Every hero in your team matters now even more because of the reduction of team members from 6 to five. Overwatch 2 is an exciting game with many different styles and abilities of the heroes. Here, your objectives will vary, and achieving them effectively makes you win the game. Now, if you start playing Overwatch 2, you will get many maps. You shoes the ros yourself, and a hero that never works badly is Roadhog.

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Roadhog is often known as the eBay Bruiser of the match. He is a perfect example of a defender for his allies. Yet, he can only block the incoming damage by standing in front of it. He has some exciting abilities that can protect his teammates from enemy attacks. Roadhog is considered one of the strongest tank heroes in the game
Enemies will never come near him because of his massive damage-causing abilities that work on short ranges. He is an ideal pick no matter what map you are playing on. His primary weapon can be down support or DPS hero enemies no matter how strong they are. His health pool is also quite large, which makes Roadhog a resistive character. If your enemies cannot perform massive damage, they will not be able to Counter Roadhog.
His ultimate shocks down the enemies and even nullifies their ultimates. Always try to look for the objectives of the match. Try to kill the DPS heroes so he has a chance to survive for longer. Always be a defender for your Support by standing in front of the enemy attacks.
Abilities of Roadhog
Scrap Gun
Beginning with the primary ability of Roadhog, a scrap gun, it can take down several enemies. It causes high damage at a short range. This can even kill the toughest heroes within a few shots. A Roadhog player can also decrease the pool of a tank if you target some headshots. The closer you are to the enemies, the higher their chances of death are.
This gun has an alternate fire that works best in middle ranges. It releases a ball of concentrated elements that has a slightly larger travel distance than the primary fire. You need to have good aiming skills for this. It can also kill the enemy heroes with some headshots. You have the option to choose the primary or alternate fire based on your preferences.
Take a Breather
This signature ability of Roadhog helps him with healing power. He can activate it during combat to maintain his HP high. He can absorb and heal a very large amount of damage. The ability has a low cooldown time so you can pair it with a good healing hero. This tells us why Raodhog is always a hard-to-get hero.
Activating take a breather will take a few seconds. His health will not suddenly go up. So, while you are in the middle of a combat, use your healing peor timely. It would take time for it to act. It gives 350 health back to the Roadhog’s health bar.
Chain Hook
With this bill, Roadhog releases a chain hook towards his opponents. If this hook hits the enemies, it will bring enemies closer to Radhog. This allows Roadhog to cause more damage to them. So, if your enemies are staying at a distance from you, just use your Chain hook to pull them toward you.
Thai tools work best against rapidly moving heroes like Tracer, Lucio, and Genji. It can prevent the enemy heroes from using their imitates. This ability also comes with a low cooldown so you have ample opportunity to use this.
Whole Hog
Roadhog’s ultimate ability has seen some changes with the launch of Overwatch 2. It was previously a channelled ultimate that has been changed to a Transform ultimate. You can release a filled shot from a scrap gun and fire it anywhere you want, It will have; little pressure in the firing, providing time for Roadhog to use her abilities.
Keep in mind that you have to hit the fire button at the start of the firing after activating the ultimate. It means Roadhog will not be stunned by the ultimate. Roadhog gets even more stable from this activity.
Best Combinations with Roadhog
Roadhog and Ana
Though Raodhog’s ultimate does not require any other hero ultimate with him, Ana can be a good choice. Ana’s nano boost is always helpful when you want to boost your damage rate. It boosts the speed and the health of Roadhog, and his full-time ability to crush down the enemies.
Roadhog and Mei
Mei allows Roadhog to target his hooks precisely and accurately. Mei will hit the enemy with her abilities, to slow them down. This would make targeting easier for the Roadhog.
Roadhog and Zenyatta
Zenyatta’s Orb allows him to be an excellent player with Roadhog. Whenever a Roadhog hooks an enemy paler, Zenyatta will release Discord Orb to them. This way the damage from Roadhog’s scrap gun is even boosted at clear ranges.
Counters of Roadhog
Roadhog is a suitable pick to deal with rapidly moving characters. He works excellently against Soldier 76 by taking him out of his biotic field. Dodign heroes like Moira or floating characters like Mercy can also be caught with Roadhog’s abilities. These players will get damaged before they can cause damage to Roadhog because of his immense health pool.
Ana’s anti-healing grenade can nullify the Take a Breather ability. Roadhog also struggles against realtors as his immensely powerful shots will lower the health bars of Roadhog. Mei’s slowing power can also counter a strong euro like Roadhog, so it gets difficult for him to use his abilities.
Tips for Playing With Roadhog
- Be extremely careful if you are using the Take a breather in the presence of an enemy Ana. If Ana has her Anti healing grenade, your ability would get diminished. This way your Raodhog would get useless.
- Before playing with Roadhog, practice landing good hooks, If you are not good at it, you cannot be competitive with Roadhog. At the same time, you should be capable enough to target a fire after landing the hook.
- Press the hook, hold your left click, and move forward. Always aim at the chin area to land a headshot. Chest shots will also give a high damage output. After one shot, wait for its clearance, and land another shot.
- Use the Hook to assist Rein’s charge or Pharah’s barrage. It also counters D.Va’s mech and Junkrat’s tire.
- The ultimate is not meant to destroy the enemy. It is used to prevent them from approaching a certain point or to give some time for your team to get prepared. If you want to kill the enemy with the ultimate, use it in a corner. Push them back so they cannot escape easily.
- Use your hook while using your ultimate. Use your hook anytime you see an enemy that is easier to kill.
- Remember that Roadhog works differently from heroes like Winston or Zarya. He has no defensive ability like a shield. He loves to play offensively. He works well if you land good hooks, and shoot the enemies after it. Approach them with other heroes to make sure that they are dead.
- Use Roadhog against t enemies who have heroes flying in short or mid-range. Heroes like Hanzo, Ashe, or Soldier 76 will stay far away from you, so will not be able to target them. Use Roadhog’s abilities against strong but nearby heroes.
- You have to do two jobs for your team. Make sure that no enemy hero is flanking your backlines, and also keep a check on the damages from the front side. You are the only tank in your team, so always have a healing hero beside you.
- If you hit an enemy hero he may include a wall in front of him before you can hook him. If this happens your hook will only be able to drag the enemy till the wall comes. You can use any hero abilities that pass through walls for this situation. The hook drags the enemy in the direction where you are looking, So, keep this in mind before you play with it.
- Melee hits are a vital part if you are paying with Roadhog. Once you hook a character, hit them with your primary fire. This should be followed by a melee hit so the enemy gets killed without any chance of escaping.
- While you are busy tackling many other things, don’t forget to monitor your health pool. Although it is a large health pool, if you get so many shots it may get emptied. You can heal yourself but you need to track your health for that. You can use the Take a Breather ability if you are at 70HP because the cooldown takes some time.
- The only drawback of playing with Roadhog is the lack of any defensive ability like a barrier. He can help himself, but he cannot prevent damage from coming toward him from other tanks. You always need support to pair with Roadhog.
Roadhog is an incredible hero if you know how you can play with him well. If you are familiar with his abilities, and the layout of the map, things will get a lot easier for you. Use this hero in combination with some support heroes to maximize its advantages.
By following our highlighted tricks and strategies, you can be the winner of the match, but you should always remember that victory comes with efforts from the entire team.
If you still need help after reading our guide, you can hire our OW2 coach to make you understand the game better.