Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Normal Boost
The new Aberrus raid will allow players to explore and raid in Neltharion Lab to get new tier-set pieces, new gear, and upgrading gear items. As there are several secrets hidden in Neltharion Lab, if you raid with us, we will show you all the available secrets and provide you with secret items of Dragonflight.
In Dragonflight 10.1, players can keep discovering the history of dragons and venture into the old Neltharion lab called Aberrus. This adventure has 9 challenging boss battles and offers excellent gear for PvE gameplay, including special set pieces and new items to upgrade your gear. There are plenty of exciting reasons to explore this mysterious place, so make sure not to miss out on ordering a boost for Normal Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible.
NOTE: If the time slot you ordered is unavailable, we will offer you the next one.
Things You Will Get
- Join the Aberrus raid on Normal difficulty.
- You can get items ranging from 415 to 431 item level.
- There’s a chance to collect special class tier set pieces during the raid.
- You can obtain Drake’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments to upgrade your gear.
- You’ll earn Flightstones currency.
- There’s a chance to get the cool Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged Dragonriding skin from Sarkareth.
- Defeating bosses during AtSC normal boost will earn you achievements.
Loot Options
The Loot Options for Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Normal Boost are the following.
- Group Loot: You’ll roll for items alongside other raid participants. If you want guaranteed loot, we’ll find players without saved progress to give you 1 or 3 guaranteed items per run, on top of the chance to roll for more items.
- Armor Priority: Choose your class, and you’ll have a higher chance of looting armor suitable for your character. You’ll be the only one with your armor type in the raid. Other non-set items and tier-set tokens will be rolled among you and other customers. Normally, the raid group gets 2-3 gear pieces per boss. For a guarantee, we can find players without saved progress to give you 4, 5, 7, or 9 guaranteed items of your armor type per run, along with the chance to roll for more items.
- Armor and Token Priority: Only you will roll for tokens and armor suitable for your class. Other non-set items will be rolled among you and three other customers. Normally, the raid group gets 2-3 gear pieces per boss. For a guarantee, we can find players without saved progress to give you 4, 5, 7, or 9 guaranteed items of your armor and token type per run, along with the chance to roll for more items.
- Full Priority: You’ll get all suitable loot, including armor, tier set tokens, non-set gear, trinkets, and weapons without limitations because you will be the only customer in the raid group. Normally, you get 2-3 items from every boss, but we can add more players without saved progress to increase the loot even more.
NOTE: Guaranteed items are not the specific items you choose, but rather the minimum number of items you will receive at the end of the run. If you don’t get the guaranteed number of items during the current run, we will complete the raid for you next week to make sure you get the promised items.
Execution Specifics
- Self-Play: You can lead the way! Simply join the raid group on your own.
- Piloted: Need help? Our skilled player will take over and control your character on your account.
- Remote Control: We’ll use special software to play your character on your computer. It’s safe and keeps your account secure.
Full Gear
Get your character fully equipped with strong items (415-431 ilvl) from the new Dragonflight raid for every part of your character’s outfit.
To do Aberrus Normal run, your character should be level 70; or you can order our wow power leveling.
How it Works
- We’ll talk to you using live chat or email. You can ask any questions you have about the Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Normal Run.
- The person boosting will either control your character or you can join our raid group and play yourself.
- At the set time, you’ll get an invitation to the game and be brought to the raid if you’re playing yourself.
- Remember to hit each boss at least once, or you won’t get any loot from them.
- You can die once the boss fight begins, or you can stay alive and do what’s needed. Our boosters will help you learn what to do.
- We’ll let you know when the Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Normal Raid boost is done.
- Enjoy the boost! And if you can, give us a rating on Trustpilot.
Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Normal Carry Includes
The Normal boost of Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible will include the completion of all 9 Bosses.
- Kazzara, the Hellforged
- The Amalgamation Chamber
- The Forgotten Experiments
- Assault of the Zaqali
- Rashok, the Elder
- The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
- Magmorax
- Echo of Neltharion
- Scalecommander Sarkareth
In Aberrus Normal loot run, you can find gear with item levels ranging from 415 to 431. You also have a chance to get new class tier set pieces, which will give you helpful bonuses tailored to your class and specialization.
Aberrus Normal Runs Services
The Aberrus normal raid is one of the easiest raid difficulties in the game, but it still has its benefits, especially at the start of a new raid tier. Getting a WoW ASC Normal raid boost is a great chance to get good gear without spending too much gold or effort.
The advantages of doing the Aberrus normal raid are the following.
- It’s the easiest way to catch up with others in the new raid tier.
- The Aberrus normal carry is cheap because it’s not very challenging.
- You can get decent loot from the Great Vault after completing the AtSC Normal run.
- It’s a great opportunity to learn about new bosses and their mechanics.
- You might find some cool cosmetic transmog items.
- Completing the raid can earn you special achievements.
- There’s a chance to get mounts and pets as rewards.
- It’s a valuable experience for learning how to raid effectively.
Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Normal Loot Changes
In Dragonflight, the way raid gear levels are earned has changed. Now, you can get higher-level gear pieces not just from the final bosses. In the Aberrus Normal raid carry, there are four different levels of gear items.
- LFG: Gear levels range from 402 to 411 for different bosses.
- Normal: Gear levels range from 415 to 424 for different bosses.
- Heroic: Gear levels range from 428 to 437 for different bosses.
- Mythic: Gear levels range from 441 to 450 for different bosses.
In Aberrus, some bosses drop loot with even higher item levels, around 6 or 7 levels higher. You can obtain these items by purchasing Aberrus. The unique drops from Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible are the following.
- Trinket: Idol of Chaotic Arrogance, Idol of Debilitating Arrogance, and Idol of Domineering Arrogance are dropped by Neltharion (Boss 8).
- Trinket: Seething Black Dragonscale is dropped by Kazzara (Boss 1).
- Polearm: Djaruun, Pillar of the Elder Flame is dropped by Rashok (Boss 5).
- Cloak: Voice of the Silent Star is dropped by Scalecommander Sarkareth (Boss 9).
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Normal Upgrade System
In Dragonflight patch 10.1, there’s a new currency to upgrade your items. You can use this currency on gear from open-world events, dungeons, and raids. To empower a specific piece of gear, you need to collect a particular currency from the following PvE activities.
- Drake’s Shadowflame Crest (you need 15x Drake’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments): You can get this by completing Normal raids. It’s used to increase the rank and item level of your Veteran rank by 5-8 items or Champion rank by 1-4 items.
- Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest (you need 15x Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments): You can get this by completing Heroic raids. It’s used to increase the rank and item level of your Champion rank by 5-8 items or Hero rank by 1-4 items.
- Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest (you need 15x Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments): You can get this by completing Mythic raids. It’s used to increase the rank and item level of your Hero rank 5 items or Mythic rank items.
Aberrus Normal Loot Trading Options
In AtSC Normal loot options, you can choose how you want to get your items from the raid.
- Group loot: There are no guaranteed items. The loot is distributed among the group.
- Group loot + guarantee: You can pick a certain number of items that you want to be guaranteed to receive.
- Armor + tier priority: The loot you get depends on the size of the raid group and your armor type and tier.
- Full priority run: There is no exact guarantee, but you have a chance to get all the loot from the entire raid.