Apex Legends Top 5 Aiming Tips Used By Predator Players

Do you want to improve your aim in Apex Legends? If yes, here is the ultimate guide to improve your aim in Apex Legends. This guide is perfect not only for the old players who struggle with taking aims but also for beginners as, unlike other guides, it is quite easy to understand.

My name is Ash, and I work with the Apex coaching squad at Immortal Boost. ! My job is to help my clients improve their overall gameplay in Apex, which includes aim, map rotation, which guns to choose, mouse sensitivity, etc.

Apex Legends Aim Tips Guide

So, let’s get straight to the tips.

The top five Apex Legends aiming tips to help you improve your aims are:

1. Recoil Management

The first and foremost step in improving aims is recoil management. Recoil management is required because your weapon moves from its initial position every time you shoot if you can not control it, disrupting your aims.

So, you need to be immune to the weapon’s recoil. This takes a lot of practice and, of course, time and patience. Obviously, you can not practice with all 29 weapons. Check out Apex Legends’ best weapons list and choose the ones that complement your play style and practice in the range.

Once you master the recoil pattern of the weapons you use, your aims will improve.

2. Control Your Movement

Another important yet underrated tip is that you need to control your movement while taking aims in Apex Legends.

If your opponents are not aware that you are aiming, don’t move while you are targeting your enemy. If you move, you will likely miss the shot. So, standstill and kill him.

However, if your enemy or your enemy’s allies can see you and are aware of your action, then you should move while taking the shot to protect yourself. Your movement should be smooth so you can control the weapon and its recoil while moving.

3. Follow Enemy’s Hitboxes

You might not have heard about this one earlier, but if you are able to take shots by understanding how hitboxes and character animations work, then your aims won’t go in vain.

Hitboxes represent the area on a character’s model where shots will register as hits. In Apex Legends, each legend has a unique hitbox, meaning that some legends may have larger or smaller hitboxes than others.

Character animations, particularly during movement, can alter hitbox sizes and positions. For example, when a character is running, crouching, or performing certain abilities, their hitbox may change dynamically.

By learning about these things, you can adjust your aim to hit your targets more accurately and win more fights in the game.

4. Don’t Shoot Blindly

One major reason players find it hard to aim in Apex Legends is that they shoot blindly. If you are also someone who starts shooting at the very sight of the enemy, you need to stop it.

Instead of shooting right away when you see an enemy, wait for them to do something predictable, like jumping or sliding. This makes it easier for you to aim and hit them.

When you see them do something like that, stop shooting for a moment. Then, when they do it again or move in a predictable way, start shooting.

This helps you save ammo, take down enemies more easily, and get more victories.

5. Choose the Right Skins

You also need to choose the right skins. Picking the right ones can make a big difference because they are much more than mere aesthetics.

To improve your gameplay, opt for skins with slimmer weapon models and user-friendly iron sights. These features provide better visibility and make aiming easier, enhancing your performance in matches. 

Certain skins, like the Wingman Deathray, R-99 Avalanche, and Peacekeeper Lonestar, have thinner weapon models and iron sights.

A slimmer model means that when you equip these skins, the weapon takes up less space on your screen compared to other skins. As a result, you have more visibility of the game environment, including your targets and potential threats. 

Iron sight, on the other hand, helps in aiming precision, and tracking targets.


Apex Legends is all about shooting your enemy. And, if you have a hard time achieving your goals, you won’t enjoy playing the game, nor will you have wins.

So, to have maximum fun and victories, you need to improve your aim by working on the weapon’s recoil, movement, shooting pattern, enemy Hitbox, and the right skins. This will help you take precise aims in Apex Legends.

Hope you liked this guide! You can check out our blog section, where we upload new guides to help you improve in Apex Legends daily! Cheers 🙂