Marvel Rivals Boosting –



MARVEL RIVALS booster job requirement

Our team always keeps the data of any booster so they can distribute orders according to the booster’s capability. You just have to introduce yourself, the better the introduction, the more orders you’ll get, according to your gameplay and skills. The pay rates are good. If you are able to do the boost early rather than the actual time then there will be some bonuses for you also. Here are a few things we should know about you:

  1. Which Country you’re from
  2. MMR / RANK on your main profile.
  3. Share your profile ID, so our team can cross-check
  4. Your Patience level
  5. Number of languages you can speak
  6. You’ve to play one game as a demo and stream it. (the game will be played on a profile that our team provides.)


1) You should know that account must not be banned. Do not do excessive boost. (In case account is banned during boost, you wont be paid and you wont be paid for the next order too because we have to cover the loss)
2) You are not allowed to talk with clients.
3) You are not allowed to message/ or make any changes to their friend list.
4) You are not allowed to add clients on discords.
5) Payment will be made once the order is completed.
6) No toxic Behaviour. Blaming or flaming in game or with the client. Always be polite.
7) Payment method will be PayPal/Wise/ Any card except Russian*/Crypto
8) *Always be available on the shared hours. *
9) You are not allowed to take any direct order or payment from the client. Even if its a tip, it should be sent to us and we will forward you the 100% of the tip.
10) If you are honest and loyal with us, we will even pay you extra as a good gesture from our side.