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WoW Gearing

Ready to take on the high-end content in World of Warcraft? Whether it’s PvP battles, PvE dungeon and raid runs, or casual daily routines in Dragonflight, the key is having suitable armor. And that’s where our WoW Gearing service comes in – making your gameplay more convenient than ever before.

Dragonflight Gearing Service FAQ


How can you obtain gear in Dragonflight?

In terms of gearing, not much has changed in Dragonflight. The best PvE gear is still acquired through raids and mythic+ dungeons, with the Great Vault as a side option. However, the biggest change is in the profession system. Blizzard promised that crafted gear would be more powerful this time, even on par with Mythic+ gear. With the Crafting Order system, players can order any soulbound gear from any profession as long as they can provide the materials. While you still have to battle monsters in raids and dungeons to obtain the best gear, crafted gear can serve as a great substitute that you can customize to better suit your loadout and playstyle.

What is the quickest way to acquire gear in Dragonflight?

If you want to get the best gear as soon as possible, Mythic Dungeons are your best bet because you can do them as many times as you want. Keep in mind that you can only receive one high-level item from a Mythic Dungeon per run. Therefore, we recommend that you run them with a group of friends so that you can always exchange the rewards. However, with our boosters, you don’t have to share any of the rewards 😉 It may also be worthwhile to check for crafted gear as well. Although you cannot afford the best-crafted gear without doing raids, it should still serve as great starting equipment to get you through the Mythic Dungeons until you find something better to replace it with.


How do you obtain the best PvE gear in Dragonflight?

Raids are the way to go. Only one raid is available with the Dragonflight release – Vault of the Incarnates. Tier sets still provide powerful bonuses and are a must-have regardless of your class or activity.

How do you obtain PvP gear in Dragonflight?

Nothing significant has changed here. By participating in PvP, you can obtain the PvP gear currency to acquire it. However, one interesting change is that PvP gear now scales only in PvP itself. This means that the gear will play a minor role, with the player’s skill and team composition being of the utmost importance. This change should make PvP battles more fair and enjoyable for everyone involved.