Dress your character in the rarest transmog set from the original classic Naxxramas by purchasing T3 transmog.
The T3 sets in WoW are legendary items as they were replaced with recolored versions as T7 sets when Naxxramas became the Lich King raid.
Currently, the only way to obtain this classic armor is through the black market, which can take weeks or months to acquire.
However, we can make it easier for you to add WoW Classic Naxx appearances to your collection.
Our T3 transmog boost includes daily monitoring of the required items on dozens of available realms. Once the T3 set pieces become available, they will be yours instantly.
Rest assured; we will help you obtain this Black-Market Auction House T3 transmog with ease.
- Full set of T3 gear or individual items tailored for your class.
- Dragonflight account for this WoW Boosting
- We will contact you through email or live chat for any queries.
- To ensure the safety of your account we need an additional subaccount in which our booster will level up a new character.
- Meanwhile, you can continue playing the game.
- Our booster will search various black markets on different realms for the items you require.
- We will level up character to level 70 since it’s necessary for bidding on ah.
- Once we have collected all the items, you can either learn them yourself or we can teach you.
- The collected items will be added to your collection and will be available in all subaccounts present within the same region of your account.
- However, transmogs can only be used by characters of the same class
- We will notify you when the t3 transmog boost is finished.
- Enjoy the results! Please don’t forget to rate us on Trustpilot.