Apex Legends: Master Seer to Win Every Ranked Game

Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to discuss Seer, the new Apex Legends hero added in season 10.

He is an offensive legend with an interesting kit and passive ability. Seer is easily one of the best characters to play in Apex Legends, and this Ultimate Guide will have you terrorizing squads in no time. Since I am working with Apex Legends Boosting squad here at Immortal Boost. My job requires me to master every legend out there so that I can perform my job better. 

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If you’re a lover of a recon and track your enemies then there might be no better Legend out there than the ambush artist Seer. Seer is also known as 26-year-old Obi and has an incredible kit of abilities that all work in tandem to create a rewarding and satisfying experience. I’ve got a ton to cover on Seer from his abilities, playstyle, Legend pairing, strengths and even ranking him in the current meta of Apex Legends.

Seer Abilities

At the basic Level See abilities are all about using micro drones to reveal his enemies. However, to use Seer’s tactical with effectiveness then you are going to have to know how to use the passive ability properly. So, without further any due let’s dig into Seer all abilities that you must know.

Heart Seeker (Passive Ability)

Seer’s passive ability is Heart Seeker. This ability is more or less a heartbeat sensor that can be used to locate enemies up to 70 meters away. This is triggered by using your aim downside button either with or without the weapon drawn. At this time, a circle appears in the center of your screen with either a yellowish, orange, or blue mark.

The orange mark means that there are enemies within 70 meters and the blue mark means that there are enemies within visual range of you but outside of the 70-meter range. At the same time, there will also be audible indications as to how far away the enemy is. The further away the enemy is the quieter the audio cue will be.

In addition to this, the lower an enemy’s health is the faster the heartbeat sound will be. To go hand in hand with the audible queue, there will also be a visual indication in the middle of your screen. This will also be smaller if an enemy is further away. To locate enemies specifically move that circle around until the orange mark or orange lines disappear and your center circle changes color to be completely orange.

The passive also shows up on the map when you are aiming down sights and the final thing to take note of is that the passive has a transparent barrier or a wall that is visible at the max range of this ability. This can be nice to tell how far away an enemy is if you are trying to capture them with the passive.   

Focus of Attention (Tactical Ability)

The focus of attention calls upon a swarm of micro drums to blast forward in a narrow channel that travels for quite some distance and really through any walls. This attack is delayed but can be held down to charge it up in preparation and extend 75 meters just like his passive does.

Any enemy hit with this ability will be damaged for 10. Their health bars and locations are revealed and any action they are doing will be interrupted. This includes but is not limited to rezzing a teammate, healing yourself, using abilities such as flying with Valkyrie. This ability is so good with the right riming and provides more information than Bloodhound could ever hope to.

Tactical Cooldown30 seconds
Tactical Duration8 seconds
Tactical Delay1.6 seconds
Tactical Range75 meters

One thing that can hold it back is the slight delay it has when activated. You could reduce this by charging it up as you move around while doing so. Being not able to see the enemy’s full body scans but their health bar is crucial for deciding whether or not to make that aggressive push.

So being able to combo the Heart Seeker with Focus of attention is outstanding because it takes the guesswork out of wall penetrating abilities. So, I recommend pre-recharge the tactical and then find the enemy through the wall with Heart Seeker. Combining these abilities will surely turn the tide of victory in your team’s favor.

Now, we have Seer tactical ability which is called focus of attention. This ability is fully loaded with a lot of useful things so let’s start with the basics. Tactical shoots out a scan or wave of drones in the direction Seer is looking. This is fairly similar to a Bloodhound skin but it needs to be directed in a much more specific area as it shoots out in a tunnel type of formation that is about eight to ten meters wide.

This ability goes the same distance as Seer’s heartbeat sensor which is 70 meters and has a 30-second cooldown. Enemies that are caught by Seer’s tactical will be revealed and highlighted like a bloodhound scan. For seven to eight seconds and at the same time will have their health bars revealed, which can be absurdly good for helping gain some intel on whether or not you should make that push.

If this was not enough, when the enemy gets hit by this tactical, they become flash for a brief second. Their healing will be cancelled and any enemy that is getting revived will also be stopped. In addition, the enemy will get an additional one second of silence preventing additional ability or healing usage and this is similar to revenant silence if you are familiar with his silence ability, and they will also take 10 damage.

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Tips for Tactical Ability

·       Focus of attention is easy to waste if you fire it off openly. However, you can utilize it in conjunction with your passive for a good result in a match. The health bar also shows the Evo shield color of all effective enemies which is useful for gauging their relative strength to your team.

·       You must remember that there is a total of 1.6 seconds delay between the tunnel being made and the effect released which gives enemies enough time to dodge out of the way.

·       The best possible use of Seer tactical is to interrupt a revive or a Phoenix kit or battery which means that it’s best to use when you are already on the offensive after cracking or downing an enemy who is behind the cover.

·       You should be trying to tag the harpy on an enemy before popping that tactical. It is very easy to miss this tactical ability because you do need to have a little bit of finessing with the tactical ability.

·       The tactical is wild for making a play when you can’t see the enemy as you can see their health bar you can two see their bodies and where they are moving it does last quite a bit of time compared to a bloodhound scan. So ding this will let you know where to go to find this enemy that is camping in the building.

Exhibit (Ultimate Ability)

Lastly in the abilities portion, we have the Seer Ultimate ability. This is a 10-meter dome that Seer can throw out onto the ground and enemies will be tracked when they are inside of this. The Ultimate has a quick 90-second timer when placed and it will last on the ground for 30 seconds.

Ultimate Charge Time2 minutes
Ultimate Duration30 seconds
Ultimate HP135 HP
Ultimate Diameter65 meters

Unlike the Seer’s tactical, enemies will not be stunned and enemy health bars will not show up. Enemies will be tracked by a diamond or square on their bodies as well rather than their full body being scanned. Also note that during this Ultimate ability, enemies will not be tracked if they are completely immobile, and for Seer there will be an enemy count in the middle of their screen as to how many enemies are detected.

However, I will say that if the enemy is immobile and they are shooting then this will flash track them while they are taking some shots. The Ultimate can be destroyed so take care and where you are placing it, and do not place it right in front of the enemy.

The big thing to note about playing Seer is that all of these abilities and more so the passive and tactical are all meant to work together.


Tips for Seer’s Ultimate 

·       Enemies can shoot and destroy Seer’s heart chamber and that chamber has 135 HP compared to Horizon’s 175 HP Black Hole. The effect does not need a line of sight so it’s a good and effective idea to deploy the heart chamber on the back side of some covers so it doesn’t get destroyed so easily or maybe even put it on the top of the building. Two fantastic uses for the exhibit are in the final circle forcing teams to play slow or to be revealed and just as you are about to third party to teams that are fighting each other.  

·       It’s also incredible to throw down the ultimate as a defensive mechanism to slow a push or to see exactly where an enemy is pushing. If your teammate takes huge damage then you should throw down the exhibit ultimate to see exactly what direction the enemies are pushing from.

·       Seer’s Ultimate ability works best after a fight has already begun. Allowing your team to easily finish an enemy squad or shift the tide of the engagement in your favor. Use it to gain information on opponents or to deny space and you can use the ability to look for isolated enemies and secure expected angles. If the situation isn’t going well then don’t be afraid to leave your ultimate area.

·       It’s possible to play Seer’s Ultimate at the start of a firefight. This is useful too and allows you to remain one step ahead of an unsuspected team and any third parties who might come along your way.

·       Exhibit combines well with Seer’s tactical. You can use this on a that’s already turtled up and taken an entrance defensive position and multi-story building and just be aware that this lasts for 30 seconds as an ultimate ability.

Advance Tips for Seer

Let’s discuss some of the advanced tips that you can follow to dominate any map in Apex Legend.

·       Use your Heart Seeker ability to plan safe rotations by checking nearby buildings or cover before committing completely

·       Don’t tap your tactical ability to use it, instead pre-charge it that way when you shoot at your target the delay is much less.

·       If you hear your enemy healing near you after you break their shield or even rezzing a teammate, time your tactical shot right before their battery or Phoenix goes off to close as much distance as possible.

·       You can throw your Ult pretty far, so try to be creative with placing it since it is such a large radius, for example, try to place it on a defensive position or from behind a ledge.

·       Remember Seer’s strength is his ability to know enemy locations before they know his, so don’t forget he lacks a movement ability like Bloodhound and instead, your head should be on a swivel if you are feeling pressure.

Legend Pairing

First off much like Bloodhound, pretty much every Legend in the game is going to air up well with Seer. However, there are a few recommendations that I can give you. The first is the Ultimate tracking combo, which is going to be Seer with Bloodhound in duos or Seer, bloodhound, and Crypto in trios.

Seer and Bloodhound make for an incredible combo that allows an insane amount of tracking. Opening a fight then opening with Bloodhound skin to find the enemies and then hit them with Seer’s tactical after that. If done properly, this means you will be able to track enemies for about 10 or so seconds which is just absurd. This can also be done with Crypto and their drone but with a little bit less effectiveness.    

The second combo is going to be See with Bangalore and Caustic. Much like Bloodhound scans, Seer can track those enemies in smoke with either their tactical or the Ultimate ability. Every Legend is going to benefit from Seer’s kit.

Seer in Arena

For Arena, I want to simply mention whether or not Seer is going to be a solid pick and this is definitely still going to be true for this mode. You only get one tactical to start off but it’s only 100 materials to pick up another and that really isn’t that bad.

The Heartbeat passive works great to track enemies to make sure anyone isn’t going to be rattling up on you and the Ultimate is 500 which is expensive but this is pretty much in line with other ultimate abilities in arenas. You also do get a lot of information for the price which I do think is going to be worth it in the long run.

How to Play against Seer

You should always be thinking about what abilities your opponents have and if it’s likely a cooldown. As Seer’s abilities are particularly strong, you should avoid or at least be aware of holding an enclosed area with a Seer on the enemy team. It most likely will allow him to plant his Ult somewhere that is safe from you destroying it giving them complete visibility of your team’s movement.

Keep in mind that when you are caught in this then you can stay still, crouch, or go Airborne in order to avoid detection or even cause confusion. This kind of detection can give Seer a false sense of confidence. Remember that you will still be detectable by his passive at any time. His abilities have a fair amount of visual and noise presence. 

Team Role

Seer is of course the most equivalent to Bloodhound due to the recon abilities of both of these Legends. Seer can be a pretty great aggressive playmaker and we’ll make a decent Legend for someone who is looking to run point.

The ability to track those enemies with that heartbeat sensor and then scan them with the tactical allows for a very satisfying play style and because of this, I do think that Seer will excel at leading the charge because he can reveal the enemies for his team.


Let’s discuss where Seer excels and where he might lack a little bit in the game. For starters See brings an incredible amount of usefulness in tracking enemies. Seer might be the best Legend to really tell if you need to make a push or not since the enemy’s health bar is going to be revealed with his tactical.

His dome just gives an incredible amount of tracking capabilities for the whole squad that gives Bloodhound a run for their money for the best recon Legend in the game. Seer’s dome also means greater knowledge which means the ability to track third-party teams entering a fight and stopping a Phoenix kit or other healing items is just so good with that tactical ability.

For weaknesses, I really think is going to be the over-reliance on Seer’s side to track the enemies but all in all I do not think that there are many other weaknesses for Seer.

Ranking Seer in Meta

A lot of people ask the question that where Seer stands in the Meta of Apex Legends. He’s one of the best Legend in the game. His abilities can just do so much. There are tons of other Legend abilities in this kit and he can just absolutely excel in pretty much engagement. He tracks them, stuns them, sees their health bar and all this really is just wild. I will rank him in the top 1 or top 2 Legend in the ranking of Apex Legends.


Thank you for reading my guide. I hope you will dominate every game with Seer! You can check out our badge boosting for Apex Legends, where we can unlock any Apex badge for you with Seer. As a professional Apex player, I also provide Apex legends rank boosting, and my colleague and I will help you increase your rank on any specific hero you want! Select your current and desired rank and check out.