10 Tips to Get Better at Aiming in Valorant – Valorant Aiming Guide

Valorant can be tough if you do not know how to get kills. Right aims are vital to kill the enemy. But, how can you effectively aim in Valorant? If you often miss targets, this Valorant aiming guide is for you. Shooting is a crucial aspect of this game. If you shoot at the right target, the battle is yours. This Valorant sunset map guide would make aiming a piece of cake for you!

Let us learn the tips to aim better without delaying further.

Play in Deathmatch Mode

The first step to learning anything is practice. Regular practice will eventually make you a high achiever. Deathmatch mode is a solution for you. You can practice playing with people, without specific goals set up. Here, you have to create the targets that you want to achieve. You should practice the points you want to improve on Deathmatch. If you want to get better at aiming, practice targeting the enemies. Deathmatch is a good round to practice for other shortcomings as well. It makes you prepared before you enter the playing ground. It trains you well. You will see yourself get better at aiming within a few days!

Practice with The Range

Aiming would get better when you know how to use the Range. It helps if you choose to move sideways instead of moving forward. Before playing a ranked game, you should practice with the Range. Do not jump into the battlefield directly, without practicing. Once you have organized the range, you will be prepared to win the match. You are already aware of its functioning, and setting, so no worries are left! 

Use Strafing

Often players miss targets because they are moving. So why not utilize this strategy to save your life? Moving forward or backward is the old strategy. The enemy can know your movement and aim at you. Try out the new strategy of strafing. Strafing means to move from side to side, rather than a forward or a backward motion. You will move to one side, and shoot, and then move to the opposite side. This way your enemy cannot target you. Practice with strafing, to eventually get faster at it. This is called counter-strafing.

Customize your Crosshair

Always utilize crosshairs, since they show you where your target will reach. You are free to customize your crosshair. Customizing it based on your requirements makes the game easier for you. Never neglect this part! Pick a crosshair color that stands out. It should not blend in with the background. 

You should be aware of the way to use a crosshair. Position your crosshair in a short time. If you are spending too much time, you may end up missing the target. You can polish your crosshair skills with practice. Try to get familiar with the map layouts. This would make aiming easier for you. 

Try Out Aiming Apps

Many apps are available that can help you to improve your aim in Valorant. Try out Aimlab and Kovaaks. They are easily accessible, and allow you to set your difficulty level. It shows you stats that provide information about your shortcomings. It highlights the accuracy of your targets, your kills, and much more. You know what’s the best part? Here, you are playing with yourself only. So, you will never feel nervous. You don’t need to worry if your aim does not go right. 

Record Your Matches

Before you can improve something, you should identify the shortcomings. To identify your issues, you can record your game. While playing, things are moving on fast. You cannot realize your mistakes. So, recording would show you where you made a mistake. Then, think about the solutions that could prevent this problem again.

Use The Right Tools

Having expensive tools will not make you win a match. But, a poorly working tool would affect your performance. If you have a mouse that is difficult to operate, or your keyword has hard keys, your actions will take time. Invest in a good mouse. Try out different types of mice and find the one that fits perfectly in your hand. Not everyone likes a light mouse, so its weight should be comfortable for your grip.

Valorant players recommend red linear switches. You can try those, but not everyone prefers the same. If you play aggressively, find a keyboard that suits you. The right tools would make your gaming experience better, and lessen your frustrations.

Play Other Games

As mentioned earlier, aiming to get better with practice. You can practice on other platforms similar to it. Use the same tools, to play other games. Try playing Apex Legends or Call of Duty Mobile. These games might have different mechanics, but they will help to improve your targets. Deathmatch, and aiming apps allow you to aim, without any enemies. Playing other games means you can practice aiming against live enemies.

Include Periods of rest

Aiming is not a skill that you can learn in one day. If you spend day and night practicing aiming, you will end up getting frustrated. Take a rest from the game. It would freshen up your mind, and boost your productivity. You should have a day off in the week when you do not play Valorant. After the break, you will come back stronger. You would play the match with greater energy.

Find the best agent

Valorant has a lot of agents. Every agent has their powers and plays mechanics. Find out the agent through which you can aim precisely. The agent you are playing with significantly affects your targets. So, find out the agent which makes aiming easier for you. 

Here are the 10 strategies you can utilize to improve aiming in Valorant. In a nutshell, aiming is not a skill that you can learn through theory. It requires consistent practice. Do not get disheartened if you cannot aim well. Practice makes everything perfect!


What is the best aim trainer for Valorant?

Aim Lab and Kovaak’s FPS Aim Trainer are popular choices among Valorant players to improve aim. Both offer various exercises that can enhance aiming skills, specifically for FPS games like Valorant.

What is an easy way to improve aiming?

Consistent practice is the key. Spend time each day in aim training apps or even within Valorant’s shooting range to work on your aim. Watch tutorials and analyze professional gameplay to get valuable aiming techniques and strategies.

What sensitivity settings should I use for better aim?

Play with different sensitivities to find what works best for you, but generally, lower sensitivities are recommended for better precision.

Should I focus more on headshots or body shots?

Headshots are more rewarding as they deal increased damage. So, prioritize aiming for headshots whenever possible.

Is it better to aim with wrist or arm movements?

It depends on personal preference, but many players find a combination of both wrist and arm movements to be effective for precise aiming.