Unlock your character’s true potential and dominate the new expansion with our Vault of the Incarnates Heroic raid boost! Don’t waste your precious time searching for a suitable guild or dealing with toxic players in LFG. Let our pros take care of everything for you.
Our boost will help you complete the first Dragonflight raid and get your hands on some incredible 402-418 ilvl gear. With 8 challenging new bosses, including the fearsome proto-dragon Raszageth, the rewards are truly worth the effort.
Plus, our boosters will help you collect pieces of the powerful Primalist tier set, making your character a force to be reckoned with.
Don’t settle for less – choose our Vault of the Incarnates Heroic raid boost today and experience the thrill of victory without the stress of searching for a team. Let’s conquer this raid together!
Note: if your preferred time slot isn’t available, we’ll offer you the next upcoming one. Let’s conquer this raid together!
- Depending on the option you choose, you will receive eight, six, or four Heroic difficulty Vault of the Incarnates bosses.
- If you opt for Group Loot, you will have a chance to receive an average of 1-2 items with ilvl ranging from 402-418 from the raid.
- In case you select Armor and Token Priority run, you will receive a minimum of four items with ilvl ranging from 402-418 from the raid.
- By choosing Full priority run, you will get all the suitable loot for your character with ilvl ranging from 402-418 from the raid, including Primalist class tier set pieces.
- You will also earn Achievements for defeating bosses in Heroic Vault of the Incarnates.
- If you select the full run option, you will receive the “Ahead of the Curve: Raszageth the Storm-Eater Feats” achievement for defeating all eight bosses.
In Dragonflight, Blizzard reintroduced the group loot system, and we have various options for you to choose from:
- Group Loot – This is the fastest and most affordable way to unlock the Great Vault rewards of your choice. You will roll items together with other raid participants, but as the system is random, we cannot guarantee a specific number of items. On average, you will have a chance to loot 1-2 items. You can increase your chances by choosing to add 1 to 3 guaranteed items as an additional option.
- Armor and Token Priority – You will join the chosen number of unsaved boosters (with clear CDs) and three other customers. Every player will be able to loot at least four items during the full run, and you can increase the minimum guaranteed number of items up to seven. You will roll suitable tokens and armor for your class, while non-set items such as necklaces, rings, trinkets, cloaks, and weapons will be rolled among you and the other three customers. If you don’t get the guaranteed number of items during the raid run, we’ll complete the raid for you next week to finish the order.
- Full priority – This is the quickest way to gear up. You will be the only customer in the raid group, and you will receive all suitable loot from armor and tier set tokens to non-set gear, trinkets, and weapons without any restrictions.
Note: Guaranteed items are not specific items of your choice but the minimum number of items you will end your run with. If you win the roll for an item suitable for your class and spec, it still counts as a minimum guarantee in any case.
To be eligible, you must have a level 70 character for this WoW Boosting
- To answer any queries you might have, our team will reach out to you via live chat or email.
- You have the option of having our boosters take control of your character or joining our raid group yourself in self-play mode.
- Once the agreed-upon time arrives, you will receive an invitation to the game and be summoned to the raid in self-play mode.
- To be eligible for any loot, ensure that you strike each boss at least once; otherwise, it will not be granted to you.
- During the boss battle, you may perish, or you can remain alive and execute all required mechanics, with the help of our boosters who will facilitate your learning.
- We will notify you when the Vault of the Incarnates Heroic Raid Run boost is successfully completed.
- Savor the outcomes! And kindly don’t forget to rate us on Trustpilot.
Heroic Carry service for the Vault of the Incarnates includes
Completing all 8 bosses of the raid, namely Eranog, Terros, The Primal Council, Sennarth the Cold Breath, Dathea Ascended, Kurog Grimtotem, Broodkeeper Diurna, and Raszageth the Storm-Eater.
By availing of this service, you will receive gear ranging from 402-418 ilvl, depending on the boss encountered during the Heroic loot runs. Additionally, you’ll have the chance to obtain class tier set pieces for the Primalist class, which will provide valuable bonuses for your class and specialization. Moreever, with our Heroic VotI boost, you won’t have to spend time searching for a suitable team to complete this challenging raid.
VotI HC Item guarantees depending on loot trade options
Due to the implementation of the group loot system in Dragonflight, acquiring gear has become more challenging. However, there are several alternatives available for you:
Group loot (standard for all raid offers) | About 1-2 items per VotI Heroic boost run in most cases |
Overloot raid run | 45-48 items and 14-15 tokens per VotI HC run, which will share between 4 players of different armor and token types |
Furthermore, it’s possible to include up to five token traders in your VotI Heroic carries order, thereby boosting your chances of improving your gear.
Vault of the Incarnates Heroic Loot Changes
The item level progression for raid gear in Dragonflight has been altered, resulting in the availability of higher level gear pieces not limited to just the final bosses
Bosses 1 through 4 |
Wing Bosses | Final Bosses | |
Raid Finder | 376 | 382 | 385 |
Normal | 389 | 395 | 398 |
Heroic | 402 | 408 | 411 |
Mythic | 415 | 421 | 424 |
Additionally, it’s worth noting that certain bosses have a chance to drop loot with even higher item levels, sometimes increasing them by 6 or 7 ilvl. As for the Heroic Unique drops in the Vault of Incarnates, the list is as follows:
Slot | Item | Boss |
Back | Acid-Proof Webbing | Sennarath, the Cold Breath |
Back | Decorated Commander’s Cindercloak | Eranog |
Neck | Eye of the Vengeful Hurricane | Dathea, Ascended |
Neck | Terros’s Captive Core | Terros |
Ring | Emissary’s Flamewrought Seal | Trash BoE |
Ring | Seal of Diurna’s Chosen (Very Rare) | Eranog |
Ring | Seal of Filial Duty (Very Rare) | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Trinket (Agility or Strength) | All-Totem of the Master | Kurog Grimtotem |
Trinket (Intellect) | Broodkeeper’s Promise | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Trinket (Intellect) | Conjured Chillglobe | The Primal Council |
Trinket (Agility) | Controlled Current Technique | Kurog Grimtotem |
Trinket (Agility or Strength) | Decoration of Flame | Eranog |
Trinket (Intellect) | Desperate Invoker’s Codex | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Trinket (Intellect) | Iceblood Deathsnare | Sennarath, the Cold Breath |
Trinket (Agility or Strength) | Manic Grieftorch | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Trinket (Strength) | Rumbling Ruby | Terros |
Trinket (Agility or Strength or Intellect) | Spiteful Storm | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Trinket (Agility or Strength) | Storm-Eater’s Boon | Dathea, Ascended |
Trinket (Agility or Strength or Intellect) | Whispering Incarnate Icon (Very Rare) | The Primal Council |
Additionally, during the raid, you may come across intriguing and distinctive weaponry that we have amassed in our Vault of the Incarnates Heroic Weapons Loot Table.
Type | Stat | Item | Boss |
Dagger | Agility | Enduring Shard of Terros | Terros |
Dagger | Agility | Ornamental Drakonid Claw | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Dagger | Intellect | Stormlash’s Last Resort | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Fist Weapon | Agility | Fist of the Grand Summoner | Kurog Grimtotem |
One-Handed Mace | Agility | Frostbreath Thumper | Sennarath, the Cold Breath |
One-Handed Mace | Strength | Maul of the Earthshaper | The Primal Council |
One-Handed Mace | Intellect | Scepter of Drastic Measures | Dathea, Ascended |
One-Handed Sword | Strength | Caustic Coldsteel Slicer | Sennarath, the Cold Breath |
Warglaives | Agility | Infused Stormglaives | Dathea, Ascended |
Two-Handed Axe | Strength | Incarnate Sky-Splitter | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Two-Handed Mace | Strength | Imbued Qalashi Crusher | The Primal Council |
Polearm | Agility | Awak’mani, Grimtotem’s Legacy | Kurog Grimtotem |
Staff | Agility | Awakened Planar Pillar | Terros |
Staff | Intellect | Kharnalex, The First Light (Evoker) | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Staff | Intellect | Quake-Detecting Seismostaff | Terros |
Off-hand | Intellect | Icewrath’s Channeling Conduit | The Primal Council |
Off-hand | Intellect | Scripture of Primal Devotion | Kurog Grimtotem |
Shield | Strength/Intellect | Broodsworn Legionnaire’s Pavise | Broodkeeper Diurna |
Shield | Strength/Intellect | Flame Marshal’s Bulwark | Eranog |
Bow | Agility | Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky (Very Rare) | Raszageth the Storm-Eater |
Crossbow | Agility | Searing Blazecaster | Eranog |
How Looting Works in World of Warcraft
In the Dragonflight expansion of WoW, Blizzard has reinstated the group loot system, where raid participants will compete for items suitable for their class and specialization. Thus, the number of items you can acquire during a run depends solely on your personal luck. Typically, you can expect to receive 1-2 items per raid run, but unfortunate circumstances can leave you with nothing but crafting reagents and gold.
This applies to armor, tier set tokens, necklaces, rings, trinkets, and weapons. Once a boss is defeated, each player in the raid group will have the opportunity to press the “Need” button to roll for a specific piece of gear. Other players who are eligible to obtain that item will also roll for it.
However, don’t be afraid to purchase a Visions of the Twisting Sands (VotI) heroic run as the group loot system has become much fairer than the previous system. Here are some new features:
- Players can no longer win an item that is not suitable for their specialization if other players roll for it. For example, as a Protection Paladin, you cannot roll for items with stats meant for Holy Paladin.
- If no player rolls for the item you want for your off-spec, you can win it.
- You cannot roll for items of another class or armor type.
- Players cannot “Need” the item if they are already wearing the same piece of gear or one with the same item level (including items in the bag or bank). However, you can still try to roll for a gear piece with a Tertiary stat or Socket, even if it has the same item level as what you currently have.
- If two similar items drop from the boss, you can only obtain one because the first win will ‘remove’ your roll from the other.