WoW Boosting



Immortalboost Bundles

Looking to level up your gaming experience? Look no further than Immortalboost Bundles! Our team carefully curates special package deals based on our customers’ most popular needs. With our bundles, you’ll get top-quality services from our elite boosters at a discounted price. Plus, our bundles are fully customizable to fit your unique gaming goals. Don’t wait – these limited-time offers won’t be around forever. Let us help you empower your character and achieve your gaming dreams!

FAQ for WoW Bundles

  • What are Immortalboost Bundles?
    Immortalboost Bundles are exclusive packages designed for our customers. We conduct research on popular requests and combine the most sought-after services into a single package, which is offered at a discounted price to meet your requirements.
  • What is the delivery time for my order?
    The delivery time for each order may vary depending on the order specifications. For instance, offers like Keystone Hero or Keystone Master may require at least two weeks due to affix rotation. However, for most cases, we can complete the orders within a day. Moreover, please note that you have the option to divide your orders into several sessions. Although this may increase the delivery time, it can provide you with additional benefits, such as unlocking Great Vault rewards for multiple weeks.

  • Can you complete parts of an Immortalboost Bundle for my alternate character?
    Absolutely. If your bundle is not restricted to a single character, you can request the completion of certain parts of the bundle for your alternate characters. For instance, if you purchase Free Traders Mythic +15 Runs, you can complete various dungeons on different characters with different armor types.
  • What are the advantages of purchasing Immortalboost Bundles?
    By purchasing Immortalboost Bundles, you can save up to 15% compared to purchasing individual services. We merge the most suitable offers to match your specific needs.
  • Are these offers limited?
    Our goal is to offer the latest services, and to that end, our team consistently updates the bundle section.