Aberrus Heroic Guaranteed Loot Bundle
Get the Aberrus Heroic Guaranteed Loot Bundle to have better chances of getting cool stuff for your characters. You’ll do three runs with higher chances of getting good gear, and we’ll even throw in an extra run for you. Make your characters stronger with guaranteed loot!
In Dragonflight, the loot you get can be a bit random. But if you go for our Aberrus Heroic Bundle, you can choose to prioritize getting Armor and Tokens. This means you could get anywhere from 4 to 9 items each time you play. Pretty awesome, right? And guess what, if you get this bundle, you’ll get to do 4 runs but only pay for 3.
Note: If the time you want isn’t available, we’ll offer you the next available one instead.
Things You Will Get
- You’ll do three special Aberrus Heroic runs and get one extra run as a bonus.
- You can get between 16 to 36 items that are really strong, depending on what you pick.
- There’s a chance to find special class tier pieces.
- You can also gather Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments to make your gear even better.
- You’ll earn Flintstones, a special kind of money.
- There’s even a possibility to get an amazing dragon riding look called Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged from Sarkareth.
- And if you beat the tough bosses in Heroic Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible, you’ll earn some achievements.
Loot Options
The Loot options for this raid are the following.
Armor Priority: This option guarantees you a minimum of 4, 7, or 9 items, depending on how many boosters you choose, who haven’t used their special abilities yet. You can pick items that match your character’s armor type. Some items like necklaces, rings, trinkets, cloaks, and weapons, as well as tier set tokens, will be shared among you and other players. If you don’t get the guaranteed number of items during your play, we’ll finish the mission for you next week. If your character’s class isn’t available at your chosen time, we’ll suggest the next available time.
Armor and Token Priority: With this option, you’ll also get a minimum of 4, 7, or 9 items for each run, based on the number of boosters without special abilities. Only you will have a chance to choose tokens or armor that match your character’s class. Other non-set items will be shared among you and three other players. If you don’t get the guaranteed number of items during your play, we’ll complete the mission for you next week. If your character’s class isn’t available at your chosen time, we’ll suggest the next available time.
Note: The guaranteed items don’t mean you can pick exactly what you want. They represent the least number of items you’ll finish your play with. Even if you win an item that fits your class, it still counts toward the minimum guarantee in any case.
You need to have a character at level 70 to join the Aberrus Heroic raid.
How it Works
- We’ll talk to you either through live chat or email.
- You can either let one of our experienced players control your character, or you can join our group and play yourself.
- When it’s time, we’ll send you an invitation to the game and bring you to the raid if you’re playing yourself.
- Make sure to hit each boss at least once. If you don’t, you won’t get any loot from them.
- You can choose to fight the bosses and learn the tactics, or you can let our experienced players guide you through it. Either way, you’ll get to know the raid quickly.
- We’ll tell you when the Aberrus Heroic Raid boost is done.
- Have fun with your boosted Aberrus Heroic experience! And if you can, please leave a rating for our AtSC HC boosting services on Trustpilot.
Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Heroic Carry Includes
When you buy the Aberrus Normal boost for The Shadowed Crucible, you’ll finish all 9 boss battles in the second Dragonflight raid from patch 10.1. It’ll be on the Normal difficulty level.
- Kazzara, the Hellforged
- The Amalgamation Chamber
- The Forgotten Experiments
- Assault of the Zaqali
- Rashok, the Elder
- The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
- Magmorax
- Echo of Neltharion
- Scalecommander Sarkareth
When you’re doing Aberrus Heroic loot runs, you can earn gear that’s between 428 to 444 item level, depending on which bosses you’re facing. You also have a chance to find new pieces of gear that match your character’s class and get some helpful bonuses for your class. Plus, you can earn any achievements you’re aiming for in Heroic Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible. The best part is, you won’t even have to look for a good team – our Aberrus Heroic carries have got you covered.
Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Heroic Loot Changes
In the game Dragonflight, they’ve made changes to how powerful the gear you can find during raids is. This means you can now get better gear from different bosses, not just the final ones. When you go on more challenging runs in Aberrus, you can find gear of four different levels
- Looking for Group (LFG) difficulty: Step 1 – 402, Step 2 – 405, Step 3 – 408, Step 4 – 411
- Normal difficulty: Step 1 – 415, Step 2 – 418, Step 3 – 421, Step 4 – 424
- Heroic difficulty: Step 1 – 428, Step 2 – 431, Step 3 – 434, Step 4 – 437
- Mythic difficulty: Step 1 – 441, Step 2 – 444, Step 3 – 447, Step 4 – 450
Some bosses also offer loot with even higher levels, increasing them by 6 or 7 points. You can get these higher-level items by purchasing Aberrus.
- Trinkets called Idol of Chaotic Arrogance, Idol of Debilitating Arrogance, and Idol of Domineering Arrogance can be obtained from Neltharion (Boss 8).
- You can find the Seething Black Dragonscale trinket by defeating Kazzara (Boss 1).
- The Voice of the Silent Star cloak can be acquired by defeating Scalecommander Sarkareth (Boss 9).
Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Heroic Upgrade System
In the new Dragonflight patch 10.1, they’ve introduced a special kind of money that lets you make your items even better. You can use this money on things you get from events in the game, stuff you find in dungeons, and the powerful things you get from big raids. Depending on which item you want to make stronger, you need to get a certain type of currency by doing the following activities in the game.
- If you want to make your Drake’s Shadowflame Crest better, you need to collect 15 pieces of something called Drake’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. You can find these when you do Normal raids. This money can help your Veteran rank 5-8 items or Champion rank 1-4 items become even cooler.
- To upgrade your Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest, you’ll need 15 Wyrm’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. These come from doing Heroic raids in Aberrus HC carry. With this money, you can make your Champion rank 5-8 items or Hero rank 1-4 items even stronger.
- If you’re looking to power up your Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest, then you’ll need 15 Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest Fragments. These drop from Mythic raids. This special money can help your Hero rank 5 items or Mythic rank items get even more powerful.
Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible Heroic Loot Tables
Picking armor depends on the set you have, but other items without sets become more valuable. In the table below, you can see Aberrus and The Shadowed Crucible Heroic accessories and trinkets once we know about the raid. If you join the AtSC Heroic run, you can get the best weapons, trinkets, a mount, and other cool rewards.
Aberrus Heroic Loot Trading Options
- Group loot: No guaranteed items for anyone.
- Group loot + guarantee: Choose how many items you’re sure to get.
- Armor + tier priority: Depends on the raid size, with a focus on armor type and tier.
- Full priority run: No exact guarantee, everyone can get loot from the raid.
If you want to buy a boost for the Aberrus Heroic raid, you won’t have to worry about random things like Corruption, Titanforging, or Warforging. Also, some of the last bosses drop better items.