Apex Legends Bloodhound Guide – Play Like A Pro (2024)

Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to discuss Bloodhound, the new Apex Legends hero added at the launch of Apex Legends.

He is a Recon legend with an interesting kit and a passive ability. Since I’m a professional Apex Legends booster here at Immortal Boost, I need to know how to play every legend so that if the clients ask to play a specific legend, I should be ready. 

Bloodhound legends in Apex Legends

So, I’m going to share some of my tips for Bloodhound with you today. Let’s dig into it!

Bloodhound has a ton of viability for those who are new or even those who are looking to push their skills to the top. I’ll discuss some tips, tricks, gameplay examples, and a lot more to over. Today we’re going to see why Bloodhound also known as Technological Tracker is one of the best Legends you can play in Apex Legends. 

At their core, bloodhound is Apex’s resident tracker Legend which also means that they are a Recon Legend. If you are unfamiliar, all Recon Legends do get to Ping the survey beacons on the map, which gives a nice pinger scan of that map so you can’t see where enemies are. 

It is very important to understand how to approach fights and if it’s ok to take a fight because maybe third parties are nearby or you can’t avoid fights and get the positioning for the end game. However, if you want to master other Legends like Ash, Mirage, and Wraith then stay connected.  

Tracker (Passive Ability)

Even outside of Bloodhound’s Kit, they already get some tracking but that try tracking does come from Hound’s passive tracker. The tracker leaves the icon on the ground where enemies have done recent actions. The recent actions may include the following. 

  • Traveled through
  • Sliding
  • Revive Teammates
  • Killed enemies

Note that the icons will disappear after 90 seconds and the color does go from dark red meaning it happened very recently. Same within 10 seconds and it will fade down to a light red or pinkish color when it does get close to that 90-second expiration. 

You can also ping these icons to get your team some audible indication as to what has happened. The biggest tip I can’t give these icons is with the skull icon. Which means that a player has died in this location. 

To reveal the next ring location, they can scan Survey Beacons dotted about each map similar to other Recon Legends: Crypto, Valkyrie, and Pathfinder

This is important because if you know some members of an enemy have escaped then you can keep tabs on this icon as the player’s banner can be picked up for just about the same amount of time which is 90 seconds.

I find this important and ranked where players are going to try to send in and get that banner at the last second. Other than this tough, just knowing that someone was nearby and how long ago can better let you understand if enemies are close. 

It will also let you know if you’re following or running away from the direction, they have traveled by either the timer on the icon staying the same, going down, or going up as you’re traveling in the opposite direction. 

Scan play

The number of things that are packed into one Legend’s pass ability as Bloodhound also gets the passive feature of the Raven. This is an integral part of their kit for both tracking enemies and keeping their ultimate ability ready to go as it will get you a lot more ultimate uses in each match. 

For starters though the Raven is more or less an assistant or an indicator that spawns on the ground that can be pinged to let Bloodhound’s team know the direction of the nearest enemy squad.  On the minimap, The Raven is at the center of the white circle that pulses. The big thing with this Raven is that Bloodhound can either send out a tactical skin in the direction of the Raven and more or less hit it with that scan or they can walk up to Raven and interact with it. 

Either way, this is going to get you that indicator as to where the enemy team is but a huge thing is as long as you’re not scanning an enemy, pinging The Raven with the skin will automatically and completely refund your task tool meaning you might as well do this every time. The only time where you may not want to scan the Raven is if you know an enemy is somewhat nearby and you don’t want them to see that red away from Tactical Skin. 

Like, As I outlined at the start, and if this tracking is not enough, Bloodhound also gets 25% of an ultimate recharge every time they scan or ping that Raven. This means that this is so important to let you get a lot more ultimate in every game. It will dramatically enhance your combat effectiveness and this is probably one of the things for Bloodhound.  

Eye of the All-Father (Tactical Ability)

We’ve already somewhat hinted at the tactical ability as it is what Bloodhound was previously known as for the scan. If you’re returning to Bloodhound after a long Hiatus then I will start by saying that Bloodhound’s tactical scan really is not quite as good as it used to be but it is still pretty effective if you’re using it wisely. 

Eye of the All-father is a 125 Kona scan that when it comes in contact with enemies, traps, or tracking clues from Bloodhound’s passive, they will be highlighted through walls and objects to let the items be seen by you and your team. 

The maximum distance the skin is going to be is 75 meters and I will say it goes straight out and up so if you’re having someone under you, you’re going to want to look down a little bit so you do hit them with the skin. At the top of your screen, it’s going to let you how many enemies, traps, or objects were scanned and it also gives enemies an indication that they were also scanned by Bloodhound. 

The active timer is one second for the full body and then the tracking Diamond does last on enemies for three total seconds. The cooldown on this ability is 25 seconds, which isn’t too bad for something that does give you wall hacks. 

Bloodhound Tactical tips

The most significant use of Bloodhound scan is going to be in combat while the nature of the scanning ability is to locate enemies for a simple Recon. It is much more effective and efficient to use the skin where you’re about to push in and make it play by being able to track someone through walls even just for one second is hugely important as it can let you peek at an enemy or move in a way that lets you avoid taking unnecessary damage. 

It can also let you pre-aim corners and if you and the team are taking advantage of the scan, you can make quick work enemies. This means that voice communicating to your team that you’re about to scan is important to let everyone get set up and make real use out of the ability. 

The second most critical use case for the scan is to simply just show presence. If you are unfamiliar with this term, it’s more or less giving enemies an acknowledgment or notification that you’re in an area where you know where they are, and that they are going to know where you are. 

Showing presence is a great way in a slower-ranked environment to keep enemies from accidentally pushing into your area and it’s going to give you a little bit of map control, which the scan ability can simply do in a very easy way. 

There are a few words of warning I do want to give you with that tactical tool for every Bloodhound that you really have to be aware of as soon as that scan gets out, it is very noticeable to everyone within a large area. This means any sort of stealth play is completely out the window. 

Second is that enemy traps and Mirage decoys are going to count as enemies Tagged so it could give you a false sense of how many actual enemies are in an area and this is something that you’re going to want to know.  

In some scenarios, when you’re on the defensive and looking to heal generally, it is better to scan enemies, enemies will be more cautious as they are scanned, preferring to wait until the effect ends to attack. This buys you last seconds to recover.   

Beast of the Hunt (Ultimate Ability)

A lot of Bloodhound kits do let them play in a more passive-effective way but it is the Ultimate beast of the hunt. That does let the Hound get in the mix when it comes to pure combat fighting. In Apex Legends, movement is life so anything that increases movement speed or potential. 

It means that this Legend generally is simply just going to be better and it is a 30% speed boost Bloodhound does get while they’re in the ultimate. This Ultimate ability does take three minutes to recharge which means again skinning the White Raven is so important as it cuts the time down by 45 seconds. 

With every interaction, the active timer of this ability is going to be 30 seconds at its base and Bloodhound can get a bonus of 5 to 15 seconds of additional duration for every knock that the Hound does get during the Ultimate. 

Bloodhound Ultimate tips

Bloodhound’s visuals also go black and white with enemies still being highlighted in red and it also enhances tracking as you can’t see those icons on the ground and see red foot marks of where enemies have just traveled. 

Bloodhound also gets a white Raven that spawns from the origin of the ultimate activates station and flies toward the nearest enemy team. Letting you get a little bit more of that passive tracking to be sure you’re moving toward the closest squad. 

Similarly to the tactical scan, it is usually best a way to pop that ultimate for when you are ready to make an offensive push. The speed boost you get cannot be valued enough as it only lets you breach cross-open areas faster. 

It’s going to make you harder to hit and in a 1v1 fight strafing back and forth can be very challenging for enemies to deal with as they’re just not used to this speed. Because your combat is so effective in the ultimate, it is usually wise to combo in an opening scan with the ultimate, so you can make the most out of your time when you’re in the ultimate ability. 

If you do scan right off the initial rip of Ultimate, you’ll get another skin towards the end and then you’ll find enemies who simply just try to run away and if you really want to pop in, the Ultimate is going to give you that 30 seconds of increased speed to run someone down. 

Sometimes if you’re struggling to find an enemy in a large open area, popping the ultimate is a great way to purely gain Recon as to enemy locations as they are going to be highlighted in red, making it much easier to find someone to fight. 

Bloodhound really works with every Legend but I should give a huge emphasis on how critical Bloodhound can be when you’re playing with and against a Bangalore. Bangalore in some ways really just Nerfs herself in her team when she does pop smokes and you’re in Bloodhound’s ultimate. 

This means popping the ultimate when fighting a Bangalore is pretty important. Likewise, popping the ultimate with a friendly bang in smoking areas means more or less you’re giving yourself free sight lines on enemies through the smoke. 

Bloodhound Ranked

The biggest question arises by many people is that where Bloodhound ranks in the meta of Apex Legends. Bloodhound is absolutely incredible and he is extremely useful in all modes, pubs, ranked, and in the arena. The Bloodhound is easy to use making them a great pickup for newer players but at the same time, they have a lot of power of playmaking, making them a good choice for even pro players in the top tier competitive play.

Knowledge is strength and bloodhound has no short of it. For me, they are a top five Legend in Apex Legends and if you get the timing with Bloodhound, you will be a top-tier player.  

Legend Combos

Legend pairing for Bloodhound is a little simpler than others in Apex. For starters, everyone benefits from scans, so every Legend is a good pick. If you want a specific pairing then I would look at Bangalore and Caustic, you can combo their smokes and gas with the Bloodhound skin to more or less shoot people from areas that they can’t see 

You may also want to try running the Ultimate Recon pairing of Seer and Bloodhound to give yourself the ultimate wall hacking and tracking capabilities. 

The only other pairing, I want to mention is pairing Bloodhound up with Wattson. While Wattson can use ultimate accelerants for herself. She does have the ability to carry two in a stack which means she could be the team accelerant holder and dish these out to boil down for even more Ultimates and scanning power. 

Wrapping It Up

Thank you for reading my guide and I hope you have great success as Bloodhound! Don’t forget to check our Apex 20 Kill badge boost, where we can unlock any badge for you with Bloodhound. I would also like to remind you that we provide the best Apex Legends Rank Boosting services here. We can help you reach any rank in Apex, whether by having you play with us or us playing with you. Book your desired division today, and let’s get started!