Get hold of the wow vengeance’s reins mount, the rarest reward from Sylvanas, by buying the vengeance service from Immortalboost. This will save you time that you would spend on weekly sanctum of domination completion. Let’s face it, nobody likes to rely on the 0.01 drop chance.
The powerful bosses of World of Warcraft have always rewarded players with unique mounts, but only during the actual expansion can players expect a 100% drop chance. Currently, your chances are down to 0.1% drop chance if you complete mythic sylvanas.
However, our vengeance boost service is an excellent opportunity to add to your collection without having to find a suitable raid group.
- killing Sylvanas in mythic difficulty
- The Vengeance mount.
- We prioritize based on execution speed and order placement time, and we will contact you through live chat or email.
- Please feel free to ask any questions.
- Regarding game play, your character will either be piloted by our booster or you can join their team for self-play mode.
- You will receive an invitation to the game and raid at the appointed time for self-play mode. It is essential to hit each boss at least once; otherwise, you will not receive any loot.
- You may die after the boss fight begins or stay alive to perform all the necessary mechanics, and our boosters will help you learn quickly.
- When the vengeance boost is complete, we will notify you.
- Don’t forget to rate us on Trustpilot, and enjoy the results!