Sigma was late to arrive in Overwatch 2, but her power is worth the wait. Sigma is the only tank that works from a distance. But wait, why would you call any hero a tank if he stays at the back? This is how Sigma works. Sigma is an excellent choice for your gameplay with a shield to defend her allies along with attacking abilities that are somewhat similar to Junkrat. Sigma can cause heavy damage in a few minutes of the match if you know how to deal with him.

I work with the Overwatch 2 SR Boost team here at Immortal Boost and I will guide you each and everything about Sigma so that you can play a lot better in ranked games just like I do.
Before we start talking about this tank hero, if you are eager to know more about tanks here, check our guide of Top Overwatch 2 Tank Heroes.
Let’s talk about how Sigma is an excellent choice for your gameplay. Simga would love to play in small and confined spaces, unlike many other heroes. This is because Sigma’s fires will bounce back from the walls. They will hit subjects that are not even visible. Sigma works at a medium range, as his primary fire will cause a blast automatic;y.
His shield has a low recharging time so you can refill it within seconds. There’s another amazing superpower with Sigma. He translates the defense of the shield into health. His health can even exceed the limit of his health pool. We are never afraid to call Sigma the best Tank hero.
Abilities of Sigma
This attack is particularly loved by Overwatch beginners. This weapon releases two shots that will automatically blast out after a few seconds. It causes damage within a specific area. The amount of damage is quite large, and that can even be used against enemy groups. Since these shots explode automatically, Sigma can hit the targets easily. A trick to remember is that these shots only explode if they hit an enemy hero, not when they hit a solid surface. So, if your target hits the wall, it will bounce back. You can get the maximum advantage from this by targeting places where the enemies have gathered.
Experimental Barrier
The experimental barrier is like a shield that surrounds Sigma at a particular distance. You can hold the button to move this barrier, and when you release the button, it will come to a halt. You can recall the barrier by pressing the button again. This shield is especially useful in defending DPS heroes who are present on the front lines. Sigma stays behind them, but his shield will defend her allies. You can rapidly recall the shield and put it on again because of its low cooldown time.
Kinetic Grasp
This ability is a defensive mode but it is different from the usual shields. It will absorb any incoming projectiles and turn them into defensive barriers. If your enemy is targeting Sigma, he will take a few seconds to absorb all of the damage. After the effect ends, the damage turns into a shield. Yet, some hero abilities can affect the functioning of this ability. Roadhog’s hook, Genji’s sword, and Moira’s Orbs are some examples that will counter the Kinetic grasp.
Accretion is used to distract heroes who are in the middle of using their ultimates or any other moves. Sigma causes his arcing stun to recharge and knock down the enemies, he does so by collecting a mass of elements and throwing them toward his enemies. If you throw this mass at some unprotected enemies, they will hit an opponent. Use other DPS heroes at this point, so they can secure an opponent’s kill.
Gravity Flux
Here comes the ultimate ability of Sigma that allows him to pull enemies above the ground. It will then slam them onto the floor of the map. Once this ability is activated, Sigma will rise into the air. He will pick a location to cast this ability over a wide radius. Any enemy hero within this radius will move up into the air and then hit the ground with speed.
While your enemies are in the air, Sigma can use his other ability to target them. You have your right-hand spare for this. This slamming is enough to kill weak and vulnerable DPS and support heroes.
Best Combinations with Sigma
Sigma and Brigitte
Brigitte is a very tough target. If he is protected by another layer of defense from Sigma, no enemy can target him. She will turn into a tank that is difficult to kill. Moreover, Brigitte keeps enemies at a specific distance that is suitable for Sigma to use his primary fires.
Sigma and Soldier 76
While Sigma targets enemies at a medium range, Soldier 76 will tackle the enemies at a large distance. Sigma’s ultimate will also boost Soldier 76’s ultimate by allowing some free attacks towards the enemies.
Sigma and mercy
Mercy can be used to maximize Sigma’s damage in the corners. His Orbs will cause massive damage that can kill the enemies with this combination.
Sigma and Mei
Mei is usually working at the enemy front lines yet he is vulnerable to enemy attacks. Sigma can come to his rescue by giving him a shield. He will protect Mei when she is required to freeze. Mei can make the enemy slow so Sigma can land her ultimate on a larger number of enemies.
Sigma and Bastion
Sigma’s ultimate will allow Bastion to secure some free kills. Sigma’s abilities can be countered by some enemy abilities, but if you have Bastion we will help to counter them.
Sigma’s barriers work best against enemies that are disrupted by the barrier. Though Sigma can nullify the Wrecking Ball’s ultimate ability with his shield, he can be a tough counterhero. Junkrat causes massive shots that will give Sigma a hard time surviving in his shield. Moreover, Moira, Genji, and Mei can also be good counters for Sigma because they remain unaffected by the kinetic grasp.
Tips for Playing with Sigma
- Use the Hyperspheres around the corners because they will bounce back if any wall hits them. It allows you to take items that are out of your range. Other abilities have a longer cooldown so you should mainly focus on getting kills through your Hyperspheres.
- You can set up the barrier at a large distance from your team by moving the barrier forward with the help of a secondary fire button. Recall barriers that get out of the palace or barriers that are weak so you can start another barrier. Recall the barriers as soon as they become useless. You can do this by continuously monitoring the barrier meter.
- With the kinetic grasp, you can absorb properties. It has a long cooldown with a short duration of action that makes it challenging. You cannot rely on Kinetic Grasp for a long time. So, it is better for us eit whale you are pushing ahead. This way you will gain health if the enemy fires at you.
- If you ever spot a low-health hero, use your Accretion knockbacks. This can also stun flanking heroes like Tracer or Genji. They will get stuck for a few seconds only, so use this time wisely. Communicate with your team so they can shoot the already stunned enemies to kill them. Accretion will also work if it fails to target the enemies, if there is no enemy in the region, it has a little knockback effect on maps like Nepal or Ilios.
- You can use the ultimate in diverse ways. Use it to target enemies that have health lower than 50 HP which usually happens when the enemies are slammed down. You can also prevent the enemies from approaching the objective by this ability which raises the enemies from the ground.
- Use gravitic flux in combination with other abilities to maximize the benefits. The enemies can also use their abilities while under the action of Gravitic flux so remain cautious and alert. Reaper’s death blossoms and Junkrat’s Riptire will damage the enemies in the air.
This was all about Sigma’s abilities and the best ways to utilize them. However, you should remember that you can use these abilities in your way. Though these tips would greatly help you, don’t stick to these tips. Alter them based on the team compositions of your enemies, and their strategies. Every match is unique, so the strategies you should employ should also be unique. Don’t worry if you cannot ace Sigma in a day.
Learning about an Overwatch 2 hero can be challenging, but it is exciting. You will get it with practice. Always choose the team combinations that boost their ally’s abilities or protect them. When the team works together, no one can defect them. If you still need help you can hire me as your Ow 2 booster and choose our Overwatch 2 Rank boosting service so that I can play along with you to teach you more about this hero.