Overwatch 2 King’s Row Map Complete Guide (2024)

King’s Row is a Hybrid map in Overwatch 2 and was first released on 24 May 2016 in Overwatch 1. King’s Row’s current state of perpetual gloom is the outcome of the clash between the Humans and Omnics.

The Omnics conquered and forced to build the city, and now they live under it. The Omnics won’t stand for being held down much longer as the tide of war sings loud from below. In this guide, I’ll cover all the map layouts, tips and tricks you need to know when playing as an attacker or defender, and the best heroes to play in King’s Row. 

ow 2 map

Since I am working with the Overwatch 2 Boost squad here at Immortal Boost. I have to stay updated so that I can perform my job better when my client asks me to play any hero or just for high KDA they ask me to play tank heroes or support heroes only.

King’s Row Map Overview

King’s Row is a Hybrid map in Overwatch 2 and it takes place in the cramped city streets of London. In King’s Row, players need to capture and escort the payload past British brick-and-mortar shops and into the heart of the Underworld facility at the end of the road.

King’s Row known Locations

  • Underworld
  • Eberle and Sons
  • Alderworth Hotel
  • The Meridian
  • The Ascalon Club
  • Bell (Fish and Chips)
  • The Fox and Bear
  • Moriarty’s Fine Books Bookshop
  • Hoof & Haunch
  • Gordon’s Positronics

King’s Row Health Pack Locations

  • To the left of the attacking team’s spawn point in a stone underpass
  • Inside The Meridian theater near the attacking team’s spawn point.
  • Before the capture point, behind the large Omnic statue
  • At the entrance of the Alderworth Hote beside the Omnic statue in #3.
  • To the right of the Omnic statue in #3, at the top of the stone staircase
  • Right beside the capture point inside the building
  • Past the capture point, inside Moriarty’s Fine Books bookstore
  • Get the Health pack on the ground floor of the Fox and Bear pub across from Moriarty’s Fine Books bookstore.
  • In the alcove beneath the stone archway marked with Eberle and Sons.
  • Near the leftmost entrance of the Underworld facility, right before the first checkpoint.
  • On the raised platform to the right of the first checkpoint.
  • You can get the health pack on the raised platform to the left of the first checkpoint.
  • To the right of the last checkpoint in the small L-shaped hallway
  • Directly to the right of the last checkpoint.

Using the Right Heroes while Attacking

Now, I’m going to quickly discuss attacking on King’s Row and start enough with the first area taking that objective point and what heroes work well for capturing the area as an attacker. 

Control Point

Let’s talk about the support, Lucio is our first pick. He is very strong in pushing objectives and healing the team around him. There will be a lot of damage playing around at you so it’s good at charge so make sure to amp it up at the right times. 

Zhenya can also be very useful with the harmony orb on a flanker. A discard in certain enemies so you can pick them off pretty easily. If you don’t want to go with the classic two- two cell then you can switch it up by picking a third offense hero instead of a second support. 

The tanks have a hero that can take the fight to the objective instead of on the Tropius great to have. Reinhardt is very strong for pushing through it and Roadhog can also soak up a lot of damage and deal with any heroes in your team. 

Either can be nice if you manage to charge up an Ult quickly enough but for this, we’re going to stick with the Reinhardt and Roadhog. A flanker is needed for this part of the map, so Eva, Tracer, or Reaper will fill up one slot. 


If you have captured the objective but are running into problems on the way to Omnic City then here are some recommended changes. If your problem is with your support then you probably want to swap out your Zenyatta since it’s an easy pick for the enemy team. You want more mobility here and squishy areas will struggle. 

This part of the map is a lot tighter than the last one, meaning that heroes will take a lot of damage. It might be good to swap out the Roadhog for either Winston or Zarya. If the team is full of quick but low-health heroes like Lucio, Genji, and Tracer then Winston is a great pick for you. He is also exceptional at reclaiming the payload. For damage output though would go for Zarya. 

Changing one of the flankers to a more vertically agile character might be good if you need to draw away some attention and damage from the rest of your team on the payload. In reality, this should be Winston’s job but having Ferret to make sure that defensive here is like snipers can’t get comfortable on some of the more open ledges is a good idea. 

Most of the time, we found ourselves swapping McCree for soldiers and his sakes in this section for increased accuracy. 

Omnic City 

Finally, what to change when you get to Omnic City if stuff is starting to slow down? It’s a very difficult map to push as the defensive team has the advantage here. As far as supports go, we would suggest sticking with ones that you’d have at the moment When your aggressive heroes are flying in and out, taking lots of damage then it allows healers like Lucio and Mercy to charge that a lot faster. 

Marcy has just as much health as Lucio. He hasn’t got a self-heal and doesn’t have the movement ability to get around. There’s going to be a lot of Ult flying around so having a slow Zonya might be a problem. So, Lucio is a stronger pick. He’s a lot more help for both of them as she can heal specific people and damage boost them and he is also great for camper pushing. Tank wise if you run into problems then D.Va is always a great shelf in this area.  

ow 2 characters

Using the Right Heroes while defending

Control Point

Let’s start with support, we tend to go with Symmetra most of the time. It’s quite a distance and run from spawn and there are many good rooms for Symmetra to set up a nest of sentry turrets in. She can also easily pick up some ultimate charge by the first choke. 

Mercy is great at keeping everyone topped up and will have an easy time flying around in this area. There is a direct connection together with the teleporter that will make sure that your team is ready to fight at full strength very often. 

As for tanks, Reinhardt feels like a must-have in this first part. He’s very good at slowing the enemies down and blocking damage by the initial choke. Together with a Roadhog and Zarya, you should be set for the beefy heroes on this first part of the map. Roadhog seems to generally just do a little bit better than Zarya, so you’re going with him here. 

Junkrat is another hero that is very strong right now and his grenades are great for putting down a lot of damage from the many vantage points available. Put a steel trap down on the left flank and save your team from a sneaky Reaper or Tracer


Now the enemy team has taken the objective and a portion of the yellow way. It’s very difficult to defend but don’t throw yourself in or you’re just going to keep dying. You may want to change for Symmetra. There are no real great places to set up turrets as the puff is fairly wide and turrets are easy to spot with all of the turns. 

The offensive team has a great advantage, to begin with considering the distance that you will have to travel from the spawn if you’ve died. Lucio will help with getting out of spawn quicker and together with a Mercy you will have a lot more sustain. It’s still pretty strong here with his ability to just keep back the enemy team with your shield. 

As far as the other tank goes, you might want to change it out if they are gaining a lot of momentum. Winston is great for locking down the payload, and maybe picking up some low-health heroes like Tracer, Genji, and Zenyatta. You can also switch out one of the tanks for Soldier 76, so you have a little bit more offensive capability. 

For the other damage dealers what you pick should be a hard counter to what the other team is throwing at you, so be ready to change quickly if you notice them taking control of the game. Take a look and see who’s on fire and try and gauge who’s doing the most work and try it and take them out of the game as much as you can. Just don’t change so often that you can’t get any ultimate charged up and used. 

If your Hanzo has been jumped by a D.Va or a Winston then changing it to a McCree might be better so you can quickly deal with the tanks. However, a sniper is strong in this bit as well, so keep Hanzo if he’s doing all right and he’s staying pretty comfortable. 

Omnic City

For this last bit, Marcy can be quite effective since even if she gets knocks, she won’t have to run for very long to reach her team. With that in mind, we suggest changing Lucio to Zenyatta for the range and pressure. Just be aware that it can be awkward to contest a payload when so much damage is being thrown around it. 

Keep it runner but pair him up with Zarya could be switching from McCree. Zarya’s Ult can become bowed with many heroes and she’ll always be close to her team, so it’s easy to pull a combo to wipe the enemy team. 

Reinhardt is great at countering D volt which you can see a lot in this section. As for damage, you can keep the soldier and Junkrat for range and damage output. Soldier AoE heal kind of makes up for the fact that we sacked Lucio and his accuracy is very useful when playing against Pharah or other heroes that you’ll have to deal with on long range.  

King’s Row Tips and Strategies

Now we’ll discuss some tips and tricks that you apply when playing in King’s Row in Overwatch 2. I’m going to be breaking up King’s Row into free areas, talking about the surroundings with a little bit more detail, and then talking about the heroes that I think are great on this map in certain areas for both attack and defense. 

Play Around the Map’s Narrow Corridors

King’s Row features tight choke points and pathways, meaning you need to build the team compositions around these terrain characteristics. Choose those heroes who are best at holding down choke points and close-range firefights, like Junkrat, Reaper, and Reinhardt

Use Snipers for the First Control Point

The most open space and long sightlines on the map are due to the first control point on King’s Row as it is the best section for sniping Heroes. Defenders have access to the numerous rooftops around the control point while Attacking snipers can quickly pick off crucial enemy targets from their upper spawn door. 

Be Mindful of Pitfalls in the Underworld

The careless teams may forget to position themselves around the Underworld section of King’s Row which has two distinct pitfalls. When fighting against Heroes with pushing and pulling abilities like Lúcio and Zarya, be mindful when staying around these sections. 

Cover behind the wall and archway

Remember that King’s Row is a hybrid map between the control point game mode and the payload game. For best results, the defending team will be holding the area just behind the wall and archway just in front of a big statue. It’s the attacking team’s job to push through and claim that that area. There are a lot of indoor areas for both teams to use and a good flank on the side for the attackers. 

The initial times give the attacker five minutes to claim the payload. Once the payload has been collected and three minutes added to the timer, the attacking team has to push through an alley with a couple of turns added in for some extra choke points. There are several back alleys that a Reaper and Tracer can use to flank around the defending team. 

The defending Team must Use Higher Ledges

Some higher ledges that the defending team can use for snipers Junkrat or turrets. The end of the alleyway will reward you with a checkpoint and two extra minutes on the clock. As you push the payload into Omnic city below London, the area gets very narrow as the payload gets close to the end of the map. There’s a good vantage point for the defending team to place a sniper and the attackers have short flanks on both sides.  

Wrapping It Up

Now we are at the end of this guide. After reading this guide, I hope that you will play better in King’s Row in your upcoming matches. If I have missed anything or said anything wrong in this blog then you could comment down below it would help me and the other fellow overwatch players. 

Another important announcement is that we are also offering Overwatch 2 Win Boosting services to help you increase your wins with any Hero! Make sure you check that out. Our boosting process is very smooth, with no hacks or cheats!

Source: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/King%27s_Row