Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to discuss Vantage, the new Apex Legends hero added in season 14.
She is an aggressive legend with an interesting kit and tactical ability. My name is Mildo, and I am currently working with the Apex Legends Boosting services team here at Immortal Boost. My job requires me to hold a strong grip on every Legend so that when clients ask me to play any Legend of their choice, I should be ready. Without further ado, let’s get started.
Vantage is one Legend who can kind of do it all but if you are using her abilities poorly or straight up wrong then you are going to be a huge detriment to your squad. Vantage needs to be a master marksman while also having the movement of a true warrior that at times can compete with Legend like Valkyrie and Horizon.

Vantage is a Legend that brings something to almost every scenario. With the strengths in her kit, she is comfortable in the mid to long-range gunfight playstyle.
Vantage Lore
Vantage is the youngest Legend in the games. Her real name is Xio Mara Contreras and she was raised alone on a wild icy planet by her mother. She’s always been gifted with a sniper rifle from a very young age. She discovered a crash ship on her planet and upon exploring it, the ship collapsed.
Her mother only found her because of a baby bat. Mara had rescued circled the crevice holding Mara’s signature whistle. This bat Echo accompanies her in the game. To save her life, her mother signaled the ship’s SOS beacon.
Sadly, because her mother was wanted this meant she was arrested. Vantage entered the Apex games to raise awareness of her situation which she feels is a wrongful conviction. When in the games took the moniker advantage of Rally’s support and pressured those in power to set her mother free.
Vantage Playstyle
She is an extremely good Legend in Apex because she can play so many different roles. With her mobility, you can play somewhat of a fragger and aggressive role because you can set up your tactical and have a quick get-out-of-jail movement ability. You can also play a support role with her taking the back lines and anchoring the team with some ranged damage to allow your teammates to do more damage in fights.
If your team needs a flanker in a certain scenario then play that flanker role with her tactical. Vantage is exceptional at creating off-angles from her team and quickly reaching a quality sniper location to take the shot. If you are needed to get in an area quickly and do entry damage then help your team that way. Read each scenario as the Legend and act accordingly to help because she can do it all.
Vantage does slot herself rightfully in the recon class so she can’t ping those beacons, her entire kit of abilities is all about getting the literal vantage point on the map. She definitely fits more of an overwatch type of Legend who at times can also use her movement in aggressive ways to outplay your opponents.
Passive Ability (Spotters Lens)
Spotter Lens is an incredible ability and may not be talked about enough when it comes to Vantage’s entire kit. The basics of this ability are that you can aim down sights with any optic greater than two times and get information about your enemies. Also, similarly to Seer’s passive, you can just hold aim-down slides with your hands to go into a three-times binocular zoom.
This information includes the obvious of enemy-specific Legends, the distance to them, and even the entire team’s rarity of shields plus if they are down a teammate or not. The last one is very important. Being able to look at someone quickly and see the entire enemy’s shield status and rarity and if they are down a player or not is so good as you can get intel to whether or not you need to make an easy wipe on enemies who may be less optimally geared.
You can also ping the specific Legend you are looking at to tell your team their shield rarity and the Legend. In addition to the information gathering that you do get with this passive on any three times or greater optic including the two to four times and her ultimate, you will get a small blue dot in the middle of your reticule which will help you track and lead enemies with your shots. This is more or less a bold indicator as to how much the drop of the shot will be.
The further away the enemy is more the bullet drop will be and the blue dot will move down the scope to compensate. One thing you need to know is that this information gathering can still happen through smokes
Tips for Passive Ability
- Make sure that you are communicating to your team about the member in that party with the weakest armor, so you can try and focus on the other team and plan accordingly based on that team composition.
- You can Your team could decide to take maybe a higher ground position over a group of enemies. You may notice that they lack some verticality and if their team has Legends that have a difficult time with pushing enemies off the high ground like Caustic.
- Use the tactical information to your advantage and get the jump on your enemies in the Apex games. If you landed on some strong shields then you can easily see if nearby teams got the same look. If you are purple and blue and you scope it on someone and they are triple white then you know that you have the advantage if you fight. If a team pulls up you then you can quickly spit if you need to disengage.
- Vantage’s passive shows shields for everyone alive so if you see only two reports then you must know that this is not a full-strength team and you can act accordingly.
- The bullet drop indicator is also pretty useful if you don’t have it memorized. The only weakness is that it’s much better with snipers at a long range and carrying a sniper with, Vantage can seem like a bit of waste sometimes. It’s probably best paired with things like the Scout and the repeater. Also, don’t forget that it will not work with things like the wingman
Tactical Ability (Echo Relocation)
The best part of her kit is going to be her Tactical ability Echo Relocation. This is a bad companion she can send out up to 40 meters away via a press of her tactical ability and once she is ready to move then you can hold down your tactical to propel vantage forward to her bat. This ability has a nice 20-second cooldown and much like Octane’s launch pad, she gets a double jump once she does get to her bat.
There are a few things that you need to know about this ability and how it functions to really get it down and not just completely throw your game.
Basics Of Tactical Ability
For starters, you must have a line of sight on echo to get sent to them. This is evident by the light bluish outline around the echo. If it’s a yellow outline then you have a visual sight line on it but your ability is on cooldown and if you have a red outline then the echo is out of your sight.
One big tip, I can give is to understand this one-second or so activation timer after you hold the tactical down. You can begin by activating this movement ability from behind the cover or inside of a building and then hop out right at the end to get launched forward. This will help you stay revealed and hopefully take less damage while the ability is activating.
Another huge way, you can do this is by jump-peeking over objects. This is a very nice way to stay completely revealed and at the last moment you just jump up and you will get sent forward out of your cover.
Unlike a crypto, Echo will follow Vantage when you are moving around and you will not need to recall them after every single time you do send it out. Echo will stay within 55 meters of Vantage but you will only be able to control them up to 40 meters away. You can just send Echo out and more or less forget about them till you have to use them to retreat or make an advance.
While it is pretty hard to tell where the echo is, other teams can see the echo and they can see when the echo is moving around. Just be careful if you are leaving Echo out or around in one spot. It’s another way for enemies to tell where you are and if you do send Echo out to spot where enemies are already lined up then they are going to beam pretty easily when you do come out of that tactical.
Tips for Tactical Ability
- If you do have time to prep then I do recommend placing Echo on high ground and utilizing him to your advantage for safety. For example, if you have a team that was banner camping my teammate box then you can walk on the top of the bones at school town and let Echo chill at the top of the bones and you will be able to drop down, grab the banner and then boost back up to height for a better getaway.
- Look for specific locations to be accurate and set up an echo for escapes or take advantageous positions to snipe from. I also recommend practicing your best moves while you are waiting for the echo to launch.
- When you immediately throw an Echo and you need you need to reposition due to danger then you need to stall for one second before you can launch and this is where you need to utilize your best weaving tactics and juke moves or tap strafes to dodge bullets but keep the line of sight on Echo at the very last second so you can launch to him as soon as possible.
- If you can’t make an eyesight with the bat then you can’t launch to him so try and keep that ability to keep line of sight when launching towards him. Make sure you are using tactical to gain some high ground for your sniper shots. Recall him often to have him in your pockets for quick getaways. Gain off angles for shots and flank enemies with Echo.
- If you are going to push someone in high ground then make sure you do damage first because you will be vulnerable as you are in the air about to land. Also, when you begin your launch towards Echo, you only need that line of sight towards the very end so it’s possible to activate the launch and chill behind the cover and time it right for a smooth getaway when you finally look at Echo as soon as you are about to launch.
Ultimate Ability (Sniper’s Mark)
Vantage’s Ultimate is the sniper’s mark and this is probably what she is publicly known for. Even though I do think that her tactical are really where she shines. This ultimate is a sniper rifle that she does get to use with up to five storage shots.
With one shot recharging about every 40 seconds. This means that you can use this ability pretty frequently since you do not need to wait for the entire magazine to recharge which also increases its power and utility by quite a bit.
Basics of Sniper Mark
Shots from this rifle do 50 damage to the body for 10 seconds and they will highlight enemies. Note that this is not a scanning ability so enemies are just highlighted slightly in red. When highlighted those enemies will take approximately 12 to 13 damage from all sources and damage the amount of damage from Vantage’s sniper rifles. So, 100 damage per body shot which actually can add up quite nicely.
If you are hitting someone in the head with the energy sniper then it will do 75 damage and this will be adjusted accordingly by what helmet they have. It’s also worth knowing that there is a laser type of sight line that does come from vantage when she is aiming down sights with this weapon.
As soon as you look at someone then they will know that you are around and more than likely try to take cover. Try to avoid looking straight at enemies till you are ready to fire. I also find that if you want to get someone away from a spit then you can use this little laser to your by looking at them and having them scatter.
While it can be tempting to rip five ultimate shots on an enemy at all once and get them knocked. I often find using this ability in shorter instances for one to two shots to be a little bit more powerful. Tag one enemy, maybe two enemies, and then push in as this will increase your damage from all sources and it will be beneficial to the whole squad and you will have more shots for some future teams.
Tips for Vantage’s Ultimate Ability
- Mainly what you are focusing on with Vantage Sniper is calling out enemies for your teammates on who you are focusing for your teammate to the team. They will get extra damage when you hit, so your team can drop enemies immediately fast with good teamwork and good team fire.
- Don’t forget to use your sniper at mid-range and even at a close range to get a buff to all your weapons to drop that enemy especially fast and your teammates can help to drop them faster as well.
- The desert respawns did make a smart decision and add a laser sight to Vantage’s sniper rifle, so when you or an enemy aims down the sight then other players can see an orange laser. This will allow you to prepare for any snipers looking your way and you need to remember that when you are scouting an area.
- It’s important to zoom without your sniper and with her lenses that passive ability that way a laser sight will not reveal your location that you are scouting.
- This weapon truly makes Vantage a force in Apex games because she can dish out so much damage with her snipers. The bullet projectile speed is extremely fast meaning you practically just need to point and shoot without worrying much about bullet drop.
Best Weapons To Use For Vantage
The weaponry you are using is pretty important and it comes down to the mode and the play style you are looking for. For an aggressive player, starting with Vantage’s Ultimate and then making it a combo in close-range weapons such as typical Volt and shotgun is beast mode.
If you are playing a little bit slower like in ranked then you should look at running something like an R99 or Volt and then also a marksman weapon such as 30-30 or even maybe even a longbow sniper rifle. The main reason behind this is that if you are sacking a little bit extra range then you can get a tag with Vantage’s Ultimate and then follow up some boosted damage from those linger-range precision weapons.
It seems small but getting hit a boosted 30-30 with a skull piercer or a longbow can be pretty deadly and you are going to save a lot of ultimate ammo this way. They are not going to have the laser sight on them which can be pretty deceiving at times.
Be cautious with Vantage’s Ultimate and don’t feel like you have to rip off all those shots at once. Conserve your ammo as it will pay off in big ways. For an aggressive player try using 2 SMGs or an SMG and a shotgun/AR simply because you already have 1 sniper (her ultimate) and not much point carry 2 helps a lot more.
I think running an assault rifle with a shotgun or SMG is the best loadout for her. Her passive works with the 2x, 3x is also good on AR if you want the bullet drop indicator. Paired with her ult you will have lethality at all ranges.
How to Play Against Vantage
Vantage has one of the larger hitboxes in the game but doesn’t get the bonus of the largest hitbox champs that give 25 damage reduction. Arguably making her one of the easier ones to take down. Much like the teleport of Loba in Apex Legends, there is a slight delay after landing from air tactical before she equips her gun.
If she uses it to engage, you can then take advantage of being able to get the first shot. While being great at taking the advantageous position, she is not great at doing so skillfully. Listening out for tactical will let you know that she’s around and roughly where she must be.
Legend Pairing
The Legends you will want to pair with Vantage do not matter too much but Vantage does fit a small portion of the recon or skinning type class but she’s also pretty heavily mixed in with an assault legend class in my opinion.
I treat Vantage almost more like Horizon than I would say Bloodhound or Seer. One pairing that you want to look at is going to be a Rampart. This way you can get even more boosted damage from those amp walls and if you do combine it with Vantage’s ultimate, you can get some pretty bug damage in there with your weapons.
You will find that a shot from Vantage’s ultimate and then following up with a charged sentinel and Rampart’s amped walls will turn you pretty nicely to a huge boost.
Ranking Vantage in Meta
I don’t consider her as a top-tier Legend or anything as her kit does lose a little viability at the end of the game especially in ranked where oftentimes the ring gets a little smaller. For general play and aggressiveness and some team utility she is absolutely a worthy pick and she stands between top 8 to top 10 Legends in the game.
Thank you for reading my guide. I hope you will dominate every game with Vantage! You can choose our different services like Apex Legends Rank Boosting so that you can increase your rank with Vantage. If you need to unlock badges while the booster play Vantage, you can choose our Apex badge boost where you can simply select the badge you want and checkout!
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