Looking to stand out in the crowd with unique class-specific transmog sets? Look no further than Immortalboost! Our Mage Tower Timewalking carry offers fully customizable challenges to complete, unlocking your desired transmog set effortlessly.
And if you’re looking for the ultimate reward, upgrade to the Spelltome Bundle and earn the coveted Mage-Bound Spelltome mount for completing all challenges. Choose Immortalboost for a stress-free and rewarding experience, and get ready to impress your friends with your brand new look!
Note: For the Piloted method, it is crucial to acknowledge and consider the potential risks of account sharing. To ensure utmost safety, we strongly recommend selecting the Self-Play (Remote) option. Please refer to the Execution Specifics below for more details.
- Guaranteed completion of the Mage Tower challenge
- A Transmogrification set based on your class, which is a recolor of the Tier 20 set from Tomb of Sargeras
- A special reward, the Fel Werebear form, exclusively for Guardian Druids
- Achievement unlock for at least one challenge, A Towering Success
- Mage-Bound Spelltome book-mount and an achievement, A Tour of Towers, for completing all seven challenges, which require different classes and specs.
- Need another class? Choose all challenges that interest you. Please note that the full completion of Mage Tower requires at least three level 70 characters of different classes.
- Express start: Prioritize your order and start within one hours of purchase. Any Druid challenge will be completed within one hour with the Express Start option.
Execution Specifics
Blizzard strictly monitors Mage Tower activities. Therefore, to avoid any account-related consequences, please read the following options carefully:
- Self-play (remote): The safest method of completing the Mage Tower challenges without sharing your account. Our boosters will use user-friendly remote control software to play your character directly on your PC, ensuring maximum protection for your account. Our support team will establish a quick connection to the booster, making the carry service as simple as possible. Remote Control is a guarantee of 100% results and a unique mount kept on your account forever.
- Piloted: Please be aware of the potential risks before selecting this option as it involves account sharing.
- A level 70 character for a specific challenge, and at least three level 70 characters for all seven challenges; or you can order wow power leveling
- Gear with an item level of 120 or higher.
- Place an order by selecting your preferred options.
- We will contact you via live chat or email to discuss the details and set a start time according to your schedule.
- A booster who can work with your schedule will be found.
- Our online support team will guide you through the required connection process via remote control software with the booster.
- At the appointed time, our professional player will begin the service.
- We will notify you once the order is complete.
- Enjoy the results! Don’t forget to rate our services on Trustpilot.
If you have any questions or need unique options, feel free to message us anytime, even at 3:00 AM. We are available 24/7.
Mage Tower Timewalking Boost FAQ
1) How Does the Mage Tower Boost Work in Dragonflight?
The Mage Tower event has made a comeback in World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands expansion. However, it hasn’t undergone any significant gameplay or balance changes in comparison to its original Legion version. The event becomes available once you reach level 50, and you don’t have to build the tower like you did in Legion.
The Mage Tower consists of seven challenges, each of which is extremely difficult and requires an in-depth understanding of your character’s skills and abilities. There’s one challenge for tank specs, one for healing specs, and five for DPS specs. The DPS challenges are considered to be slightly easier than the tank and healing ones. Therefore, you need at least three characters to complete all seven challenges: Death Knight, Demon Hunter, and Paladin are ideal choices.
Each time you start a challenge, you’ll participate in a new one available for your spec, until you’ve completed all seven. Upon completing all seven challenges, you’ll receive a Mage-Bound Spelltome flying mount.
Each challenge has its own set of rewards. By completing them, you can obtain rare transmog sets, mounts, and forms for druids.
Buying a Mage Tower Challenge Boost At Immortalboost, we offer a guarantee of successfully completing any specialization you require without the need for special preparations or dozens of unsuccessful tries. Our boosters will get the job done with maximum efficiency.
WoW Mage Tower Rewards
Completing at least one challenge rewards you with the A Towering Success achievement and a recolored T20 set of your class. Guardian Druids will receive a Werebear appearance for their Bear Form. Completing every single challenge available rewards you with the A Tour of Towers achievement and the Mage-Bound Spelltome mount. Completing all available challenges for current classes and spec combinations grants you the Feats of Strength achievement Tower Overwhelming.
An Impossible Foe – Agatha
- Unholy Death Knight
- Feral Druid
- Fire Mage
- Outlaw Rogue
- Elemental Shaman
- Fury Warrior
The God-Queen’s Fury – Sigryn
- Arcane Mage
- Retribution Paladin
- Assassination Rogue
- Enhancement Shaman
- Demonology Warlock
Thwarting the Twins – Raest Magespear
- Balance Druid
- Marksmanship Hunter
- Frost Mage
- Shadow Priest
- Affliction Warlock
The Highlord’s Return – Highlord Kruul
- Blood Death Knight
- Vengeance Demon Hunter
- Guardian Druid
- Brewmaster Monk
- Protection Paladin
- Protection Warrior
Feltotem’s Fall – Tugar Bloodtotem
- Beast Mastery Hunter
- Windwalker Monk
- Discipline Priest
- Destruction Warlock
Closing the Eye – Archmage Xylem
- Frost Death Knight
- Havoc Demon Hunter
- Survival Hunter
- Subtlety Rogue
- Arms Warrior
End of the Risen Threat – Lord Erdris Thorn
- Restoration Druid
- Mistweaver Monk
- Holy Paladin
- Holy Priest
- Restoration Shaman