How to unlock valorant agents – updated guide 2023

It’s been 3 years since Valorant was released, and if you haven’t played it in a while, you’ll not recognize how many changes it got. There are a lot more new maps agents new headaches everything has changed. The meta has shifted vastly towards the ability of the agents rather than just on aim and skills at this state of Valorant. But today’s topic is not about what changes Valorant has been through throughout its ever-changing battlefield. Rather we will only focus on its agents. All agents have their abilities newly added agents and how to unlock them all.

Before we start, you should know that we are also providing Valorant boosting service to help players more about the Valorant gameplay and ranked matches.

All Valorant Agents:

So firstly there are 22 agents as of now the list includes:

  • Omen 
  • Sova
  • Breach
  • Raze
  • Sage
  • Phoenix
  • Reyna
  • Brimstone
  • Neon
  • Killjoy
  • Jett
  • Cypher
  • Viper
  • Chamber
  • Astra 
  • Yoru
  • Skye
  • Kay/o
  • Fade
  • Deadlock
  • Gekko
  • Harbor

Now I’m not going to bore you with their biography. I’ll write another blog for this at a different time but I think a little introduction of each of these agents will be good for context for those who are new to the game.

So there are 4 types of agents are

  1. Sentinels.
  2. Controllers.
  3. Initiators.
  4. Duelists.


Duelists are the entry fraggers of the team. These agents are typically equipped with abilities that allow them to take on multiple enemies at once. Duelists are often the first to enter a site as their role “entry fragger” suggests and they are responsible for creating space for their teammates to follow up. Mostly your star player picks duelists to create as much space and take as many duels to make to give their team an early advantage.

Agents in this class: Jett, Phoenix, Reyna, Raze, Yoru, etc…


Controllers are responsible for controlling the map and creating opportunities for their team to take sites. They have abilities that create smoke screens, slow down enemies, or block vision. Controllers are often the ones who set up the team’s attacks, and they are essential for creating a coordinated push. Generally, In-game leaders like Nitro and Shahzam pick this agent to have much more control of what’s happening on the map.

Agents in this class: Astra, Brimstone, Omen, Viper, etc…


Initiators are responsible for gathering information and clearing out areas before the team pushes. They have abilities that reveal enemy positions, flashbang enemies, or stun them. Initiators are often the ones who lead the team’s pushes. So if you are a support player these agents are your go-to. 

Agents in this class: Breach, KAY/O, Skye, Sova, etc…


Sentinels are the defenders of the team. They have abilities that slow down enemies, trap them, or deny vision. Sentinels are often the ones who hold down sites and protect their teammates from attacks or put traps on the opposing team. These agents are usually picked by bomb-site anchors.

Agents in this class: Chamber, Cypher, Killjoy, Sage, etc…

Valorant New Agents:

Gekko and Deadlock are the newest addition to Valorant’s agent’s list here’s a little intro for both of them Gekko is a relatively older addition than Dead lock he’s an INITIATOR on the other hand deadlock is a SENTINEL. I have explained above what INITIATOR and SENTINEL mean so now let’s move further.

So this raised a simple question for any new player that is just starting out how am I gonna unlock all of them? And now there comes my part I’ll guide you towards it.

How to unlock agents in Valorant:

First starting out there You have 5 Agents unlocked to start with: Brimstone, Jett, Phoenix, Sova, and Sage and then you have to make your way to unlock other agents by grinding the game.

So the first tip I’ll give you is first to find your playstyle and which type of player you are. Are you an aiming god or a slick movement hopper or a chess mastermind? After finding that out you need to pick the appropriate agent to play with. You choose any of the 5 ones that are already unlocked until you find out which type of agent you wanna pick.

So they are two ways you can unlock the agents the paid way and the freeway I’ll explain how they work for both of them.

The paid way:

This is the easiest way to unlock an agent just pay and play and if you can source a pre-existing account this might make the most sense. How it works is that you need to have around 200 vp (Valorant points) for 1 level and the agent unlocks at contract level 5 so to unlock a new agent you’ll need around 10$ this cost may vary depending on which region your order is from. Now obviously this is a way more instantaneous route than grinding the game for hours to unlock a certain agent. The other and more cheap way is to buy or source a pre-existing account from a friend or seller this way you can get a lot more agents with a fraction of the price. But this is against Riot (Valorant developers) rules so if you get caught you will get banned. And Vanguard bans ( Valorant kernel level anti-cheat) are system bans so buying another account won’t fix the problem you’ll have to buy a whole new pc to play Valorant again so do this at your own risk and stay careful.  But Valorant is a free game so if you have time and skill why  waster o

The free way:

So firstly you need to play Deathmatch and I mean a lot of Deathmatching so you can get an idea of how the game mechanics work. And after that, you have to play unrated with your choice from the 5 agents that I mentioned above earlier. Now grinding in unrated is very necessary for your skill growth but it won’t be that necessary for agent unlocking and the reason for that is unrated tend to become to really lengthy and if you lost the game the xp gain will be very minimal because of it. So what I would suggest is for you to play shorter game modes like spike rush or replication these modes are shorter and usually gave a lot more xp than unrated. Play daily 2 3 matches of spike rush and replication because remember consistency is the key.

Now there is more than one way to unlock agents quickly which includes:

Complete the daily and weekly challenges. These challenges will give you a lot of XP, which you can use to level up your contracts. And if you bought the battle pass then xp earning also gets a boost so I would suggest that if you don’t have enough time then just look at the daily quest and complete them.

Play the game with friends: Like every other multilayer game Valorant also encourages its player base to play the game with their friends the way they encourage the players it’s by giving xp boost and including this in daily quests, in short, You will earn more XP when you play with friends.

Play Spike Rush and ranked matches: spike rush is a quicker way than playing unrated to unlock agents as I think I have explained earlier and the other mode you will play will be full-length matches I know that I have told you not to play unrated because of it’s lengthy match time but in ranked after even you lose you’ll get a good amount of xp so it’s entirely different than unrated.

Just unlock agents: I will explain this further on another blog. So essentially you don’t need to complete the agent contract all the way to level 10 just unlock agents on level 5 and move on to the next one as simple as this sound riot is always releasing new agents so you will be always on the move for the next agent contract.

Focus on the right agents:

By “right agents” I mean the agents that suit your play style do your due diligence and choose the right agent and unlock it first then so on and so forth don’t do mumble jumble with the agents just pick one and stick with it.

How long does it take to unlock an agent?

While there are many factors that it depends on how much you play, how many games you win also how many kills you got so there is all that. But on a rough note, you should be able to acquire an agent after 4 to 5 days of continuous play and this may vary depending on the factors I just stated above.

Here is a table that shows how much XP you can earn for each activity:

Activity          XP per match

Daily challenge 200 XP 

Weekly Challenge 1000 XP

Spike Rush match 100 XP

Unrated match 100 XP (win)

Competitive match 200 XP (win) 

So if you consider all the tips that I have given like playing with your friend and deathmatching a lot etc you’ll unlock this agent really quickly.