Looking to equip your character with the best items from the first Dragonflight raid? Save yourself the hassle and get the Vault of the Incarnates Full Gear boost. Our professional PvE players will help you obtain all the coveted VotI Raid Sets and Weapons, so you can enjoy the new WoW expansion without worrying about gearing up.
With our Full Gear carry, you get to choose the difficulty level that suits you best. Loot items of 389-405 ilvl in Normal, 402-418 ilvl in Heroic, or 415-430 ilvl in Mythic. Don’t waste time on painstaking gearing, get the Vault of the Incarnates Full Gear boost and conquer high-end content with ease.
In the Vault of the Incarnates raid, we offer a full gear boost that guarantees you the best equipment available in every slot, as well as the Primalist Class tier set, and achievements for defeating bosses.
Full Gear Options
There are three gear options available for the Vault of the Incarnates boost:
- Normal mode: gear with item levels ranging from 389 to 405
- Heroic mode: gear with item levels ranging from 402 to 418
- Mythic mode: gear with item levels ranging from 415 to 430
Requirements: A 70 level character.
How It Works
- We’ll contact you via live chat or email, and you can ask us any questions you have.
- You can choose to have one of our boosters pilot your character, or you can join our raid group in self-play mode.
- When it’s time for the raid, we’ll send you an invitation to the game and summon you to the raid.
- It’s important to hit each boss at least once to be eligible for loot.
- During the boss fight, you can choose to stay alive and perform all the required mechanics, or our boosters can help you learn quickly.
- We’ll notify you when the Vault of the Incarnates Full Gear boost is complete.
- Once you’re done, sit back, enjoy the results, and leave us a review on Trustpilot.
Vault of the Incarnates Full Gear Includes
The Vault of the Incarnates comes equipped with a Full Gear set that includes everything you need to take on the challenge. Within the raid, you’ll encounter eight bosses, including Eranog, Terros, The Primal Council, Sennarth (also known as the Cold Breath), Dathea (who has ascended), Kurog Grimtotem, Broodkeeper Diurna, and Raszageth the Storm-Eater.
Vault of the Incarnates Gear Item Levels
The raid gear item levels have been updated with Dragonflight, giving you even more options to choose from. Depending on which boss you defeat, you can receive Normal gear with item levels of 389, 395, 398, or 405. For those seeking a greater challenge, you can attempt Heroic and receive gear with item levels of 402, 408, 411, or 418. If you’re really up for a test, Mythic difficulty offers gear with item levels of 415, 421, 424, or 430.
Vault of the Incarnates Gear Carry Includes
If you choose our Gear Carry service, we will continue to complete runs of the raid until you receive a full set of gear from your chosen difficulty level. By the end of the service, your inventory will be filled with gear items for each slot, and you’ll unlock a list of achievements for your successful defeats of the Vault of the Incarnates bosses.