WOW ATSC Heroic Plus Mythic +17 Key
Want to complete the new raid and get Mythic run for free, then buy Aberrus Heroic run Plus Mythic +17 Key. Get your characters from level 60 to 70 for free when you order an Aberrus run with either Armor Priority, Armor and Token Priority, or Full Priority loot options.
Go on raids to get gear that ranges from 428 to 437 ilvl. You’ll also get 4 Great Vault rewards to pick from. Additionally, you’ll receive a free Mythic +17 run where you can get a chance to find 441 ilvl items. If you prefer, you can choose any other Mythic key run, up to M +20.
- The times mentioned are not exact. We suggest being online 15-20 minutes before your chosen start time.
- If the time slot you pick is not available, we will offer you the next available one.
- Different teams may work on various parts of your order, which could speed up the overall completion time.
Things You Will Get
- Aberrus Heroic run and a free Mythic +17 run
- Chance to loot a 428 ilvl item in the Mythic + runs
- Receive 12x Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments after the Mythic +17 run
- Flightstones currency
- Get three raid Heroic rewards (ilvl 428-444) and one 441 ilvl Mythic+ reward from the Great Vault, if not already unlocked.
Loot Options
The Loot Options for this run are the following.
- Group Loot: Usually, you get 1-2 items, but it’s random, so no guarantee.
- Armor Priority: Get 4, 7, or 9 items based on boosters. Class-specific gear and tokens are yours. Other items are shared and rolled among everyone. If you don’t get the guaranteed items, we’ll complete the raid next week. If your class isn’t available, we’ll offer another time slot.
- Armor and Token Priority: You get 4, 7, or 9 items based on boosters. Only you roll for class-specific gear and tokens. Non-set items are shared and rolled among the four customers. If you don’t get the guaranteed items, we’ll complete the raid next week. If your class isn’t available, we’ll offer another time slot.
- Full priority: You’re the only customer, so you get all suitable loot—armor, tokens, non-set gear, trinkets, and weapons without limits.
NOTE: Guaranteed items are not things you choose, but a minimum number you’ll get. Even if you win an item that suits your class and spec, it still counts as part of the guaranteed minimum.
To do Aberrus Heroic Plus Mythic runs, your character should be level 70; or you can simply purchase our wow power leveling first to unlock character.
How it Works
- We’ll talk to you using live chat or email. You can ask any questions you have about the Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Heroic Plus Mythic Run.
- The person boosting will either control your character or you can join our raid group and play yourself.
- At the set time, you’ll get an invitation to the game and be brought to the raid if you’re playing yourself.
- Remember to hit each boss at least once, or you won’t get any loot from them.
- You can die once the boss fight begins, or you can stay alive and do what’s needed. Our boosters will help you learn what to do.
- We’ll let you know when the Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Heroic Raid boost is done.
- Enjoy the boost! And if you can, give us a rating on Trustpilot.