WoW Boosting




In Dragonflight expansion, you can acquire Conquest Points to equip your character with 424 ilvl PvP gear and earn Great Vault rewards.

The Conquest Points system remains the same, where you can earn them by participating in rated Arena and Battlegrounds. Alternatively, you can seek assistance from Overgear sales and hire pro players to earn the required Conquest Points for you.



  • You can earn Conqueror Points in any amount, which can be used to obtain pieces of PvP gear. Additionally, earning Conqueror Points may increase your Honor levels and unlock rewards from the Great Vault.
  • By accumulating Conqueror Points, you can earn rewards such as PvP gear and unlock progress towards Great Vault rewards. Earning these points may also increase your Honor levels, providing additional honor rewards.
  • Want to level up your PvP game? Earn Conqueror Points, which can be used to get PvP gear and unlock Great Vault rewards. In addition, earning these points increases your Honor levels, granting access to even more honor rewards.
  • Whether you’re a seasoned PvP veteran or just starting out, earning Conqueror Points is a must. These points can be used to obtain PvP gear and unlock rewards from the Great Vault. Plus, as you earn points, you’ll also increase your Honor levels and receive additional honor rewards.



  1. Looking to gear up your character for PvP combat ? Let us do the farming for you. We’ll gather the necessary amount of Honor currency to equip your character with 411 ilvl PvP gear in every slot.
  2. Our team of players can help you unlock 1-3 rewards from the Great Vault, providing you with powerful PvP items to choose from. While you can only choose one item per week, the more rewards you unlock, the greater your chances of obtaining the best-in-slot items.
  3. With our assistance, you can easily obtain top-tier PvP gear. Our team will farm the required Honor currency to equip your character with 411 ilvl items in every slot. Additionally, we can help you unlock 1-3 rewards from the Great Vault, increasing your chances of obtaining the strongest PvP items.
  4. Don’t have the time to farm Honor currency for your PvP gear? Let us handle it. We’ll farm the necessary amount to equip your character with 411 ilvl items in every slot. We can also assist you in unlocking 1-3 rewards from the Great Vault, allowing you to choose from a variety of powerful PvP items. Remember, the more rewards you unlock, the better your chances of obtaining the strongest gear





  1. Our team prioritizes orders based on execution speed and time of placement. This ensures efficient and timely completion of your order.
  2. Communication is key to a successful boost, and we are dedicated to keeping our clients informed. Our support team will reach out to you through live chat or email to answer any questions you may have.
  3. Whether you choose to have the booster pilot your character or join the boost in self-play mode, our team is equipped to handle your needs.
  4. Our team of skilled players will farm Conquest Points through multiple Arena fights to achieve the desired result.
  5. Upon completion of the Conquest Points boost, we will notify you immediately to ensure a seamless experience.
  6. We pride ourselves on providing top-tier service and would appreciate your feedback on Trustpilot. Enjoy your new rewards!


Conquest Points Farm FAQ

What do Conquest Points do in Dragonflight ?

Conquest Points are crucial for the PvP gearing process. They allow players to purchase gear with a PvP ilvl of 424, which is highly recommended for Rated BGs, Arena, and Solo Shuffle.


How much Conquest do I need for a full set ?

Assuming that you already have four pieces of the class tier set, the remaining pieces of the PvP set can be obtained by spending approximately 9800 Conquest Points.

How do you get Conquest Points fast ?

There are various methods to obtain Conquest Points, including participating in Rated Battlegrounds, Rated Arena matches, Rated Solo Shuffle, and completing weekly PvP quests. Consistently engaging in Arena matches may be the most efficient way to earn Conquest Points, but Rated Battlegrounds can also be a viable option depending on personal preference.

How much Conquest can you get per week Dragonflight ? 

In the initial stage of the season, a weekly cap of 550 Conquest Points was implemented, limiting the amount that players could obtain. However, this cap has since been removed, allowing players to earn up to 15,000 Conquest Points at any time.

Conquest Points Farm boost