Best Overwatch 2 Doomfist Guide – Tips, Team Comps, Abilities..

There are 40 unique heroes with different abilities, playstyles, and impacts in the game. While I agree that some of them do share similarities, like Sojourn and Soldier 76 or Sombra and Tracer, the shared similarities don’t make them identical. For some players, it’s even hard to find the similarities in the first place. Moving on, this day’s blog will be a guide on Doomfist, just like I have them on, Baptise, Cassidy, and a lot of other heroes.

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My name is Shiro, and my role is to play Tank characters! My top rank is Champion 250, and currently, I am working with the Overwatch 2 Boost squad here at Immortal Boost. My job requires me to master every hero out there so that I can do my job successfully when a client asks me to play a specific hero. 

Doom Fist’s role in the game is tank, and he was added to Overwatch 1 in 2017. He had a rework for Overwatch 2 and was the 25th hero in the overall game. In this blog, we will discuss what playstyle is suited for the Doomfist, what his abilities are, and how to use them efficiently. Finally, I will give you some tips that you can use in your games. This guide is going to be as detailed as it gets, So take popcorn and start writing notes.

Doomfist Playstyle:

First, you must accept and keep in mind that the skill ceiling of doom fist is high. If you want to main Doomfist, your mechanical skills should also be on par with his. You can be annoying, too, if you get his mechanics and practice him enough to use him as your main hero. Doom Fist is a complex hero as he possesses high mobility as compared to other heroes, but the range of his abilities and the primary weapon is relatively low. 

Assigning him to a single playstyle takes a lot of work. He is the only tank in the game who has this much mobility and who can rotate and attack enemies this quickly. Players who excel at movement should have a crack at him. Players with mains sombra or tracer may find Doom fist easier to play with as his abilities are fast-paced, and he can make quick work out of any team in a matter of seconds.

The Phoon playstyle is the correct way to play with Doom Fist, but you have to play with heroes who are just as fast as you, and they should also have good mechanical skills to support you.

But don’t worry if you don’t have movement abilities like Phoon. You can still master the guy, but you would have to practice with him a lot to get used to it. 

His abilities and how to use them correctly:

The best Defense:

This is kind of a heavenly ability for the players who love to push and shove themselves in front of their enemies. So Doomfist regenerates his health and gets extra health points while giving damage through his abilities. Different abilities give different HP surplus, but there’s a cap on how much more health he can get. Supposedly, if you kill an entire team, you would want to get the maximum HP for that, but that’s not it. The best Defense has capped at 650 hp, which is a 200-plus surplus over his average 400 hp.

The use of it is pretty simple. You don’t have to do anything else other than use your abilities to kill the enemies, which is the main point. By the way, Use your rocket punch or seismic slack to damage the enemies.

Rocket Punch:

The rocket punch ability of Doom Fist is his most aggressive ability and somewhat the reason for him being this annoying to face. The rocket punch is a blend of many things, and you can get creative with it and get a rush of adrenaline while using it. For times, it’s movement ability, and other times, it can be the stun ability, and sometimes, it can also be the pulling ability. You can also use it to make space for yourself or to take space back from your enemy team.

While the rocket punch doesn’t have that significant damage, the lack of damage can be compensated by the other thing I have mentioned above. You could also use a setup to use this punch. Combining it with different abilities will help me get the best of both worlds. You could use the rocket punch to launch your enemy in any direction and kill him with your primary fire while he’s being a stunned clone. At the same time, the stun has just gotten nerfed by a blizzard; the last part can be tricky. 

Power Block (Ability):

The power block of Doom is significantly less exciting than his other abilities as it does not do much. It can block any upcoming damage, which you can see and have time to use. The power block is in no way a shield because you can’t spam it or have it while using your other abilities. It can indeed block damage when it is activated, but it is not a permanent thing to rely on.

You could use the power block while holding an angle or while in a highly fast-paced fight. The powerblock can also be used while healing or preparing to deliver a rocket punch to somebody’s face. Or you could use it as a secondary to punch someone first, and then when they try to shoot you back, just use your power block. 

The Seismic Slam (Ability):

There’s a learning curve with the seismic slam as it is not like the standard abilities of other heroes, unlike other skills of Doom Fist, where they shoot you in a horizontal line or when they send in a straight line. The seismic slam is a vertical ability that launches you into the sky. There are a lot of things that you could do with a seismic slam, and it also helps you with a lot of things. 

You could use it while being focused in front of an enemy to a get-out-of-jail jail-free card. You could also use it to apply pressure on the enemy and to scatter them around. Lastly, you could use the seismic slam to take the map control and to move around the map. There are additional benefits to seismic slam. The seismic slam damages everybody, so if you are low, you can use

 Since you have damaged everybody with it, your Best Defense will charge with extra health. Also, the seismic slam is excellent for charging your ult quickly. There are lots of things that seismic slam can be used for, and I have just scratched the surface with it. You could practice to try out new things for yourself.

Meteor Strike (Ultimate):

At last, let’s talk about his ultimate. The meteor strike has its use cases; indeed, this ultimate is not the best in the game. But before doing that, let’s talk about what it is. So, the meteor strike lifts you and lets you select the place where you want to land as a meteor. While you cannot kill any enemies who have total health, it’s a good way to finish some of the low-health ones. 

The first use case is to just use it for fun because, unlike his other abilities, this can do much. You could use it to regenerate your health very quickly, recharge your other abilities, or use it as a last resort to get out of the enemy lines. The choices are limited with this one, but these use cases are pretty much all it can do. 

Doomfist Ow 2 character

Team Composition:

As discussed earlier, the heroes that we should pair the Doom fist with are the heroes with good movement abilities. So here are some of the heroes that go best when paired with Doom Fist


Moira can be a good pair with Doom as her health orb provides health to him in different locations where it is hard to go as a healer like Mercy. Her long-distance healing ability can also come in handy.


Ana is the most versatile hero in the game. With the highest pick rate out of any hero, there’s nothing wrong with choosing Ana as the doom-fist’s companion.


Genji can also be a great partner of Doom as both of them have an insane amount of mobility and can melt down the brain pipes of the enemy. Genji is also really great for helping out Doomfist in sudden and urgent scenarios.

My Tips for Using Doom Fist:

Use ult as second life:

If you have your ult ready, then you don’t have to worry about when things get hairy. You could do even the worst play of your life and still come out of it if you use your ult correctly. So when you have your ult, try to do anything that comes to the top of your mind because, in theory, the ult is your second life and retainer of all your abilities.

Power block with Empowered punch:

As a stand-alone power block, it is less strong of a shield, but if you use it to charge your empowered punch, it can benefit you in a fight. An empowered punch stuns the enemy for almost a second while also sending him back farther. Use a power block to charge up your empowered punch and use it when necessary.

Use seismic slam as a shield builder:

As I have also explained earlier, seismic slams can be a great way to regenerate your health, as they affect the entire enemy team. It can be a great way to aggress and re-enter a site with the use of it. The best Defense regenerates your health with each enemy’s done damage. It’s a great alternative for a power block.

Wrapping it up

I hope you learned how to play Doomfist with the help of my complete guide! Also, I would like to tell you that we provide Overwatch 2 Win Boosting services, where a team of professional Ow 2 boosters is always available to get you the number of wins you want with Doomfish on your account. 

You have to select the number of wins you want, and in the checkout notes, write this hero, Doomfist. We are good to go! Just sit back and learn how Booster will dominate the match by winning all the games with this hero.