Glory of the Aberrus Raider Boost
Purchase the WoW Glory of the Aberrus Raider to easily finish tough raid challenges and earn your deserved reward. The boost for Glory of the Aberrus Raider Achievement will help you get your new raid mount quickly.
Glory of the Aberrus Raider is part of a series of achievements that need you to do more than just defeat bosses in the raid. You’ll have to complete some special tasks during the fights. These achievements give a different perspective on regular boss battles and also give you special mounts. Get the Glory of the Aberrus Raider boost to discover the surprises waiting for you in the new Dragonflight raid.
Things You Will Get
- Meta-achievement: Glory of the Aberrus Raider.
- Shadowflame Shalewing mount.
- The possibility to get gear that’s between 415 to 431 item level.
- A shot at obtaining the special Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged Dragonriding skin from Sarkareth.
- A full run through Aberrus the Shadowed Crucible in Normal Mode.
Additional Options
Livestream: If you want to keep track of how you’re getting the glory, turn on this option. It will show you how things are going as you work towards your goal.
- You need to have Active WoW Dragonflight Subscription.
- Your character needs to be Level 70.
How it Works
- We’ll talk to you through live chat or email.
- The booster will either play as your character for you, or you can join our team in the raid and play yourself.
- At the planned time, you’ll receive an invitation to the game and be brought to the raid if you’re playing yourself.
- Make sure you hit each boss at least once, or else you won’t be able to get any loot from them.
- You can die after the boss fight starts, or you can stay alive and do all the things you need to do. Our boosters will help you learn quickly.
- We’ll let you know when your Glory of the Aberrus Raider boost is done.
- Enjoy the results! And if you could, please give us a rating on Trustpilot.
WoW Glory of the Aberrus Raider Carry FAQ
How Do You Get Glory of the Aberrus Raider?
To get the special mount, you have to do certain tasks during boss fights. Sometimes you might need to take a selfie with the boss or find a specific thing while fighting. When you finish all the tasks on the Glory of the Aberrus Raider list, you’ll earn the mount.