Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Mythic Boost
Want to complete the new Nealtharion Laboratory raid on the highest difficulty and gain new gear items, then you can buy our Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Mythic Boost run to achieve it all. The toughest challenges in Dragonflight 10.1 are found in the old Nealthraion lab called Aberrus. By using an Aberrus Mythic boost, you can finish a tough task in Mythic mode that’s hard for all players. It’s worth trying because completing an Aberrus Mythic run can get you the best gear in the game, strong upgrade items, and other good stuff. Give hardcore raiding a shot and earn top rewards with an Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Mythic carry.
Things You Will Get
- Complete AtSC on the hardest difficulty.
- You might get items that are between 441 to 457 item levels.
- You can find special pieces of gear that match your character’s class.
- There are pieces you collect to help upgrade your special Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest gear.
- You might even get a special dragon-riding look called Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged.
- When you beat the bosses in the tough AtSC raid, you earn special rewards.
- If you finish the whole hard raid, you get a super special reward called Cutting Edge: Scalecommander Sarkareth Feats of Strength.
Guaranteed Loot in Aberrus Mythic Carry
- When you beat all 9 bosses: You get 6 items and also the Embodiment of the Hellforged.
- If you beat 8 out of 9 bosses: You get 5 items.
- If you defeat 7 out of 9 bosses: You get 4 items.
- When you win against 6 out of 9 bosses: You get 3 to 4 items.
- If you manage to beat 5 out of 9 bosses: You get 3 items.
- When you defeat 4 out of 9 bosses: You get 2 items.
- If you can only beat 3 out of 9 bosses: You get 1 item.
- When you win against 2 out of 9 bosses: You don’t get any items.
NOTE: Guaranteed items are not the specific items you choose, but rather the minimum number of items you will receive at the end of the run.
Additional Options
Get your character all dressed up with really strong gear from the tough Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Mythic raid. Each piece of gear will have power levels between 441 to 457.
If you go for the Full Mythic Gear choice, you’ll get this strong gear in every slot for your character. And as a bonus, you also get a cool dragon called Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged for free.
Or, if you choose to go for the Embodiment of the Hellforged option on its own, you’ll still have a chance to get that cool dragon. But remember, if you pick the 9/9 bosses run or the Full Mythic Gear option, you’ll also get the dragon as a bonus gift.
To do Aberrus Mythic runs, your character should be level 70; or you can order wow power leveling.
How it Works
- We’ll talk to you using live chat or email. You can ask any questions you have about the Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Mythic Run.
- The person boosting will either control your character or you can join our raid group and play yourself.
- At the set time, you’ll get an invitation to the game and be brought to the raid if you’re playing yourself.
- Remember to hit each boss at least once, or you won’t get any loot from them.
- You can die once the boss fight begins, or you can stay alive and do what’s needed. Our boosters will help you learn what to do.
- We’ll let you know when the Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Mythic Raid boost is done.
- Enjoy the boost! And if you can, give us a rating on Trustpilot.
Aberrus Mythic Carry Includes
When you buy Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible, you’ll finish the bosses in the second Dragonflight raid from patch 10.1 on the hardest difficulty. You can pick between 3 to 9 bosses, but remember, the number of items you get depends on how many bosses you choose for Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible carry.
During the Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Mythic loot run, you can get really strong gear with power levels between 441 to 457. You might even find very rare items and a powerful Evoker legendary weapon. Also, you’ll have a chance to find new gear pieces that match your character’s type and get helpful bonuses for your character’s class and specialization. And you can also get any Mythic Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible achievement you want.
Aberrus Mythic loot runs include the following.
- You can get up to 6 items for completing the full run. If you buy fewer bosses for your AtSC Mythic Carries, you’ll get fewer guaranteed items.
- You’ll earn the prestigious achievement called Cutting Edge Feast of Strength.
- You’ll gain experience in Mythic raiding.
- There are also smaller achievements for defeating specific bosses.
- There’s a chance to get the Aberrus mount during the WoW ASC Mythic raid boost.
- After completing the WoW AtSC Mythic raid boost, you’ll get rewards of power level 459 from the Weekly Vault.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Mythic Bosses
- Kazzara, the Hellforged
- The Amalgamation Chamber
- The Forgotten Experiments
- Assault of the Zaqali
- Rashok, the Elder
- The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
- Magmorax
- Echo of Neltharion
- Scalecommander Sarkareth
Aberrus Mythic Runs Services
If you buy Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Mythic carry, you can join other boosters on an exciting adventure through the Neltharian laboratory. This might give you the chance to get really strong weapons, special items, cool mounts, and other fantastic rewards.
Loot Changes for AtSC Mythic
In the Dragonflight raid, they’ve changed how strong the gear is, and this applies to the Aberrus Mythic raid too. That means you can now find really powerful gear pieces not only from the last bosses. When you’re doing the Aberrus Mythic loot run, there are 4 different levels of gear you could get.
Raid Difficulty:
- Step 1: 402
- Step 2: 405
- Step 3: 408
- Step 4: 411
- Step 1: 415
- Step 2: 418
- Step 3: 421
- Step 4: 424
- Step 1: 428
- Step 2: 431
- Step 3: 434
- Step 4: 437
- Step 1: 441
- Step 2: 444
- Step 3: 447
- Step 4: 450
Also, some of the bosses in AtSC Mythic, they drop even stronger loot, which is 6 or 7 levels stronger. You can get this kind of loot by buying Mythic Aberrus boosts. The list of special items that can drop in the Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible raid are the following.
- Trinket: Idol of Chaotic Arrogance – Dropped by Neltharion
- Trinket: Idol of Debilitating Arrogance – Dropped by Neltharion
- Trinket: Idol of Domineering Arrogance – Dropped by Neltharion
- Trinket: Seething Black Dragonscale – Dropped by Kazzara
- Cloak: Voice of the Silent Star – Dropped by Scalecommander Sarkareth
Upgrade System for AtSC Mythic
In the Dragonflight patch 10.1, there’s something new that helps you make your gear even better. This is done using a special kind of money. You can spend this money on items you get from events in the open world, gear you find in dungeons, and items from the raid. Depending on which piece of gear you want to make stronger, you have to collect specific currency from the following activities in the game.
Drake’s Shadowflame Crest (you need 15 pieces of Drake’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments): You can get these from the Normal raid. They help you make your Veteran rank 5 to 8 gear and Champion rank 1 to 4 gear better in terms of power and strength.
Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest (you need 15 pieces of Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments): You can get these from the Heroic raid. They help you make your Champion rank 5 to 8 gear and Hero rank 1 to 4 gear even more powerful.
Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest (you need 15 pieces of Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments): You can get these from the Mythic raid. They help you make your Hero rank 5 gear and Mythic rank gear stronger than before.
Aberrus Mythic Loot Trading Options
- Group Loot: There’s no promise for specific items. Also, no items are set aside for any particular player.
- Group Loot + Guarantee: You can decide how many items you’re sure to get. But just like before, no items are set aside for specific players.
- Armor + Tier Priority: This depends on how many people are in the raid. Some rules guide who gets what based on their armor type and tier.
- Full Priority Run: There’s no exact promise about what you’ll get. But you get to take all the loot from the whole raid.
If you’re buying an Aberrus Mythic loot run, you don’t need to worry about some random things like Corruption, Titanforging, or Warforging that can happen with other loot systems. Also, some of the last bosses drop items that are even stronger.