Looking for an exciting new experience in the world of World of Warcraft? Look no further than our WoW Evoker Leveling service! With our boost, you’ll get a powerful 70-level character of the unique Dragonflight race and class combination.
With the Dragonflight Evoker, you’ll experience a brand new gameplay mechanic and be able to glide across the breathtaking Dragon Isles. And with our boost, you’ll skip the tedious questing and farming and be ready for endgame content in no time.
But that’s not all – our service also includes 8/8 runs in new Mythic +0 dungeons to equip your character with top-tier items, as well as profession leveling to unlock all the bonuses and benefits they can offer.
Normally, Dragonflight leveling takes 16 hours, but with our boost, you can reach 70 level in just 12 or even 8 hours! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to join the ranks of the Dragonflight Evokers – order now and experience WoW like never before!
You can expect your Evoker to reach the desired level that you desire, along with receiving all gold, useful items, and resources that your character accumulates during the leveling process.
We offer a Dragonriding full progress option that includes collecting all 48 Dragon Glyphs to unlock all Dragonriding talents. Additionally, our players will complete all main questlines in all 4 Dragon Isles zones to unlock Renown with all factions, get profession bonuses, and receive many cosmetic items.
- VotI Normal raid run: Participate in a Normal VotI raid run and have a chance to acquire gear pieces with an item level (ilvl) ranging from 389-405.
- VotI Heroic raid run: Join a Heroic VotI raid run and potentially receive gear items with an ilvl ranging from 402-418.
- Mythic +10 timed run: Complete a Mythic+ dungeon within a certain time limit and receive a chance to obtain a gear piece with an ilvl of 392. Moreover, if you have not completed any Mythic+ runs during that particular week, you will be guaranteed a gear item with an ilvl of 398 from the Great Vault.
- Mythic +15 timed run: Accomplish a timed Mythic+ dungeon run and obtain a gear item with an ilvl of 398. Additionally, if you have not completed any Mythic+ runs for the week, you will be guaranteed a gear piece with an ilvl of 411 from the Great Vault.
- 8/8 Mythic +0 Dungeons: Our boosters will complete all 8 DF dungeons for you in Mythic +0 difficulty, and there is a chance for you to receive gear with an ilvl of 372.
- Honor gear (411 PvP ilvl): Enhance your character’s equipment with 411 ilvl PvP items in every slot that is appropriate for the middle Arena and RBG ranks.
- DF Loremaster achievement: Allow our team to accomplish all the necessary side quests for you to receive the Loremaster of the Dragon Isles achievement and extra reputation with Dragonflight factions.
- Profession options: Decide on the professions you want to master during the Level boost and receive a 15% discount for this choice. Only general skill leveling up to 100 is included, but if you want to learn some profession specializations of your choice, connect with us through live chat.
- To utilize our WoW leveling services, an active subscription to WoW is required.
- We prioritize each order based on its execution speed and the time it was placed.
- After placing your order, we’ll get in touch with you via live chat or email to answer any questions you may have about our WoW leveling services.
- We’ll also discuss the execution schedule and find a booster who is the best fit for your needs.
- Our booster will then pilot your character through the WoW power leveling process.
- The order will be completed in one session through multiple dungeon runs.
- If this is your first character on the account, you’ll make progress on different storylines and receive achievements.
- All valuable loot and gold obtained by our booster during the power leveling services will be yours to keep.
- Once the service is complete, we’ll notify you.
- We hope you enjoy the results! And, if you’re satisfied with our services, please consider leaving a rating on Trustpilot.
Evoker Class Overview for WoW Dragonflight
The Evoker class is available for players at the beginning of the Dragonflight pre-patch. As a result, players can start boosting their Evoker’s experience right away and continue leveling up to level 70 after the release of Dragonflight. In addition, we will help you farm all Dragon glyphs to unlock Dragonriding talents, so you will have a fully prepared character.
WoW Evoker Leveling FAQ
What level do Evokers start at? Evokers start at level 55 as a Heroic class in their unique starting zone. By completing the initial questline, you will learn all you need to know about this race and class.
What are the Evoker’s specs?
The Evoker class has two specs, similar to the Demon Hunters:
Devastation – a ranged damage dealer that relies on overwhelming ranged attacks. Devastation Evokers possess a broad range of spells, including classic dragon breath and various abilities from Blue and Red dragons.
Preservation – a combination of Green Dragonflight power and the power of the Bronze Dragonflight makes Evokers solid healers.
What classes can the Dracthyr be?
Dracthyrs are a unique combination because only they can be Evokers, and only Evokers can be Dracthyrs.
What weapons can Dracthyrs use?
Evokers can use a variety of weapons, including daggers, staves, fist weapons, one-handed swords, one-handed axes, and even one-handed maces. Off-hand items can be used, but they cannot dual wield.