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These Are All Valorant Agents’ Real Names (Gekko Update)

Hello everyone. I am Alex and I am a professional Valorant player and a Valorant Booster working with Immortalboost since 2019 and before Valorant, I used to play CS-GO. If you want to hire my services for Valorant, you can check out the valorant boost prices and place order. 

I have gather all the information to update you about the real name of agents we play daily. Since its release back in 2020, Valorant’s agent list has grown quite big. The game boasts a total of 22 agents that are available to use every match. While we know the codenames that Riot has assigned to these agents, not many of us know their real names. This is what today’s guide will be all about:

Valorant Agents Real Names


Brimstone’s real name is Liam Byrne and he is a US nationalist. He joined Kingdom Corp and headed their K/Sec division for some time and then later became the leader of the Valorant Protocol, a shadow Organization that started to oppose the Kingdom Corp and their energy domination.


Viper is also another US nationalist and her name are Sabine Callas that has been working with Kingdom Corp as well as the Chief officer of their Science Division. After the events of First Light, she joined the Valo Protocol and became Brimstone’s second in command.


Omen is the only agent whose past is unclear as he is a ghost with no memory of his past. Although there are hints here and there that he and Viper used to have a close and intimate relationship but just like his appearance and his abilities, everything about him is shrouded in Mystery. However, he was recruited by Brimstone and became the First recruit of the Valorant Protocol.


Phoenix is a UK national and his name is Jamie Adeyami. He is a prodigy with his abilities revolving around controlling fire. Jamie went to a local art school where he was kicked out. He discovered his Radiant powers and then joined the Valorant protocol as its ninth Agent.


Sage is a Chines national whose real name is Ling Ying Wei. Due to her leadership and communication abilities, she quickly rose through the Valorant Protocol ranks and became in charge of the Radiant training program. The higher-ups have given her the responsibility of integrating and managing the recruits so they can fulfil their mission and objectives.


Sova is a Russian national whose name is Alexander (Sasha) Novikov. Before joining the VP, Sova was an archer which makes him an expert to fulfill the role of the team’s recon agent who gathers information on the enemy team.


Killjoy is a German national whose real name is Klara Bohringer. She is quite the gifted mind as she developed the Kingdom’s Corp Spike and its detonator technology. Her inventions and sharp mind allowed her to become the head of the Kingdom’s Corp R&D department at just 18 years of age.


Breach is a Swedish native that used to go by the name of Erik Torsten. He was born with disabled legs. Yet despite his disability, he chose a life of Crime and along with his family was caught by authorities. When passing his sentence, the judge being sympathetic to his plight gave him a lighter punishment, after which Erik came back to his old criminal way of life before joining the Valorant Protocol and he became reformed as per the organization’s policy.


Astra hails from Ghana and her real name is Efia Danso. Her radiant powers revolve around cosmic energies which is why she has become a guardian of the astral plane. This is why the Valorant Protocol organization saw fit to assign her the Codename Astra.


Chamber is a French national whose real name is Vincent Fabron. He is an ex-military marksman who specializes in weapons and ammunition which is why he is seen carrying different guns and bullets with a flair of his own. He was hired by the VP org to help with the Omega Earth situation.


Cypher is from Morocco and his real name is Amir el Amari, which translates to the Moon Prince or Prince of the Moon. His hometown is Rabat, where Kingdom Corp has established a Radianite refinery which has resulted in the depletion of the city’s natural resources resulting in Cypher’s dislike for the Corporation.

Cypher thrives on secrets and intel. He makes sure that while he has information and secrets, nobody else knows as less about him as they possibly can. Although, it has been made clear that before joining the Valorant Protocol Org, he had a family and they died in an accident whereas he survived.


Jett is a South Korean whose real name is Sun Woo Han. She used to be a chef in a Korean restaurant but after the events of the first light, her Radiant powers caused an accident in her workplace and unwilling to deal with the aftermath she ran away from there. She was soon recruited into the Valorant Protocol afterwards and became a force to be dealt with.


Reyna belongs to Mexico whose real name is Zyana Mondragón. Her Radiant powers allow her to steal life from people she kills. She despises people and technology. However, before joining the Valorant Protocol Organization she set up a haven for Ex kingdom employees who were unhappy with the corp’s immoral practices and protected them for some time.


Raze is a Brazilian national whose real name is Tayane Alves. She has a penchant for destruction and she stood up against Kingdom Corp in Bahia and drove them out with her explosive technology. Later on, she was hired by the Valorant Protocol and now safeguards Earth from interdimensional worldly threats.


Skye is an Australian whose real name is Kirra Foster. She is an avid nature lover and she strongly abhors the Kingdom Corp’s practices of capitalism and exploitation of nature. She was recruited into the Valorant protocol when she discovered the presence of an interdimensional portal that opened on a deserted Kingdom Corp facility.


Yoru is a Japanese Radiant whose real name is Ryo Kiritani. He has been searching around the world for his ancestors and he has found a mask relic at a kingdom facility that allows him to access another dimension. His various exploits made it on the Valorant Protocol’s radar and he was eventually recruited by the organization.


Neon hails from the Philippines whose real name is Tala Nicole Dimaapi Valdez. Her radiant powers allow her to use bioelectricity and she draws it from the planet’s radianite mesh. The Valorant Protocol org recruited her to use her power to open and stabilize interdimensional gateways known as the Alpha Omega Teleporters.


Kay/O is an anecdote for Knockout or K.O. He is a robot from an alternate future. Humans created him to help neutralize Radiants by making use of Radianite. His powers dampen the latent radiant abilities in individuals with radiant powers, rendering them into normal human beings.

He time travelled into the past and landed on a Caribbean island where he was found and recruited by the Valorant Protocol Organization.


Fade is a Turkish national whose real name is Hazal Eyletmez. She is looking for a person close to her and holds the Valorant Protocol organisation responsible for their disappearance. But that turns out to be a misunderstanding and after clearing it all up, Fade joined the organization and became dedicated towards its goal of protecting the planet’s Radianite from Interdimensional enemies.


Harbor is an Indian Radiant whose real name is Varun Batra. He used to work for REALM and he was assigned missions that involved the extraction of black-market items and returning them to their rightful owners. During these missions, he came across an object that allows him to draw out large amounts of water out of it.  He is quite a skilled tactician and knows how to handle himself during conflicts.

Due to him possessing that artifact REALM turned on him and excommunicated him from the organization, decreeing him an outlaw. They demanded that he hand over the relic but he didn’t and he was on the run for a while before the Valorant Protocol agreed to extract him and recruit him into their ranks.


Gekko is a US national and his real name is Mateo. His radiant powers have manifested into sentient creatures that are quite mischievous by nature. He is the latest addition to the Valorant protocol Agent profiles.

These are the real names of all the Agents in the Valorant Roster. We have specific guides for different agents and maps as well that you can read to get a better idea of the game and its various mechanics.

Final Thoughts 

Let us know in the comment section which Agent is your favourite and whether were you surprised by their real name. We would love to hear from you!