WoW AOTC Boost
Get the Ahead of the Curve boost now and make it much easier to defeat the final boss, Heroic Aberrus, in the game. Our WoW AotC carry service ensures you get the special achievement at one of the best prices available.
Ahead of the Curve is an achievement you earn by beating the last boss of the current raid on Heroic difficulty. It’s not easy and takes a lot of time, especially if you don’t have a skilled team to play with. However, with our AotC WoW boost, you can achieve the impossible!
Things You Will Get
- Beat Scalecommander Sarkareth on the harder setting (Heroic mode).
- Possibility to get gear with item level 437.
- Chance to find a very special item with item level 444.
- Chance to get the cool Highland Drake: Hellforged Dragon skin for riding.
- Earn the Ahead of the Curve achievement for defeating Scalecommander Sarkareth.
Additional Options
Echo of Neltharion Kill: If you include the second-to-last boss, Aberrus, in your order, you might have a shot at getting extra items with item level 437. There’s also a possibility of getting a really special item that could be the best for your character.
Your character needs to be Level 70 is must for this wow boosting.
How it Works
- We’ll reach out to you through live chat or email.
- You have two options: either our booster will control your character, or you can join our raid group and play yourself.
- When it’s time, you’ll get an invite to the game and be brought into the raid if you’re playing yourself.
- Remember to hit the boss at least once, or else you won’t get any rewards from it.
- During the boss fight, you can either stay alive and do all the things you need to do or if you die, our boosters will help you learn the right moves quickly.
- We’ll let you know once we’re done boosting for the Ahead of the Curve achievement.
- Enjoy your achievement and please consider rating us on Trustpilot.
WoW Ahead of the Curve Carry FAQ
How Long Does it Take to Complete AOTC in Dragonflight?
If you’re with a strong team, a regular heroic raid usually takes a few hours. But if you’re not part of a skilled group, getting this achievement might take a really long time. It’s tough to find a good team to play with on your own.
How Many Players Get Ahead of the Curve?
About 19% of accounts from all over the world managed to get this achievement.
How Much Gold Do You Need for AOTC?
No Gold is needed to complete this raid.