Total Maps in Rocket League (2024)

Knowing different maps of Rocket League gives a strategic advantage to players. It is like having a secret weapon! So, if you are looking for the total number of maps in Rocket League and their unique characteristics, you have come to the perfect place. Here, you will find all the stuff related to Rocket League maps.

Rocket League maps and Immortalboost brand logo

Different maps have different shapes and stuff in them. Some are big and open, some are small and crowded. Some even have sand or water that makes your car drive differently! While most of the maps are rectangular, some are octagonal, some are circular and some have special features like pillars and raised platforms. In a big map, you might want to save your boost for long shots. On a sandy map, you have to drive carefully so you don’t slip and slide.

This matters because it changes how you play the game. The more you know about each map, the better you’ll be at beating your opponents! So, let’s dive straight into the world of Rocket League maps.

Before we start, as we are going to talk about maps, if you want to know about the cars then checkout the best cars in Rocket league and new cars in season 14.

There are 18 Standard Maps in Rocket League. Some of them have further variants. The Standard Maps of Rocket League are:

1.      AquaDome

AquaDome has a rectangular layout. In its centre, you will find a big pool which covers pretty much of the area. The boost pads are placed on raised platforms around the arena. You have to use ramps or jumps to get those boost pads. Due to the water’s drag force, movement is slower, so you have to make sure you have enough boosts. Similarly, the drag also affects the shots, so take controlled shots.

2.      Beckwith Park

Beckwith Park is also rectangular. It comes in five variations Stormy, Rainy, Night, Midnight and Daytime. Weather can affect car handling and ball physics. So, adapt your playstyle based on the map variation you get. If you get Rainy or Stormy then be prepared for slippery surfaces. Try to use less boost for better control.

3.      Champions Field

Champions Field comes in four variations Night, Day, Nike FC and NFL. The layout is rectangular. It is designed to give players a balanced play environment. When playing in Champions Field focus on basic skills like car control, boost management, and rotations.

4.      Deadeye Canyon

Deadeye Canyon is a vast desert with vast sightlines so you get to see the enemy’s movement better. Since it is extensive, boost pads are scattered throughout the arena. So, you need to be mindful of boost collection and boost usage. Deadeye Canyon is ideal for powerful shots and long-range clears due to the open space. Utilize strong hits and aim strategically to surprise opponents. You can see the opponent and they can see you too. So, strengthen your defence too.

5.      DFH Stadium

DFH Stadium has a rather simple rectangular arena. It comes in five variations Day, Daytime, Stormy Snowy and Circuit. Boost pads are evenly distributed so you can access them relatively easily. Less boost management is required here. In short, it is perfect for beginners. You can easily practice all crucial Rocket League skills like boost management, car control, shot accuracy, and basic rotations here.

6.      Estadio Vida

Estadio Vida is more like DFH stadium. It is a festive night stadium with a rectangular layout and a vibrant atmosphere.  It has a balanced boost distribution so players can easily adapt to it. It comes in only one form Dusk.

7.      Farmstead

FarmStead is also a rectangular arena that comes in five variations Dusk, Spooky, Pitched, Night, and the Upside Down. Like Deadeye Canyon, it is also quite vast. So, you can easily take powerful long-range shots here. But you have to be mindful of the enemy attacks because the sightlines are long and clear. Boost management is necessary as the boost pads are spread across the arena.

8.      Forbidden Temple

Forbidden Temple comes in two variations Day, and Fire & Ice. It is rectangular and like Aqua Dome it has a raised platform – a big stage in the center of the arena, somewhat like a raised boxing ring. There are special boost things scattered around on the platform and on the ground. This area is perfect for jumping and flying around to score awesome goals from above!

9.      Mannfield

MannField comes in five variations Daytime, Dusk, Stormy, Snowy and Night. It is rectangular but in its centre, you will find a big pillar. You can use that pillar to bounce off your ball. You can also use it to hide behind or jump off it for unexpected attacks. You can also use the pillar to dodge your opponents. Boosts are scattered all across the MannField arena.

10.   Neo Tokyo

Neo Tokyo comes in three variations Rainy, Comic and Hacked. The layout is a square so the space is rather limited. To move effectively, you need to have precise car control and the ability to make sharp turns. Due to limited space, you have to be quick in decision-making. Avoid long shots, and practice controlled movements to master Neo Tokyo. Use short boosts to maintain momentum and navigate the tight corners.

11.   Neon Fields

Neon Field has only one form Night. It has a rectangular layout with an extra flying challenge in the centre with rings that you can only reach by jumping and boosting. To master Neon Field you must have good car control in the air and smart use of boost. Even though flying is awesome, don’t forget about scoring goals from the ground too!

12.   Rivals Arena

Rivals Arena too has only one form DayTime. It is not available for casual matches. You can have it in tournaments, private matches and exhibition matches.

13.   Salty Shores

Salty Shores has two variations Daytime and Night. As the name suggests, it is a beach where sand is waiting to add an extra layer of challenge. Ever walked on a beach? Getting stuck, and putting in some extra effort – this is what beaches are all about. So, prepare for your tough turns and difficult dribbles. use short boosts for precise movements, and focus on powerful shots to surprise your opponents.

14.   Sovereign Heights

Sovereign Heights comes in only one form Dusk. It is like a hilly race track. It has got one side that’s higher up than the other, with boost pads scattered all over, including some up high. This means you have to think strategically about where to go for a boost and how to use the slopes to your advantage. Due to the slopes, the behaviour of the ball will also be different. So, try to learn how the ball reacts when it hit the slopes or comes rolling downward. The hilly terrain allows players to dodge their opponents.

15.   Starbase ARC

Starbase ARC has two variations Daytime and Aftermath. The layout is Octagonal so expect a different game than the usual rectangular arena’s. You will see a space station, a desert planet and other celestial bodies here. It offers space flying. Just remember to use your boost wisely in all that open space and don’t forget to practice your car handling on the ground too.

16.   Urban Central

Urban Central comes in four variations Rainy, Dawn, Night, and Haunted. It has a symmetrical rectangular layout. Urban Central’s straightforward design makes it an excellent arena for honing fundamental Rocket League skills. Practice dribbling, wall riding, aerial control, and shot accuracy to build a strong foundation for your gameplay.

17.   Utopia Coliseum

Utopia Coliseum comes in four variations Daytime, Dusk, Glided, and Snowy. It has a circular layout. The circular shape introduces slightly different car control techniques. When turning your car maintain control. As it is circular, it is better to use short boosts.

18.   Wasteland

Wasteland comes in three variations Daytime, Night and Pitched. It has a rectangular arena and is very large. This means you can take powerful long shots here with quite ease. Plus, the sightlines are also extensive. This allows you to anticipate opponent movements and plan your attacks effectively.


Other Maps

Apart from the above standard maps, there are some alternate maps also in Rocket League. These alternate maps are:

1.      Arctagon

2.      Badlands

3.      Barricade

4.      Basin

5.      Calavera

6.      Carbon

7.      Core

8.      Colossus

9.      Corridor

10.   Cosmic

11.   Double Goal

12.   Dunk House

13.   Galleon

14.   Hourglass

15.   Loophole

16.   Octagon

17.   Pillars

18.   Quadron

19.   The Block

20.   Throwback Stadium

21.   Tokyo Underpass

22.   Underpass

23.   Urban Central

24.   Utopia Retro


Rocket League has several maps each one has its own unique features. They require different levels of skills, planning and decision-making to navigate them. So, explore different and practice maps to adapt to them.