Valorant New Agent Leak: Abilities, Release Date & More 2024

There’s always a ton of hype surrounding the release of new Agents in Valorant, with fans around the world looking forward to playing the next character. So, if you’re looking to find out everything about the next Valorant Agent, here’s all you need to know.

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Valorant new agent

The new Valorant agent is called Smokedancer. Here are all the new Leaks, including Smokedancer’s release date and possible abilities.

Tactical shooter game Valorant is now set to introduce a new Controller Agent named “Smokedancer” in the new Episode 8 Act 2 according to the most recent leaks. This new mysterious character will have some cool visual effects and some pink smoking abilities. Here are the complete details about this new Valorant’s agent leak, including the abilities, release date, and more.

Based on the leaks from different resources like Valorant dataminer, Reddit, Gameleap, Smokedancer will be launched alongside Episode 8 Act 2 On March 6, 2024. The previous three agents Gekko, Deadlock, and Iso arrived in 2023 so most probably Smokedancer will be the first agent in 2024. Including this agent, the total roster is now 24.

  • While full details remain unknown, leaks suggest Smokedancer will have flashy pink-colored abilities utilizing smoke.
  • As a Controller, they will likely have skills focused on obscuring enemy vision and controlling space.
  • The smoke may even have hypnotic, disorienting effects on opponents caught within it.

Specific ability names have not been uncovered, but Controllers generally have a signature smoke wall, area smoke ability, information-gathering tools, and an ultimate. Existing Controllers like Viper, Astra, Omen, and Harbor embody this archetype. Smokedancer will probably follow suit with their unique twists.


According to the sources, the new Agent Smokedancer name and the smoke theme will be most likely a dance-inspired costume with bright pink colors.

New agent outfit

Data miners described their visual design as “cool and flashy.” The Agent’s overall aesthetic will presumably match their hypnotic abilities.

Since October 2022, no new controller has been released so we all believe that smokedance will fill that gap in the roster. Having smoke abilities will make a lot of players choose this Agent to enjoy the smoking playstyle again and move around making blind shots!

Doubling up on Controllers has become an increasingly popular team composition, so an additional option will help diversify strategies.

Not much concrete information exists about Smokedancer yet, giving fans room for rampant speculation. Some theorize they may originate from the same mysterious magic-focused kingdom as existing Agent Reyna. Others think they could continue the theme of characters with animal motifs like Viper, Astra, and Harbor.

Ultimately, players eagerly await more leaks leading up to the Agent’s full reveal and launch. For now, they can only guess at their background story, nationality, motivations, and how their abilities will influence the game’s meta. Riot will likely stoke anticipation with trailers and hints as their release date draws nearer.

  • New Valorant Controller Agent codenamed “Smokedancer”
  • Reportedly arriving in Episode 8 Act 2 on March 6, 2024
  • Signature pink smoke abilities that can hypnotize enemies
  • Flashy, dancer-inspired visual design
  • The first new Agent added in 2024, brings the roster total to 24
  • Fills gap since the last Controller Harbor in October 2022
  • Abilities and full details remain largely unknown
  • Community speculating extensively about their theme and origins