Deadlock is the 23rd Agent to join the Valorant and the 1st Norwegian to join the Valorant Protocol. Deadlock is such an aggressive Agent in Valorant that she brings her enemies to a standstill. The newcomers can learn the Deadlock’s Gameplay and abilities with ease and this guide will help you and any newbie to master her skillset. Valorant boosting will help you improve your rank in the game as you will learn new techniques. Valorant rank boost is recommended for the beginner of Valorant as they will help you improve your rank.

Deadlock’s real name is Iselin and on the escort mission, she was a special agent, unluckily the mission went wrong and Bear ripped her arm off. She was left alone until Sova helped her to be rescued. Deadlock received a prosthetic arm and she joined Valorant. Before playing Deadlock, first, check the Valorant Sensitivity Setting for a better Aim and Play style.
Valorant Deadlock Agent Guide
Is Deadlock Good Valorant?
Every time Valorant new Agent is introduced, the players wonder how effective that agent will be. Just like other agents, Deadlock has its purpose in the FPS. On both sides of spikes, Deadlock has proven to very useful agent. Her Utilities include stalling pushes, Trapping opponents, and Separating enemies. If the right instructions are followed, Deadlock will surely lead the team to success.
⦁ While keeping the enemies at bay, Deadlock can easily hold the site without any help and even call for backup.
⦁ Use the Deadlock’s abilities wisely as her abilities are not retrievable. They will be placed for rounds once the players use their abilities.
⦁ Players can use Raze, Sova, and Brimstone to work together with Deadlock
⦁ On Friendly players and hostile, Deadlock’s barrier and grenade work on each.
How to Unlock Deadlock in Valorant?
To unlock the Deadlock, players have four different methods through which Deadlock will be accessible in Valorant. The different methods to unlock Deadlock in Valorant are the following.
⦁ Spending Valorant Points (VP) to unlock Deadlock
⦁ Getting Xbox Game Pass Subscription
⦁ Completing the event of Agent recruitment
⦁ Use the Kingdoms Credits to purchase Deadlock
Agent Recruitment Event
To unlock the Deadlock, players have to complete all the Valorant Matches and obtain 200,000 XP for Deadlock to get unlocked. To unlock Deadlock, Players will get access to the Deadlock within 27 days, or else all the hard work will be wasted and to unlock the Deadlock, use the other methods.
Xbox Pass Subscription
If you are subscribed to Xbox Gaming Pass then you will receive many exclusive benefits. Unlocking a new agent is one of the biggest benefits that you will get as you will be able to unlock Deadlock directly.
Utilizing Valorant Points
For 1000x Valorant Points, you will be able to unlock Deadlock directly. First, you have to purchase the Valorant points which are pretty expensive, and then will get access to Deadlock in Valorant.
Unlocking Deadlock through Kingdom Credits
If you are unable to unlock the Deadlock in Valorant in the recruitment event within 27 days then this backup option will be the best choice for you. Unlike Valorant Points, the kingdom credits cannot be purchased with money, instead, you have to earn the kingdom credits. You will require a total of 8000 Kingdom credits to unlock any agent.
In the case of Deadlock, you will also require a total of 8000 Kingdom Credits. You have obtained the Kingdom Credits as a one-time bonus in Valorant and now you are required another 3000 Kingdom Credits to unlock Deadlock.
where is deadlock from Valorant
Just like the Omen, Deadlock contains nationality. Deadlock being a female Sentinel agent is from Norway. Deadlock is the first agent in Valorant which belongs to the European country.
Deadlock Release Date Valorant
On June 27th, 2023 Deadlock joined the Valorant Roster in Episode 7 Act 1 and Deadlock is the 22nd Agent in Valorant.
Valorant Deadlock abilities
Deadlock has a total of 4 abilities in Valorant just like other agents. Her round starts with her unique signature, two abilities that players have to purchase, and an ultimate that will be received after gathering some orbs and completing some actions in Valorant.
Barrier Mesh (E Ability)
Deadlock’s most iconic ability is Barrier Mesh. This unique ability is handed to Deadlock for free each round and it’s a real game changer. This isn’t just the barrier it is a wall that takes a significant number of bullets to break. Imagine a determined player trying to break it down a piston round then it’s going to take a bit even with Rifles it’s going to take quite a few bullets to take it down so you can make your opponent’s life a bit inconvenient with this one.
At first glance, you might think that barrier mesh is similar to Sage’s barrier orb, which is true. It can be used to block off entrances but it’s important to note the unique properties that set it apart. The barrier Mesh will let you shoot bullets through it which means it is an amazing tool for blocking off common routes that enemies might take on site and setting up kills.
For example, if you use barrier mesh to block off A choke points. It’s similar to if you wall Mid-on Sage and the enemies shoot it down right away. If you use this ability to stop or rush then the enemies are just going to burst it down, they’ll run straight through. On top of that, they can even shoot back at you if they can see you so it’s not as good for stopping pushes.
The unique property of barrier mesh is that you can shoot through it. It’s not great for hiding behind, the same way you might use a Sage wall because of this you might want to be selective of when you choose to wall and what you choose to wall.
Cost: Free of cost
Effect: 30 seconds barrier with an effective health pool
Windup: 3seconds for fortification
Usage: one per each round
Barrier Mesh is not just a tool, it’s a weapon in itself.
Tips to Use Barrier Mesh
These tips will make it easier for you when to use the Barrier mesh.
⦁ Reyna and Omen have the ability to dismiss the barrier Mesh so be aware of them as they can easily move through the Barrier Mesh.
⦁ It is better to throw the Barrier Mesh deeper into a lane or at any entry point. The enemies will be blocked further away and it will prevent the enemies from shooting through the barrier and also from swinging out.
⦁ If you choose Deadlock as your Main, you have to keep learning the lineups as it has distance as well. Use the walls or any window to throw it as it will make the enemies frustrated.
⦁ Using the Barrier Mesh to wall off Tree on an Ascent might not be the best idea considering enemies could still see through it and spam you if you’re walking in.
⦁ On Pearl, using a barrier mesh to block off art when pushing A probably isn’t the best.
⦁ Deadlock’s barrier mesh coupled with paint shells or Trapwires, you’ll get a blender that will give your enemies nightmares.
⦁ You can use the barrier mesh to block off one side while you fight on the other.
In simple words, Barrier Mesh will automatically block choke points and leave zero gap, it will autofill it. You can shoot right through it so don’t think you are safe if you wall a place off. It can be used with some aggressive wall to be combed with like a brimstone alt, brimstone Molly, or even a Raze nade. This Deadlock ability in Valorant will separate the enemy team.
Annihilation (Ult Ability)
The ability that probably piqued your interest in Deadlock is her devastating ultimate Annihilation. It’s a real game changer and one of few the ultimates of Valorant that can straight eliminate opponents. With an Annihilation if an enemy is caught and not freed by their teammates within the time limit it will kill the target. Teammates can shoot the cocoon to liberate the entrapped player but it’s not as straightforward as it seems.
Opening fire on Cocoon exposes them making them very vulnerable to fire themselves which makes annihilation a potent tool for clutch situations. The player will be forced between freeing their teammate or taking a 1v1 with you which in a 2v1 isn’t a great option anyway. It’s crucial to remember that Annihilation can only grab one enemy so it loses some of its luster when facing multiple opponents and that’s why timing of this ultimate is crucial.
To maximize the Deadlock Ult Value, try to use it when the enemy team is thin on numbers.
Cost: 7x Ultimate Points
Effect: 7-second cocoon
Windup: 1.1 second
Usage: use 1 per each 7x Ultimate Points
A couple of players will have a harder time dealing with this than a full squad. If it’s just one player trying to free their teammate it’s going to be pretty deadly when you swing to get the trade.
If it’s a full team not only, are they going to break their teammate out real fast if you swing into four people, all looking at you then you’re probably going to die anyway. Peak the enemy with your ultimate out, it is recommended to use it with a jump peak just to make it a little bit safer. If the enemies free their teammates, it’s not like the ultimate did nothing if it drags them far enough, they’ll be in such a bad position that it is irrecoverable.
⦁ Deadlock Ult is best to use on players who are stuck in a location with no great way to get out.
⦁ Don’t try to be greedy and wait for the perfect opportunity, if you see any easy hit, you should hit it.
⦁ When the enemy team starts defusing, you have to pull enemies off the spike by using the Annihilation.
Sonic Sensor (Q Ability)
Deadlock’s most intriguing ability is Sonic Sensor. This ability is akin to a Tripwire much like Cypher trips and Killjoy’s alarm bot but there’s a significant difference as the Sonic sensor only triggers when enemies make noise within its range. The Sonic sensor does not make any effective flank guard. It is easy for enemies to take advantage of the sound requirement by just walking while they flank.
The key to understanding Deadlock is realizing that her play style is different from that of Cypher, Killjoy or even Sage. Rather than spreading your Sonic sensor across the map your goal on defense is to set them up in high-traffic areas where enemies are likely to make noise then you or your teammate should stay nearby to capitalize on the Sonic Sensors detections because leaving the area may not provide the necessary Intel.
Placing Sonic sensor on Sites where players will make noise as they execute but you also set them up in common choke points such as Tree on Ascent or Street on Pearl. Once again to reiterate there should be a player in the area who’s capable of playing off of these tripwires to get maximum value because you cannot rely on their information.
With Deadlock, however, the defensive strategy might feel familiar to most sentinel players. Although you can’t distribute her utility widely for information as well you can still devise some ingenious sight holds similar to Cypher and Killjoy blender setup. On Offense Deadlock’s role closely mirrors Sage. The plan is simple, get onto the Site and make it difficult for enemies to retake.
Cost: 200 Credits
Windup: 0 Second
Effect: 3.5 seconds Concuss
Uses: 2 per round
Setting up Sonic sensors on Site using barrier mesh to hold back any pushes and applying her stunning ability. Deadlock can turn any sight into a fortress as she is all about turning sights into nightmares for your enemies to retake or push into. some key things to note about the Sonic sensor, enemies can hear this ability within 10 meters of it. so, if you’re walking by then they will likely be aware of it.
The best place to place the Deadlock’s Sonic Sensor is right outside of the entrance where enemies will likely start running. It takes a moment for these abilities to go off so if the enemies are fast such as Jett and Neon, they can run right by it. If the enemies are bunny hopping, they’ll be able to run right by it. However, if they are just running, they will get caught every time. This ability can stun both yourself and allies as well so if you’re placing a trap try not to place it directly next to yourself.
Gravnet (C Ability)
The last ability of Deadlock is Gravnet and using this ability you can lock enemies into crouching animation and the only way that they can break free is by holding the “F” key the same way that you remove a Cypher camera tag. The alternative way is that they wait a very long time so because of this you can see how if it was paired with abilities like paint shells, and mollies then it could get maximum damage.
Cost: 200 Credits each
Windup: 0.4 Seconds
Effect: 6 seconds of forced crouch and slow movement
Uses: 1 for each round.
Gravnet is a formidable tool in Deadlock’s Arsenal as it is incredibly annoying for your opponents and will significantly limit their movement. Just like Sonic Senor, it can affect you and your allies. Enemies hit by Gravnet will be stuck in place making them easy targets. Tree Gravnet as you want Sage’s slow orb. On defense, it can be used to halt a push or to disrupt a site take. Gravnet coupled with Annihilation are two of Deadlock’s most potent retake tools.
On Offense, Gravnet can provide a lot of control. Toss it into a smoke to prevent enemies from swinging out of it. Gravnet whole purpose is to stop players from doing things like this whereas barrier mesh has a lot of other uses that can be more valuable. Gravnet has the same trajectory as a Viper’s smoke orb so you can learn a lineup on Viper using the mini-map indicator and customs and then switch to Deadlock to test it out after. Wait for the enemies to use utility during a retake and then use it.
Learning all these Valorant Deadlock’s abilities will surely help to take control of the map.
Swinging Off Trips
If Deadlock is playing a passive setup because her whole team is very far away and not in a position to help Deadlock if she gets pushed. Start jiggling the smoke just for the info and as soon enemies start running in throw barrier mesh on site and then dip into spawn to play off her trips.
This barrier mesh makes it so that any enemies who are passing towards the back sight will not be able to swing her. Giving the Deadlock an ice blade, a gunfight on the enemy Arena as Trap gets triggered and this allows Deadlock to Pick up a free kill and then quickly dip back into spawn, waiting for her teammates to retake. This barrier mesh stalls so long that as the breach rotates over everyone is clogged up backsight for a massive roller thunder.
After dipping in and out of a few fights Deadlock throws out Annihilation as well grabbing the Sage out of the smoke forcing her into such a bad position Breach can get the kill even after she gets broken out. A good Deadlock can funnel her enemies into positions that are so advantageous that they couldn’t possibly lose the round even if they tried.
Best Maps for Deadlock in Valorant
Deadlock is overwhelming in almost every map in Valorant but she shines very bright in some Maps and it is recommended to select the Deadlock while playing in the following Maps.
Bind: Deadlock is very effective when playing in Bind Map. Bind map is the only smaller map in Valorant. You should place the Sonic Sensor in the B site as it has a drop. For Gravnet or Barrier Mesh corners and cubbies will be the best choice. Locations like B Elbow and A Tower are perfect to set the Annihilation.
Lotus: Lotus has three sites these sites are used for Deadlock on defense. Every site in Lotus has direct access from the Attacker’s side. Using Deadlock abilities, these sites can be blocked and the enemy team has to rotate.
Valorant Deadlock Guide: Key points
⦁ As Deadlock your goal on the attacker’s side is to utilize the Barrier Mesh and Gravnet to make space and check for flanks.
⦁ As Deadlock your goal on the defender’s side is to keep delaying your enemies with the abilities. Use the Sonic Sensor to delay plants and play close to your team.
Learning Deadlock’s All four abilities will make you tackle your enemies with ease. Mastering abilities like Annihilation, Barrier Mesh, Sonic Sensor, and Gravnet and utilizing these abilities during a match will surely make the enemy team Frustrated. Combining Deadlock abilities with other Agent abilities will make a deadly combo and will make the enemies separate from each other in maps like Lotus, Bind, and Breeze where Deadlock shines brighter as compared to other Maps.
Multiple barriers are generated when you throw Deadlock’s disc and it will restrict the movement of the enemies. Upon the landing of the disc, the barriers are created after three seconds. If the barrier is unbroken and not recharged like signature abilities then the barriers will last 30 seconds. The central orb is difficult to take down as it also spawns orbs as well.
The health of a cocooned agent is always equal to the damage inflicted on the cocooned agent. This ultimate ability will not be the cause of killing Deadlock’s victim. The cocoon can be broken down with enough damage. The health of the Deadlock’s Ult is 600 and is fair for an ultimate if it gets any lowered the Ult would be super underpowered at long range. However, at full health, Sage’s wall has 800 HP
Equip a nanowire accelerator which can then be shot and bounced off of map geometry. The first person caught in the nanowire accelerator will be put in a cocoon which they cannot break through unless another teammate shoots them. The Cocoon takes seven to eight Vandal shots to break. You are then reeled in and when you reach the end of the nanowire, you will die.
Deadlock is from the Norway and on the other hand, Sova is from Russia. Sova uses his hunting skills and archery to obtain the upper hand. Whereas Deadlock uses an arsenal of nanowires to reel in her enemy teammate or block them dead in the tracks. Both the Deadlock and Sova are not related but some people think that they are somehow related to each other.
Most of the players do not choose Deadlock as their agent as it takes time to prepare strategies and tactics for Deadlock. However, learning the Deadlock abilities timing will surely defeat the enemy team by using the Deadlock Ult ability, C ability, and E ability. The effective way to use the Deadlock abilities is if the number of enemies is reduced or later in the round if possible. Using the abilities at the perfect timing will surely make the Deadlock a better Agent in Valorant.