Top 10 Tips to Win Mid-lane in Dota 2 (2024)

Hello everyone! Today, I will share the best tips on Dota 2 to win mid-lane. I have been playing Dota 2 for 12 years, and they have changed a lot regarding lane mechanics, farming patterns, itemisation, map pathing, and neutral camps. 

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Considering all the aspects and experiences of having a 10k MMR and currently working as a Dota 2 MMR booster at Immortal Boost, I will list the top 10 tips to win mid-lane and climb your way to a higher rank. 


The Mid-lane is the most skilled base role in Dota 2. However, it requires a lot of multitasking, such as constantly using the courier, checking for enemy ganks, controlling the lane equilibrium, harassing, last hitting, and finally controlling the runes. You are responsible for ganking, reacting, and dictating the game.

Tips to Follow

 The following are the ultimate tips for winning mid-lane.

1- Maintain Lane Balance 

Maintaining favourable lane balance is necessary to control any lane in Dota 2, but this skill is crucial for mid-laners. The ideal lane balance should have the creep wave fighting near or on top of your high ground without drawing tower aggro. There are a lot of concepts to cover fixing lane balance, such as creep blocking, denying, and dragging them back with aggro. But in general, playing close to the tower creates a safe zone allowing you to zone out your opponent more effectively.

2- Choose the Right Hero

The first important rule you should remember as a Dota 2 mid-laner is that some heroes are better than others during the laning stage. Unless you play with a team and follow a specific strategy, you must be careful when deciding what hero to get. The last thing you want is someone to counterpick you and ruin your game. 

Speaking of counter-picking, it is only sometimes possible to get a good hero vs. your opponent because he may pick after you. If that’s the case and you want a perfect hero to laning stage, choose a mid-laner that works well versus most enemies. There are several good examples, such as Kunkka, Shadow Fiend, Outworld Destroyer, Necrophos, etc.

3- Be Safe from Ganks

You can do a couple of things if you want to avoid getting ganked. You should have an Observer Ward and keep an eye on the minimap. Once you notice a hero missing, you should play more carefully. Support is the main thing you should be aware of. Aside from having good vision and map awareness, you should inform your teammates when you are getting ganked. If they know what they’re doing, they will TP to help you and turn things around.

5- Rune Control  

The first power rune appears on either side of the river at precisely 6 minutes, repeating every 2 minutes. The mid-lane who can grab these runes will be a threat to other lanes, especially if they manage to snatch Haste or Invisibility. Unfortunately, there’s a fifty percent chance of where the rune will spawn. A well-placed ward and the support of the mid-lane allow the power rune to be secured more effectively.

6- Focus on Farm 

Besides all the requirements, you should also focus on the farm not an AFK farm but a quick farm because you are the one getting the most exp in the game among all lanes. Your farm matters a lot, and items should come online at the right time, as you are playing the leading role in the game, and your team depends on you.

7- Get HP Regen if Needed

One of the big mistakes made by inexperienced Dota 2 mid-laners is that they always need more HP regen. Some of them think there is no need for it, whereas others simply do not want to waste gold so they can get their first “big” item sooner. This is one of the worst things you can do, and it can have a massive impact on your game. Having HP regen when needed can save you in many situations. 

8- Get the Right Item

One of the most common mistakes inexperienced players make is choosing late-game items when they need something to fight early on. For example, we can still find Ember Spirit players who prefer to get Battlefury instead of things like Maelstorm and Drums, which can help them and their team early on. Besides picking the best items for your team, you also need to get things that will help you against your opponents. Usually, this includes buying at least one defensive item, such as a Black King Bar or an Eul’s Scepter of Divinity. 

9- Communicate  

If you are having a bad lane or enemies are trying to gank you, communicate with your team to show up. If you go silent and keep on playing just by pinging, they won’t be alert, so type them or just use voice chat mostly for support so that they can counter gank or save you. You are the main hero of the team, and your survivability matters.

10- Always PMA 

Remember to stay positive even in a bad situation or hard game, no matter how bad your teammates are. Your positive mindset will help you focus on the game, and that’s the key to winning the lane and eventually winning the game.


If you follow and memorise these specific 10 tips, you can easily stomp the mid-lane. Try these ultimate tips to win the mid-lane in Dota 2 and let us know in the comment section.

Also, if you need help winning ranked mid-games, you can choose our best Dota 2 MMR Boosting service. My colleagues and I will help you win by playing party games with you. You can simply enable duo boosting while placing an order, and let’s dominate the game together!