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Overwatch 2 Lifeweaver Guide – Tips and Tricks 2023

In the list of Overwatch’s support heroes, there is a hero called life weaver which is quite exquisite if you got the skill and time it can be your best agent for team synergy, and let’s be honest no one wants to be a support guy in overwatch but if you do life weaver can be a good choice and after his initial buff his pick rate is skyrocketing so, therefore, I came up with this “Overwatch 2 Lifeweaver Guide & Tips”.

So exactly who is a lifeweaver what’s his backstory and most importantly what are those open secret tips and tricks in this guide that can help you? So before we start, let me tell you that I am currently working as an overwatch 2 booster with immortalboost and a content writer. If you need any boosting service, you can always ask for me. 

His Origin:

According to Blizzard An artist, activist, and inventor, Lifeweaver has created a new form of life that heals wounds, cures illnesses, and may one day save everyone on the planet… providing the Vishkar Corporation doesn’t catch up with him first. So the World that Life-weaver has come from is a very advanced civilization that has been really developed through technological advancements and his civilization didn’t care about anything other than advancements Whether it’s the environment or the notorious nature.

His culture proceeded to do everything it needed to progress forward, including destroying its natural resources. Throughout this part, Lifeweaver explains why he opted to deviate from the established method.

Lifeweaver is from Thailand and is described as being witty and kind. His body is adorned with exquisite tattoos inspired by Thai lotus blossoms. and he is dressed in a flowing robe made of a lightweight cloth with lotus motifs. In many traditions, the lotus flower represents purity, rebirth, and enlightenment. Lifeweaver’s design reflects his faith in nature’s ability to heal and evolve. His abilities are designed to help his teammates grow and thrive, just as a lotus flower blooms from a muddy pond.

Primary Weapon Abilities And His Ultimate:

Now That We are over with his short origin story let’s talk about his in-game presence and what he can do what are his abilities Because there are a lot of things going on with this character of course there are a ton of buttons to manage him. 

  • Primary Fire: Healing Blossom and Thorn volley 
  • Healing blossom As its name sounds it’s the flower of blossom that heals your allies it has a 1-second cooldown and can heal for about 65 hp just charge and aim it at your ally to heal them It has a 30-meter range.
  • Thorn Volley: This Acts like an assault rifle you have to aim at your enemies just like a normal gun and shoot it. Not a whole lot different than a normal widow makers rifle.
  • Petal Platform: This ability creates a platform like a trampoline and launches you or your allies into the air. This can give you an advantage in distracting your enemy’s aim.
  • Rejuvenating Dash: Kind of like Tracer’s dash you can dash using it it has 5 second cooldown period and can help you in the heat of the moment but unlike Tracey’s dashes he has only a horizontal dash
  • Life Grip. Pull an ally to your location, protecting them as they travel. In simple words you can protect your ally if he’s getting attacked you can just activate this and pull them towards you and heal them while you are pulling them away from the enemy. In the heat of the moment, it might be difficult but it does feel like you are a savior.
  •  Tree of Life(ultimate): Lifeweaver’s Tree of Life is a powerful ultimate ability that can both heal and cover teammates. When Lifeweaver is triggered, it plants a big tree on the ground. Allies standing near the tree are healed, and hostile fire is blocked. The tree has a 10-second lifespan and can be damaged by hostile fire.

Lifeweaver should plant Tree of Life in a secure position where teammates may quickly access it in order to use it efficiently. The tree should also be strategically positioned to give shelter from enemy fire. Lifeweaver should be informed of the tree’s condition and ready to replace it if it is damaged.

Things To Do With Him:

Hold A hard-to-see angle:

Hold a sneaky and hard-to-see angle. As far as life weaver is concerned his main ability is healing and by using his thorn valley he can somewhat increase the firepower of the team. So by using the petal platform u can jump into the side of the walls of the maps and can get to the pixels of models that can be used for holding angles and from there you just have to heal your allies and give damage to your enemies.

Use Your Ultimate Wisely:

Hence I explained earlier what is his ultimate and what can it do so because in overwatch the ultimate cooldown is usually high and you can’t use them rapidly that’s why you have to use life weaver ultimate carefully and you shouldn’t waste it. Nonetheless, you should communicate with your teammates before using your ultimate. Use it in team battle so the damage that your enemies are giving will not affect your allies that much because of the Tree of Life.

  • Healing: Allies standing near the tree get healed. This may be a lifesaver in a team fight, helping to keep your buddies alive and fighting.
  • Cover: The tree shields you from antagonistic fire. This can be useful for allies who are low in health or trying to get into the cover for reloading or healing.
  • Area Control: The tree may be used to deny the opponent team access to a certain region. This might be useful for delaying a push or providing a safe zone for your squad to recover.

Spam The Healing Blossom:

You can spam Healing Blossom to great effect by firing it quickly and continuously. This can be a great way to keep allies topped up on health, especially in a hectic team fight. But However, It’s not the best strategy because if you spam somebody in the enemy team will know where the flowers are coming from and will know your location It’s best to keep your Healing Blossom for when an ally is in critical condition. Furthermore, repeating Healing Blossom can be a waste of ammunition, so be aware of your resources. And use it as your may. With a little practice, you can learn to spam Healing Blossom effectively and help your team win the fight and be the differentiator.

Petal Platform:

Because Life Weaver’s Movement is really limited you may need to use a petal platform to get into the high ground and make yourself be in an advantageous position. Unlike other healers, life weaver is not the primary healer but because of his petal platform, he can get into the high ground which can give him a straight line of projectile shooting and extra uptime for healing his teammates.

Life Grip:

As I did explain earlier this can help your tracer your widow make to be extra aggressive because of you just let them rush toward the enemy if they are not gonna win the duel you can use life grip to flee them from the fight but remember to use it wisely if your teammate is low but not in an active fight there is no reason to use life grip just heal them and you are good to go. Life grip is also a great way to bait your enemies just put your teammate in the line of fire and another on a sneaky angle and when the enemy starts shooting at your ally just use life grip to save the ally and let the other teammate kill the enemy.

Lifeweaver can be paired with:

Soldier: 76 – When paired with Lifeweaver’s healing, Soldier: 76’s ultimate, Tactical Visor, might be lethal. He may use Lifeweaver to keep himself alive while ulting, letting him deliver huge damage to the other team. 

Cassidy: Another skill that may be considerably increased by Lifeweaver’s healing is Cassidy’s ultimate, Deadeye. Cassidy may use Lifeweaver to keep himself alive while ulting, allowing him to achieve a team kill.

Reaper: Reaper’s playstyle is aggressive, and he may substantially benefit from Lifeweaver’s healing. Reaper may be kept alive while flanking the opposition team, allowing him to score kills.

Orisa: Lifeweaver can use Orisa’s barrier as a secure area from which to damage and heal teammates. Enemies may be gathered together using Orisa’s ultimate, Halt!, making them easier for Lifeweaver’s Thorn Volley to hit.

Final Words:

In this comprehensive guide, I have told and explained enough to get you rolling with life weaver I know this guide cannot be enough and there’s a difference between reading something and applying it in the game but I assure you if you practice enough and use this tips you’ll eventually get better and better in no time just believe in yourself and your aim.

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