Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to discuss Alter, the new Apex Legends hero added in season 21.
She is an offensive legend with an interesting kit and tactical ability. Alter is easily one of the best characters to play in Apex Legends, and this Ultimate Guide will have you terrorizing squads in no time.
Before we jump right into the article, you all must know that I am working with the Apex Legends Boosting team here at Immortal Boost. The moment this new legend was released, many of the clients wanted me to play it. So I thought, why not share a complete guide with you guys now? So here I am. Let’s get started!

Alter is the 26th Legend to be added to the Apex Legends roster at the launch of Season 21. Apex Legends season 21 was released on Tuesday, 7th May 2024. since the introduction of Revenant in 2020, she’s the first villain to arrive in the game. Not much is known about this strange Legend (Alter) currently in Apex Legends. She’s a Skirmisher class Legend which highlights her confrontational and aggressive playstyle design in Apex Legends season 21. A new height of calamity to Apex Legends is brought by the introduction of Alter.
Who is Alter in Apex Legends?
Season 21 has arrived, and with it, Alter has come to Apex Legends games. This character is so much fun. The creativity and outplay potential are through the roof, and all of her abilities are pretty interesting to use. You can unlock Alter for 12,000 Legend Tokens or 750 Apex Coins.
She’s a very unreliable narrator about her past and not much is currently known about the true history and origins of Alter. However, we know her name is Yingling Lui. Due to her Void tech, Alter has traveled through multiple different dimensions. It causes upheaval and havoc in each one she visits which she takes tremendous delight in. Though her true motivation for targeting them remains a mystery and now she has diverted her sights to the Apex Games.
She has always been dragged to places that are on the very edge of destruction. Alter is drawn to devastation, no matter whether it’s through natural causes or man-made reasons. Sometimes she even gives the world a helping hand towards its annihilation.
Alter was professionally trained to be a killer from childhood. She was gone crazy when her teammates and her parents betrayed her were killed. Alter always seems to fake her true identity as she makes up a new background for her life when she is about to kill her enemy when assassinating someone.
To give no trouble telling folks anything they need to hear for her to reach her end goal with them, Alter is also skilled at manipulating people to get her own way. However, if you deep dive enough into the stories Alter tells, you might find a shred of truth hidden in them. We also currently know that Alter has a fixation on Horizon.
Jaclyn Seto’s Thoughts on Alter
Alter narrative lead Jaclyn Seto said during Season 21 previews. “Definitely take what she says with a grain of salt, although if you look hard enough, you might find some bits of truth in her words. In general, her past is whatever it needs to be. Not only can she use it as a tool to manipulate others, but she knows that knowledge is power. Only she knows what her past is, and she’s unwilling to give anyone the power to know those details about her.”
Seto said “It’s any developer’s dream to be able to create a character that shares their same background. [Alter] definitely grew up in her culture, and you’ll definitely see her display that within the game.”
Apex Legends Alter’s Passive ability explained
Gift from the Rift is Alter’s Passive Ability. This ability allows you to see watch Deathboxes through walls and without slowing down, you can take a single item from them. It is not as effective as Loba’s Black Market Boutique but it has its uses and will definitely impact the gameplay.
Alter’s passive ability is useful if you’re on the run from other squads and need to grab a quick Med Kit or Shield Cell to keep you healthy enough to survive more in the match. You’re not limited to what type of item you can take, so you can only take any one thing from the Deathbox. If it’s in the Deathbox then you can choose it and take it for yourself. You can claim any item for the Deathbox except armor.
Apex Legends Alter’s Tactical ability explained
Void Passage is Atler’s tactical ability. This ability allows you to shoot bridging portals through various surfaces. You and your squad can then move through these portals safe and sound, though you will be vulnerable for a short time after exiting the portal. You have to manually interact with them to use them and you’re not automatically teleported to these Voids.
The Void can travel through surfaces up to 20 meters thick and you can roughly shoot the Void up to 45 meters away from you. It’s perfect for creating ambush opportunities, especially if your enemy teams are in a building as you can place one on the roof and drop through to them. Also, keep in mind that you can’t travel through thick mountains.
Another to note is that both enemies and your squad can use Alter’s Void Passage, which means that you could get some unexpected visitors pretty quickly, so be careful when you are setting one.
Tactical opens a little phase breach that allows you to go through walls, ceilings, floors, and anything except mountains. It’s a gateway from one stride of a structure to another and it is really impressive. You can go up, sideways, and down and it lasts for a little while. So, you can see you can get multiple uses of one queue.
She can go up and down from a considerable distance with her tactical much like a horizon queue that goes through the ground by pressing the interact key to go up.
Apex Legends Alter’s Ultimate ability explained
Void Nexus is Alter’s Ultimate ability. She or her squad can travel back at any point by putting a device down anywhere on the map. This ability works as long as the device is still within its lifespan or hasn’t been destroyed. If you try to push an enemy squad and realize it wasn’t the best idea, Alter’s Ultimate ability can be used to get out of sticky situations quickly.
Keep in mind that you and your squad can only use Void Nexus once. However, there is a handy loophole. If you’ve already used your own charge for the Ultimate but another member of your squad hasn’t, you can piggyback on their charge to spawn back at the device with them.
Enemies can use the Void Nexus device too and they can see it whenever it’s down in the world and it is similar to Void Passage. They can use it to jump on you unexpectedly or they could wait and surround your squad once you return to it.
Even if you’ve been knocked, you and your teammates can activate the Nexus to phase back to that location at any time.
Alter can teleport through walls with portals. This aligns with the abilities of Wraith. For Alter’s wall teleportation ability, the new map, set in Suo, would provide an interesting environment.
Ability Upgrade
Below you can see her level-up upgrade choices.
Level 2
Ability Upgrade 1
Frequent Nexus – This Nexus will let the Ultimate cooldown be reduced to 30 seconds
Ability Upgrade 2
Seeing with Portals – Feature persists after the tactical phase. You will able to check enemy health bars after exiting the portal
Level 3
Ability Upgrade 1
Seeing with Portals – Tactical cooldown reduced by ten sec.
Ability Upgrade 2
Unending Nexus – Void Nexus no longer times out.
You need to have a plan for level-up upgrades if you want to know how to play Alter to the best of her abilities. You have to make a difficult choice at each level as All of the upgrades seem pretty good. When you play with your team, and everybody’s on coms then the Frequent Nexus will come in handy. Having the ability to retreat to a safe spot will allow you and your squad to make fairless plays. The ability to briefly see the health bars of enemies as you exit your portals is the best Alter loadout option if you are playing with randoms.
The infinite Nexus seems to be one of the superior Alter strategies at Level 3. You need to go for it if you have good synergy with your teammates. For Void Passage, the 10-second cooldown reduction is probably a better option.
How to Play Alter Effectively
- Alter has a few different playstyles that you can opt for, but I believe that there is a correct playstyle, and she is very strong if you play her the right way. In my opinion, the way to play Alter is very aggressive. She is a skirmisher Legend in the game, and you must know that these kinds of Legends are very aggressive offensive output Legends that can sway a fight by being the first ones in the fight involved.
- Her tactical ability is very useful, even just as a diversion or a way to mask your footstep with that loud sound cue. Alter’s tactical ability is fantastic, and you should use it to push fights and enemies as often as possible.
- One of her perks reduces her cooldown by minus 10 seconds. Throw that thing everywhere and surround your enemies as an army of one, as this is a fantastic way to get the upper hand. The enemy will truly know where you are coming from.
- She’s useful for teammates as well, as she can shoot her tactical about 45 meters away, meaning you can be in the back of a fight or sniping. You can also send your teammates in first, you don’t have to be necessarily on the front line. If you’re behind your teammate, your teammate can then take the angle before you can and they can make the impact play.
- This ability is only limited to your imagination, and your ability to use it. So, my best advice for this tactical is, to just spam it and use it often.
- For her Ultimate, you should be throwing the device around, it is off a long cooldown and it does have a long charge-up time but it lasts a long time too. You have got plenty of time to activate it and one of her perks does include an infinite nexus. You can throw it down, and your next entire ultimate can recharge, and your previous ultimate can still be used.
- Just throw the device down. You might have it, just on the off chance you get knocked then you can teleport back to it. It’s all effective out to 200 meters, so that truly is out of fail-free card if you get knocked. You can hold that knockdown shield, turn around, look for the Nexus, and use it. The knockdown shield will come once you use it.
Apex Legends Alter Best Team Comps
As season 21 hits the game servers, everyone is going to jump in and try Alter in Apex Legends. You’re going to need the right teammates if you want to win games with this legend. Having the best teammate is the number 1 tip that I would recommend. For now, the best team comp is the key to winning the fights in Apex Legend with Alter.
Alter, Pathfinder, Gibraltar
For unparalleled movement options, this composition leverages Alter’s mobility alongside Pathfinder’s Grappling Hook. Gibraltar’s defensive abilities provide crowd control and cover, allowing the team to dictate the pace of engagements and control the battlefield.
Strengths: defensive capabilities, crowd control, and Outstanding map control.
Lifeline, Wraith, Alter
For intricate repositioning and flanking, this composition combines Alter’s exceptional mobility with Wraith’s portal ability. Lifeline’s healing capabilities make them formidable in both prolonged engagements and aggressive skirmishes and also give the team longevity in fights.
Strengths: versatility, sustain, and Superior mobility
Bloodhound, Octane, Alter
With Alter and Octane providing rapid movement options and Bloodhound tracking down enemies, this composition emphasizes speed and aggression. Their tracking abilities and combined mobility make them formidable in fast-paced engagements and flanking maneuvers by using these legends and Alter tips and tricks.
Strengths: aggressive playstyle, tracking abilities, and High Mobility
For controlling the battlefield and forcing enemies into unfavorable positions, this composition excels. Caustic’s gas traps create deadly zones of control, while Alter’s mobility complements Bangalore’s smoke grenades. By combining, they create a defensive front that can turn the tide of victory.
Strengths: crowd manipulation, area control, and Tactical positioning
With Mirage’s holographic decoys and Alter’s mobility creating confusion among enemies, this composition capitalizes on deception and control. It also makes it hard for Alter counters to make plays. Wattson’s defensive abilities provide control over chokepoints and cover, and the team to outsmart opponents and outmaneuver.
Strengths: area denial, defensive positioning, Deception
Just like Wraith, Apex Legends Season 21 features a new legend that can warp and use portals. Alter offers more creative ways to use her abilities and has a lot more utility. In this Ultimate guide, I’ve covered all of the Alter’s unique abilities explained. Make sure you know how to use them as These abilities have some unique properties. Keep in mind that Alter is good at flanking enemies and moving around the battlefield as she is a Skirmisher. if you love confusing your enemies by quickly getting in and out of a fight and if you can think on your feet, then this Legend is definitely perfect for you.
Thank you for reading my guide. I hope you will dominate every game with Alter! You can always head over to the Apex Legends Rank Boosting service, where you can improve your rank while our professional booster plays Alter. Also, if you plan to unlock badges, you can head over to the Apex Badge Boosting service, where you can just select the badge you want and check out.
Our process is very smooth; once you place an order, you can sit back and watch our pro boosters get the job done and earn you wins and badges for Rampart.
Season 21 introduced a new Legend in the game, Alter. Alter is a Skirmisher legend who is able to teleport between portals alongside teammates too.
Alter’s Ultimate is known as Void Nexus. She and her teammates can teleport within 200 meters once Alter throws down a device.
Similar to other legends in the game, Alter is unlocked by consuming tokens and spending Apex coins. You need to spend 12,000 tokens to Alter or you can also unlock by using premium currency called the Apex Coins.
As Alter, you should use her tactical abilities to teleport between two points. On any surface, those portals can be put. Moving over to different places will make your playstyle creative with Alter.