Overwatch 2 – Oasis Map Guide (Become A Pro) 2024

Oasis is a Control map in Overwatch 2 and was released on 3 January 2017, and this makes it the 16th map added to the game. Oasis is situated in the middle of the Arabian desert. In this guide, I’ll cover all the information you need about the Oasis map in Overwatch 2, health pack locations, the best team composition and strategy, and much more on the Oasis map.

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Source: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Oasis

Oasis Basic Information

Oasis is one of the world’s most advanced cities in Overwatch 2, a shining jewel rising from the Arabian Desert. A monument to researchers and academics, human ingenuity, and invention from around the region came together to found a city dedicated to scientific progress without restraints. 

A collection of brilliant minds who possess many secrets that have attracted the interest of powerful organizations from around the world as the city and its inhabitants are governed by the Ministries. In total, there are three parts of the Oasis map, which includes the City Center, the Gardens, and the University. 

Oasis Health Pack Locations

Here are all the locations from where you can get the health pack on the Oasis map. 

City Center

  • Directly across the westernmost team’s spawn point, on the bridge to the elevator. 
  • Across the health pack in #1, inside the hallway. 
  • To the right of the health pack in #2, at the end of the hall.
  • To the west of the control point, in the corner of the raised platform. 
  • Across from the control point, on the overlook near the launch pad. 
  • Across from the control point, at the bottom of the steps near the highway. 
  • To the east of the control point, in the corner of the raised platform.
  • Directly across the easternmost team’s spawn point, on the bridge to the elevator. 
  • Across the health pack in #6, inside the hallway. 
  • At the end of the hall to the left of the health pack in #7.


  • team’s main spawn exit, across the westernmost. 
  • To the left of the health pack in #1, in a small shelter. 
  • To the left of the health pack in #2, at the bottom of the steps. 
  • To the left of the westernmost arches leading to the control point, inside a walled area. 
  • Directly past the control point, on the balcony. 
  • At the center of the map, inside the gazebo.
  • Directly across the easternmost team’s main spawn exit. 
  • To the right of the easternmost arches leading to the control point, inside a walled area.  


  • Directly across the westernmost team’s central spawn exit, past the entrance. 
  • Across the control point, in the room overlooking the lecture hall. 
  • Overlooking the control point, near the stairway of the floor. 
  • On the floor beneath the control point, in the center of the map. 
  • Directly across the easternmost team’s central spawn exit, past the entrance. 

Oasis Tips and Strategies

Here are some of the important tips and tricks that you need to know when playing on the Oasis map in Overwatch 2.

Utilize the Map’s Verticality

Oasis’ Gardens and City Center offer an ample amount of natural cover and a high vertical skybox, these characteristics make them excellent areas for Heroes like Echo and Pharah letting them attack their foes from multiple angles before retreating into and behind the map’s structures. 

Reach High Ground with City Center’s Jump Pad

To provide a vantage point overlooking the control point, take advantage of City Center’s jump pad, located near the center of the map, as it provides easy access. The jump pad is particularly useful for low-mobility Supports like Ana, and Zenyatta, who can use it to quickly reach better sightlines for supporting their team.

Flank from the University’s Underground Paths

To connect to all of its major areas, making them excellent routes for flanking heroes, the University map has underground pathways. Use the underground tunnels to set up pincer attacks on teams defending the control point or as an additional way to retreat to your team’s backline. 

Attack on University

you’re going to want to take control of either the health pack rooms or the raised ledge if you’re trying to attack this point and you’re likely going to get mowed down in the crossfire if you rush the point directly. 

Oasis Best Team Composition

Best TankSigma
Best DPSGenji, Sojourn
Best SupportsAna, Lucio
Source: Top tanks in Overwatch 2 in 2024

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Team Explanation

This unique team works well on all three points in Oasis, taking advantage of the map’s tight choke points, ample flanking routes, and numerous vantage points. 

Alternative Tanks

D.Va: D.Va is an excellent alternative Tank on Oasis, capable of reaching vantage points and flanking routes with Boosters and dispatching crucial targets up close with her Micro Missiles and Fusion Cannons. Covers her team from projectiles along the map’s long pathways and tight choke points with the help of her Defense Matrix. Self-destruct can also be used for creating space and dealing with foes on control points. 

Orisa: Orisa is another best alternative Tank for Oasis. Fortify and Javelin Spin allow her to absorb damage efficiently, with the latter also capable of blocking projectiles and disrupting enemy positioning. Her Energy Javelin and Terra Surge are strong crowd control skills when you use them around the map’s choke points and objectives. 

Winston: Winston can quickly reach and take advantage of Oasis’ vantage points and high ground with Jump Pack and dispatch isolated targets with Tesla Cannon. His Primal Rage and Barrier Projector are also great for controlling space, providing cover, and disrupting enemy positioning in team fights along the map’s choke points and control points. 

Zarya: To empower her Particle Cannon and let her take down groups of foes along Oasis’ tight choke points with ease, Zarya provides great damage mitigation with her Barriers. When combined with her allies’ other ultimates, Graviton Surge is also an excellent disruptive ultimate for team fights around control points. 

Alternative Damage

Ashe: Ashe is a great midrange marksman for Oasis, capable of inflicting heavy burst damage from its tight choke points and vantage points with Dynamite explosions and Viper headshots. B.O.B. is also an excellent ultimate for contesting payloads while providing her team with additional damage and crowd control.

Pharah: Pharah is a potent alternative pick if the enemy team lacks heavy Hitscan and crowd control when fighting in Oasis’ City Center and Garden. This section of the map has a high skybox that lets Pharah bombard her foes from multiple angles with Barrage and Rocket Launcher. Concussive Blast also lets her shove enemies off the map’s numerous vantage points, disrupting their positioning.

Soldier: 76: Soldier: 76 is a well-rounded alternative frontline pick in Oasis, sporting potent Hitscan with Heavy Pulse Rifle and excellent burst damage with Helix Rockets. To take advantage of the map’s open sightlines to attack from different angles, maneuver around the map with Sprint, and set up devastating Tactical Visor plays, he can quickly reposition. 

Sombra: Sombra is another potent alternative flanking hero on Oasis. She can move through sightlines unseen with Translocator and Stealth, quickly reaching key enemy targets and disrupting and dispatching them with Hack. To deal with heavy percentage-based damage and inflicting Hack on all nearby foes, her EMP is also great for initiating team fights on control points and inside narrow pathways. 

Alternative Supports

Baptiste: Due to Oasis’ tight corridors, Baptiste offers potent area-based healing with the help of Regenerative Burst and Biotic Launcher while fortifying his team’s positioning with Amplification Matrix and Immortality Field To provide him with better angles for healing allies and shooting foes, he can also access the map’s high ground with Exo Boost. 

Mercy: To provide constant streams of healing and damage boosts with Caduceus Staff, Mercy easily follows her mobile teammates around using Guardian Angel. Her utility and mobility are further enhanced when she uses Valkyrie as she can take advantage of Oasis’ high verticality and ample cover. Mercy also provides her team with Resurrect, which has the potential to break stalemates and turn team fights around.

Zenyatta: Zenyatta pairs well with Oasis’ high vantage points and long sightlines that let him efficiently mark teammates with Orb of Harmony and crucial enemy targets with Orb of Discord. To provide supportive fire and land devastating critical hits, he can also efficiently use Orbs of Destruction from these positions. His Transcendence is also great for defending control points with its massive healing aura.

Kiriko: Kiriko can quickly cut through Oasis’ long sightlines and high ground with Swift Step to escape from danger and reach teammates in need. Her Protection Suzu is also incredibly potent when used in the map’s control points and choke points when playing against enemy Ana players. With its numerous buffs, Kitsune Rush also excels at defending and attacking control points. 

Source: Check our the best supports in Overwatch 2

Final Sumary 

There we have it! we are at the end of this blog, and we have talked quite a bit about the Oasis. While this guide won’t make you a pro, it has all of the information that you would need to do so if you need help while playing this map, you can hire our overwatch 2 professional coach on our website.