WoW Boosting




Experience the excitement of PvP content with WoW RBG boost in self-play mode, where you can achieve your desired rating while playing with real PvP pros. Battleground fights have been a fun part of WoW since its release, but rating battlegrounds require 10 experienced teammates who understand each other perfectly. If you don’t have a team, our WoW RBG self-play boost service can help.

Simply select the rating you wish to achieve, and we will find the most suitable team for you, providing RBG boosts up to 2100 rating, depending on your item level. During the order fulfillment, we will also farm Conquest points and Honor levels. Want to fight alongside the top PvP players? Add the option to play only with Rank 1 players to your order, where each teammate has the Hero of the Horde/Hero of the Alliance achievement, proving that they are among the top 0.5% of the ladder.

Our WoW Shadowlands RBG boost service is convenient for you, with sessions scheduled in advance based on your preferences. You don’t have to be in front of the monitor 24/7.

Note: lead time can be increased on 1800+ rating.



Achieve your desired rating and unlock rewards with WoW Shadowlands RBG boost. Receive gear, honor levels, and conquest points during the boost to enhance your gameplay experience. Reach 2400 rating and earn the General/High Warlord or Marshal/Grand Marshal achievements. Plus, unlock weekly rewards progress in the Great Vault.



Rank 1 Team – Your teammates will consist of PvP professionals from the top 0.5% of the ladder.



  • For this wow boosting, a character 70 lvl on WoW account;
  • Overall 411+ ilvl PvP gear. 



  • After placing your order, we create a priority list based on execution speed and order placement time.
  • We will contact you via live chat or email to answer any questions you may have.
  • Join our team of players at the scheduled time and begin RBG fights in self-play mode.
  • Our players will complete battlegrounds one by one until you reach your desired rating.
  • Enjoy the results of our services and leave us a rating on Trustpilot to let others know about your experience.


What is RBG World of Warcraft ?

RBGs are a unique 10v10 PvP mode, requiring winning strategies and specific team setups.

However, finding a team can be a major hurdle for many players since there is no matchmaking system for RBGs.

Our team of professionals provides an easier way to participate in RBGs through our boost service.

Opt for the self-play option to witness top PvP players in action and gain an exciting gaming experience.

How do I start a Rated Battleground ?

To participate in RBGs, you need at least one 50-level character and a premade group to join the fight.

However, finding an experienced team can be challenging.

Consider purchasing our WoW RBG boost service from Immortalboost to enjoy the game with PvP professionals.

How much rating does a RBG win ?

The number of points you receive for a victory in WoW RBGs depends on two factors:

Your results in the game and the MMR (Matchmaking Rating) of your opponents.

The higher the level of your opponents, the more points you will receive for the victory.

RBG Progression Self-Play