WoW Boosting




The Infernal Direwolf can be obtained as a reward for achieving glory in Hellfire Citadel, which was one of the most arduous raids in the Warlords of Draenor expansion, with 13 challenging bosses and achievements to match. However, not all achievements can be completed alone, with at least two being particularly difficult. 

Save yourself the trouble and consider purchasing an Infernal Direwolf carry from Immortalboost instead.




  • Active WoW account.



  • You can choose your preferred options and place an order, and we will get in touch with you either through our live chat or email. 
  • Before starting, we will finalize all the details, including the suitable start time according to your schedule. 
  • We will find a booster who can match your schedule, and our professional player will initiate the farm after taking over your character at the mutually agreed time. 
  • Once the order is complete, we will notify you, and you can enjoy the results! Don’t forget to rate our services on Trustpilot. 
  • If you have any queries or unique requirements, feel free to text us anytime, even at 3:00 am, as we are available online 24/7!

The achievements and rewards of the raiders have always been a source of challenge and desire among players, as nothing signifies their status better than the acquisition of a rare and coveted mount. 

  • The same holds true for Hellfire Citadel where the Infernal Direwolf, a corrupted and imposing wolf mount, can only be obtained by successfully completing all 13 challenging achievements. 
  • Most of these achievements are still difficult to accomplish, even with the current expansion. 
  • Each Glory of the Raider meta-achievement involves at least one or two bosses with achievements that are notoriously difficult to achieve. 
  • This is why players may opt to get assistance from others.

Immortalboost is one such service that can help players accomplish every achievement in the game, including the acquisition of every mount available in World of Warcraft, including the Infernal Direwolf. By availing themselves of Immortalboost’s services, players can obtain the coveted Infernal Direwolf mount and ride it in no time. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us anytime, as we are available round the clock.

Infernal Direwolf Mount Boost