience the full Vault of the Incarnates raid on Normal difficulty;
- Chance to obtain 389-405 ilvl gear from Vault Normal Raid;
- Earn achievements for defeating bosses in Normal Vault of the Incarnates.
With the return of the group loot system in Dragonflight, we provide you with several options:
- Group Loot – The most cost-effective and efficient method to unlock the Great Vault rewards of your choice. You will roll for loot alongside other raid participants. While we cannot guarantee a specific number of items, on average, you will have a chance to obtain 1-2 items. Adding 1 to 3 guaranteed items as an additional option can increase your chances;
- Armor and Token Priority – You will join a group of unsaved boosters (with clear CDs) and three other customers. The number of boosters determines the minimum guaranteed number of items you will receive during the full run, which can be increased to a maximum of 7. You will be the only one rolling for suitable tokens and armor. Non-set items (neck, rings, trinkets, cloaks, and weapons) will be rolled among you and the other three customers. If you don’t obtain the guaranteed number of items during the raid run, we’ll complete the raid for you the following week to fulfill your order;
- Full Priority – The quickest way to gear up. You will be the only customer in the raid group, and you will receive all suitable loot from armor and tier set tokens to non-set gear, trinkets, and weapons without any limitations.
Note: Guaranteed items refer to the minimum number of items you will obtain from the run, and not specific items of your choice. If you pass the roll for an item that suits your class and spec, it will still count as a minimum guarantee in any case.
- You must have a character at level 70 for this WoW Boosting
- We will contact you through live chat or email and address any inquiries you may have;
- Our booster will either pilot your character, or you can join our raid group in self-play mode;
- At the designated time, you will receive an invitation to the game and summon to the raid for self-play mode;
- Ensure that you damage each boss at least once, or else you will not receive any loot from it;
- You can die after the boss fight commences, or you can stay alive and perform all necessary mechanics. Our boosters will aid you in quickly learning the mechanics;
- Upon completion of the Vault of the Incarnates Normal Raid Run boost, we will notify you;
- Enjoy the fruits of your labor! Don’t forget to rate us on Trustpilot.
Vault of the Incarnates Normal Carry Includes
Purchasing the Vault of the Incarnates package guarantees completion of all eight bosses in the raid, including Eranog, Terros, The Primal Council, Sennarth the Cold Breath, Dathea Ascended, Kurog Grimtotem, Broodkeeper Diurna, and Raszageth the Storm-Eater.
Participating in the VotI Normal loot run presents an opportunity to obtain gear ranging from 389-405 ilvl, depending on the bosses encountered. Additionally, the chance to loot Primalist class tier set pieces with class-specific bonuses will be presented. Our VotI Normal carry service makes finding a suitable team unnecessary.
Vault of the Incarnates Normal Loot Changes
In Dragonflight, there have been significant changes to the raid gear item level system. Now, gear pieces of a higher level can be obtained from bosses other than the final ones.
Bosses 1 through 4 | Wing Bosses | Final Bosses | |
Raid Finder | 376 | 382 | 385 |
Normal | 389 | 395 | 398 |
Heroic | 402 | 408 | 411 |
Mythic | 415 | 421 | 424 |
In addition, certain bosses have a chance to yield loot with even greater item levels, which can raise them by 6 or 7 ilvl. Here are the unique drops available in the Vault of Incarnates:
Slot | Item | Boss |
Ring | Seal of Diurna’s Chosen | Eranog |
Ring | Seal of Filial Duty | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Bow | Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Trinket | Whispering Incarnate Icon | The Primal Council |
Vault of the Incarnates Normal Loot Tables
Although the armor you choose will mainly rely on the tier set pieces you possess, the non-set items hold significant value. Check out the table provided below for a list of accessories and trinkets available in the Vault of the Incarnates Normal.
Slot | Item | Boss |
Back | Acid-Proof Webbing | Sennarath, the Cold Breath |
Back | Decorated Commander’s Cindercloak | Eranog |
Neck | Eye of the Vengeful Hurricane | Dathea, Ascended |
Neck | Terros’s Captive Core | Terros |
Ring | Emissary’s Flamewrought Seal | Trash BoE |
Ring | Seal of Diurna’s Chosen (Very Rare) | Eranog |
Ring | Seal of Filial Duty (Very Rare) | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Trinket (Agility or Strength) | All-Totem of the Master | Kurog Grimtotem |
Trinket (Intellect) | Broodkeeper’s Promise | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Trinket (Intellect) | Conjured Chillglobe | The Primal Council |
Trinket (Agility) | Controlled Current Technique | Kurog Grimtotem |
Trinket (Agility or Strength) | Decoration of Flame | Eranog |
Trinket (Intellect) | Desperate Invoker’s Codex | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Trinket (Intellect) | Iceblood Deathsnare | Sennarath, the Cold Breath |
Trinket (Agility or Strength) | Manic Grieftorch | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Trinket (Strength) | Rumbling Ruby | Terros |
Trinket (Agility or Strength or Intellect) | Spiteful Storm | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Trinket (Agility or Strength) | Storm-Eater’s Boon | Dathea, Ascended |
Trinket (Agility or Strength or Intellect) | Whispering Incarnate Icon (Very Rare) | The Primal Council |
Furthermore, during the raid, you have the opportunity to discover a variety of fascinating and distinctive weapons that we have gathered in our collection of normal loot from the Vault of the Incarnates.
Type | Stat | Item | Boss |
Dagger | Agility | Enduring Shard of Terros | Terros |
Dagger | Agility | Ornamental Drakonid Claw | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Dagger | Intellect | Stormlash’s Last Resort | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Fist Weapon | Agility | Fist of the Grand Summoner | Kurog Grimtotem |
One-Handed Mace | Agility | Frostbreath Thumper | Sennarath, the Cold Breath |
One-Handed Mace | Strength | Maul of the Earthshaper | The Primal Council |
One-Handed Mace | Intellect | Scepter of Drastic Measures | Dathea, Ascended |
One-Handed Sword | Strength | Caustic Coldsteel Slicer | Sennarath, the Cold Breath |
Warglaives | Agility | Infused Stormglaives | Dathea, Ascended |
Two-Handed Axe | Strength | Incarnate Sky-Splitter | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Two-Handed Mace | Strength | Imbued Qalashi Crusher | The Primal Council |
Polearm | Agility | Awak’mani, Grimtotem’s Legacy | Kurog Grimtotem |
Staff | Agility | Awakened Planar Pillar | Terros |
Staff | Intellect | Kharnalex, The First Light (Evoker) | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Staff | Intellect | Quake-Detecting Seismostaff | Terros |
Off-hand | Intellect | Icewrath’s Channeling Conduit | The Primal Council |
Off-hand | Intellect | Scripture of Primal Devotion | Kurog Grimtotem |
Shield | Strength/Intellect | Broodsworn Legionnaire’s Pavise | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Shield | Strength/Intellect | Flame Marshal’s Bulwark | Eranog |
Bow | Agility | Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky (Very Rare) | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Crossbow | Agility | Searing Blazecaster | Eranog |