You can now ride one of the rarest mounts from the legendary WoW TCG by purchasing the Blazing Hippogryph mount from Immortalboost. During the times of the WotLK expansion, this mount mesmerized everyone with its unique appearance, especially the dancing flames on its tail. Even today, it still holds great value due to its extreme rarity, making it an invaluable addition to your collection.
Immortalboost offers the Blazing Hippogryph boost to help you obtain this amazing mount and share your emotions with your friends. Just like good wine, WoW items, stories, and whole expansions become better with time. We are always delighted to help you collect hobbies, so order your Blazing Hippogryph boost right now from Immortalboost.
- The Blazing Hippogryph mount.
- A World of Warcraft account that has an active subscription is compulsory for this WoW Boosting.
- Once you have placed your order on Blazing Hippogryph, our manager will initiate a chat with you on the website.
- During the conversation, all the details of your order will be clarified and confirmed.
- You will receive the mount in your bag, and all that’s left is for you to enjoy the results.
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- Additionally, if you have any further queries or want to explore some unusual options, you can contact us anytime, even at 3:00 am as we are available online 24/7.
WoW Blazing Hippogryph TCG Mount FAQ
Where to get Blazing Hippogryph?
In the World of Warcraft’s expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, a magnificent mount was added to the game as a result of the WoW Trading Card Game. Fans were given the opportunity to purchase WoW TCG booster packs, which had a chance of 1/242 to obtain a loot code for the Blazing Hippogryph mount. However, the WoW TCG has been replaced by Hearthstone and now these loot codes have become quite rare and expensive. Nevertheless, you can still become one of the lucky few to possess the WoW Blazing Hippogryph mount, owned by only 2% of game accounts, by finding it through Immortalboost.