WoW Boosting



WoW TCG mounts

Great news for World of Warcraft players! Are you tired of missing out on rare mounts due to game changes? Fear not! Immortalboost has got you covered with the rarest mounts from the World of Warcraft Card Game. 

Our selection includes everything from the most elusive and pricey mounts to the more common ones to help extend your collection. With our sellers providing the best prices, you can now complete your collection without breaking the bank. Plus, with our feature that allows you to preview the mount in-game before completing the transaction, you can be sure of what you’re getting. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your gaming experience – head over to Immortalboost now!

Warcraft Trading Card Game, a special feature of WoW, offers cards containing loot codes for several in-game items, including Mounts. The essential issue is that some of those mounts fetch astronomical prices since they are so uncommon. However, will that deter the most devoted collectors? Obviously not. A Spectral Tiger’s owner can be inferred quite a bit just by looking at them. Do you desire to be noticed within the crowd? Then you can choose this TCG Mount service!


WoW TCG Mounts FAQ

Can you still get WoW TCG mounts?

Although it is fairly uncommon, you can locate some even at the auction house.

What World of Warcraft trade card is the rarest? 

The most uncommon card in the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game is the Spectral Tiger, which is a part of the Fires of Outland expansion. Only 1 out of every 500 booster packs have it.


Does WoW TCG still accept codes?

They do, indeed! They are eternal.

How reliable is WoW TCG Loot?

Of course it is, of course! In your Battlenet account settings, you can activate the code whenever you want.

How does the WoW TCG Loot function?

WoW TCG Loot cards have a special code hidden beneath the cover. Get your 25 digit code by scratching it away. You can activate it in your Battlenet account settings.

Does WoW TCG still exist?

2013 saw the end of TCG cards on August 23. That seems logical given the price at the moment, right?