Overwatch 2 Soldier 76 Guide – Abilities, Tips, and Much More!

Who can be a better attacker than Soldier 76 in Overwatch 2? What makes him even more impressive is his ability to stand against a few shots. He is an all-in-one package. He can cause huge damage, sprint without a cooldown, and heal from his damages within a second. He can be the savior of your match, and cause you to win the game.

Let’s find out how the developers of Overwatch 2 made Soldier 76 a unique and audience-loved hero.

Overwatch 2 Character Soldier 76

My name is Blink, and I’m a professional Overwatch 2 Top 500 player here at Immortal Boost. I will share some of my knowledge with you guys so that I can do my job on the Overwatch 2 Boosting team at the highest level.


Soldier 76 is a great hero who can cover different aspects of the match. Soldier 76, being a versatile hero, can target from a diverse range of distances. He is well-rounded. He has a pulse rifle, similar to the standard guns of Overwatch 2. The recoil of this rifle lasts long. If any damage is caused to Soldier 76 or its team, he can create a healing zone. This way your team is saved from injuries. His ultimate makes precise targeting easier, as it automatically aims at the enemy. He can serve as a good hero for the noobs.

Well, if you still don’t know about the real name, you can check Overwatch 2 Characters’ real name and learn about the real name of Solider 76 as well.

Soldier 76 Abilities

Heavy Pulse Rifle

Soldier 76’s primary weapon is a heavy pulse rifle. This is a very simple weapon that is best suited for beginners. Players have complained that the damage it causes has slightly reduced in Overwatch 2, but it still does a lot. It has a high damage per second value among the DPS characters. You can use this to target short—or long-range targets. If it catches fire, the vertical recoil will increase significantly.

Helix Rockets

The second ability we will discuss is the Helix rocket. It comes from the same pulse rifle as the Soldier 76. It releases three rockets that will come out as a group from the gun. They cause damage wherever they reach. It causes a splash. If it targets the enemy directly, the damage caused is 120 points. If it splashes out, the damage is 40-80 points. It is based on the distance between the shot and the target. You can use this if you want to flee from the situation. It has a cooldown of around 6 seconds. 


This is a simple, yet very beneficial technique. You can use this ability to increase the movement speed by up to 50% of the soldier 76. If your enemy is fleeing from the situation, you can use this ability. Flank and get into the combat after respawning. One thing to remember is that Soldier 76 cannot fire while you are sprinting. It will also not work after 0.3 seconds after the sprint. So, take your hand away from the Sprint before you plan to shoot.

Biotic Field

The biotic field is like a healing zone. It covers an area of a 4.5-meter radius. In this area, all the team members are exhaled for 35 HP per second. It will stay active for 5 seconds and requires 15 seconds to cool down. It is an unusual ability of Overwatch 2 because any other hero cannot heal his allies. It makes Soldier 76 a gem for his allies as well.

Tactical Visor

The ultimate ability of Soldier 76 is his tactical visor. It will rapidly reload the heavy pulse rifle. Using this you don’t need to aim at the enemies. It will automatically aim at the enemy that lies ahead of it. It lasts for 6 seconds. So, it means that any shot released by the rifle gun would surely land at the target. It can also penetrate through the tank barrier. This ability automatically aims for the targets within a short range. Remember that it will hit the head only if a crosshair is placed at the enemy’s head. 

It is a great damage tool when fighting heroes like Tracer and Pharah. This auto-aim will also aim at the Junkrat’s RIP-tire, making its destruction easier. If you combine it with buffs like Ana’s nano boost or Mercy’s caduceus staff, it will be even more destructive. 

Tips To Master Soldier 76

  • Try to take as many shots as possible because Soldier 76 does not take time to recoil his rifle. His ultimate charges at a rapid rate. 
  • Use the ultimate where the enemy has formed a cluster. You can also use it against a single opponent, but it works best for a crowded place, or if you want to clear out a specific area.
  • Try to recharge your rifle while you are moving. It will enable you to win the encounter as quickly as possible. 
  • The only movement ability of Soldier 76 is his sprint. If a soldier 76 is present, don’t go in closed areas. Always check for snipers’ positions. 
  • Use Soldier 76 against tanks because it has heavy weapons and rockets that can destroy them.
  • Avoid using helix rockets in short-range areas if the soldier has a poor health condition. It can be sent back to the spawn point.
  • If any of your teammates have poor health, sprint over to them and use your biotic field. It will save your allies. 
  • If your enemy sniper is out of range, hightail to a nearby area and get them out. 
  • If your soldier 76 gets injured, use his biotic field. Combine it with Zenyatta and Mercy to tease the enemy from a surprising angle. 
  • While playing with Soldier 76, increase the mouse sensitivity, as you must move around the map to shoot. 

Combinations with Soldier 76

Soldier 76 and Tracer

The Abilities of Soldier 76 and Tracer always get along well. Soldier remains in the same position, and gives pressure along switch damage. Tracer is a flanking character who can peek at the enemy backline and divert their attention. 

Soldier 76 and Ana

Ana’s Nano Boost and Soldier 76’s tactical visor are the best ultimate combo of Overwatch 2. The tactical vigor makes sure that all bullets released by nano boost will reach directly at the target. It means no bullets are wasted.

Soldier 76 and Lucio

Lucio loves to play with heroes that can survive even with a shot, which allows them to heal effectively. Yet, this healing process takes time. Because of his biotic field, Using Soldier 76 will heal Lucio. He cannot play well with Baptiste and Brigitte’s burst and short-lived healing powers.

Soldier 76 and Genji

Genji also gets along well with Soldier 76. Their fighting styles are best suited for each other. Because of his movements, Genji can climb up the walls. He will clear out all the faraway grounds that pose a threat to Soldier 76, similar to Sniper Hero Ashe. 

Soldier 76 is a good pick if the enemy has flying heroes like Pharah. He can also target short-range heroes like Zarya. However, he also has some countering heroes like Ana, whose biotic grenade prevents the biotic field from healing. Soldier 76 is also prone to D.va  because it can rapidly move to higher positions. Roadhog is also a countering hero. He has healing powers that cannot be matched by Soldier 76. If the enemy has a Sigma, it can counter your tactical visor. He has a kinetic grasp that can keep all the shots from the Tactical visor and prevent them from hitting the enemy. 


This is all you should know about Soldier 76 before you play Overwatch 2. Overwatch 2 introduced some exciting heroes, one of whom was Soldier 76. He is a jack of all trades, as he can target enemies with his rifle and his tactical visor. His ultimate ability ensures that you will never miss an enemy. Follow the above-given tips to get the most from a powerful hero like Soldier 76.

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