⚔RENT FOR 24 HOURS⚔️ ASTOVIDATU🚀 30 SKINS🌟 2 KNIFE🗡knife “Venturi”🗡Sickle “Iridium thorn”🔪
❗the account is free. Rent for 24 hours
・There are 30 skins on the account in total, the full list is below;
・ The rank last season was Bronze 3, now it’s gone.
The advantages that you will receive when buying:
1️⃣Guarantee that no one will log into your account during your game;
2.No one will distract you with messages during the game;
3️⃣No blocking in text and voice chat.
⛔| 1. It is forbidden to log in with Windows 11
⛔| 2. It is forbidden to leave the game during the match
⛔| 3. It is forbidden to insult rivals and allies in text and voice chat.
⛔| 4. Use prohibited software
The account user/password will be delivered once you have placed the order and texted customer support. Delivery time is 30mins