With new Act and a brand new Agent it can be frustrated for players to get hands on the newest agent Waylay. However, Riot Games as they keep updating their roster with new Agents, they introduce new mechanics in Valorant. At the start of the new Act and a new Agent release, players can use a Recruitment event to unlock new agents quickly. This is without purchasing the agent from the early access which costs 1,000 VP.
Valorant Season 25 Act 2 brings a brand new bundle Cyrax which brings cool animations and skins for weapons. The new bundle is coming alongside the new duelist agent Waylay. The Cyrax bundle has an ancient throne feel to it with finishers that shows some sort of arena and thrones.
Valorant has set sail and is ready for Season 2025 Act 2. With the Masters Bangkok coming to an end, Riot Games revealed what’s next for Valorant. They showcased agent 28 now called Waylay which will be joining the Duelist roster. Waylay has lightening dashes and can rewind.
Valorant Patch 10.04 is coming up next and will be a big patch which will introduce Season 2025 Act 2. However, Riot Games has not yet revealed the complete and official patch notes. But according to Valorant Leaks and speculations, we got you covered with everything you need to know about Patch 10.04.
Valorant Patch 10.03 is coming on February 19, 2025 and includes some Agent abilities fixes and minimap updates. Patch 10.03 is majorly catering the bug fixes on both PC and Consoles. But the main highlight of the patch 10.03 is minimap will have new improved visuals.
Thai rapper MILLI has joined Valorant to bring out new theme song for Masters Bangkok “One Punch”. The new cinematic video is to promote Valorant Masters Bangkok. We saw a new cinematic video from Riot Games called Dawn of the Duelist which features “One Punch” by MILLI. We also got our first teaser for Valorant’s new upcoming agent in the new cinematic video.
Riot Games has confirmed the release of 2025 VCT Season Capsule coming to Valorant. The new VCT Capsule is set to include a Karambit Melee knife skin with 5 different color variations.
Valorant has introduced new Ranked Shield system in competitive queues to ensure players from dropping ranks in Patch 10.01. This new Rank Shield System makes sure players having a bad game doesn’t lose their rank. The new system offer three Shield that helps players from dropping down in ranks. Moreover, patch 10.01 includes changes to new Agent Tejo and minor bug fixes.
Valorant is going through major map pool changes than it has ever before. With new map pool changes coming with patch 10.04. Icebox and Ascent will return back in competitive map pool. Keeping their word, the developer has already announced when the next map pool rotation will arrive, just a week after the start of Season 2025 Act 1.
The first trailer for Episode 10 Act 1 for Valorant reveals new Initiator Tejo as well as the new battle pass coming with the Act including the new FLEX items. Moreover, showing brand new skins from Battle Pass. And showing casing the first skin bundle for year 2025, called the EX.O skin bundle.
Valorant is having a blast in 2025 with the launch of its new Episode. From a brand new Initiator Tejo, a new Battle Pass. Riot Games has introduced a brand new feature and type of cosmetic coming to Valorant. FLEX is a new item that players will able to view during in-game and between rounds. It literally means flexing the cool cosmetic items.
Sentinels the fan-favorite NA team is already out of Valorant Masters Bangkok. They played a thrilling match against Team Liquid. Both these teams played starting Valorant Masters Bangkok with scores 0-2 against DRX and Edward Gaming. They faced each other and sadly it was for Sentinel to return home.
Valorant Season 25 Act 2 is upon and is set to start very soon. The new Act will include the brand new Duelist agent Waylay, a new skin bundle and a brand new battle pass. Valorant has recently changed their naming schemes from Episodes to Season 2025. So, this new act will be called Valorant Season 25 Act 2 and is set to start in a few days.
Valorant Season 25 Act 2 Battlepass is coming soon on March 5 and March 6, 2025 depending upon your region. The Battlepass will launcher earlier in Americas region and next day in other regions including Asia, Europe and others on March 6. The Battlepass includes two new skin bundles and a Melee skin with tons of exclusive cosmetics.
Valorant’s new Rank Rollback feature is now live with Patch 10.05. The patch is going live across all regions for Valorant and will be available on March 18 and 19, 2025 depending upon your region. This is the second patch for this Act but is bringing new features to Valorant which is good for the game. Competitive players can finally be at piece in case they face a Cheater, their RR will be saved because of this new Rank Rollback feature.
Here’s everything you need to know about Valorant Patch notes 10.05 and new Rank Rollback Feature.
Valorant Patch 10.05 Release date
Patch 10.05 for Valorant is scheduled to come out on Tuesday, March 18th or Wednesday, March 19th, depending on the region you play.
Regardless of that, the patch’s rollout should begin at around 6:00 AM PT for North America, LATAM, and Brazil servers. European players will probably have to wait until Wednesday at 4:00 AM GMT.
Complete Patch Notes 10.05
Competitive Updates
- Ranked Rollbacks are live!
- If you lost RR due to a match against a confirmed cheater in the last week, you will be eligible for an RR refund!
- Here’s how it works:
- You will get a pop-up notification showing the exact amount of RR being refunded.
- To apply the refunded RR, you must complete one Competitive match.
- Once you finish that match, the refunded RR will be reflected in your End of Game summary screen—win or lose, the refund still gets added to your total RR for that game.
- Important: Ranked Rollbacks are only valid within the current Act and there is a cap per Act. If you qualify for a refund, be sure to play a game before the Act ends to claim it!
Bug Fixes
- Agents
- Raze:
- Fixed a bug where Blast Pack’s explosion was slightly smaller at the tip of the explosion since the explosion changes that went live in 10.03
- Clove
- Fixed a bug where Clove could take damage or die for a single frame upon reviving with Not Dead Yet
- Sage
- Resurrection: Fixed the same bug as Clove above where there was a single frame of vulnerability upon reviving a target
- Tejo
- Fixed a bug where Armageddon’s danger indicator did not always apply on variable elevations
- Iso
- Fixed a bug where Double Tap’s HUD bar could look visually incorrect for spectators or observers
- Waylay
- Fixed a bug where there was a performance hitch upon casting Convergent Paths
- Fixed a bug where Convergent Paths was unable to be equipped during the buy phase.
- Social
- Fixed an issue where in-game status and scores were not updating as frequently as they should in the social panel.
- Maps
- Breeze
- Fixed a bug where abilities would ignore line of sight around crates on A Site.
- Fixed a bug where flash abilities would be blocked in certain areas on the map.
- Sunset
- Fixed a bug where players could not plant the Spike on the B Site crates inside of the plant zone.
Console Only
General Updates
- We are disabling Remote Play for PS5 until further notice to investigate an issue. Please keep an eye out on future patch notes for an update!
Bug Fixes
- Social
- Fixed a bug where it would take several seconds to reconnect to comms when going back to the custom game lobby after match.
That’s all you need to about Valorant Patch notes 10.05 and Rank Rollback feature to protect RR from cheaters.