How to Trade In Valorant? – 6 Effective Tips!

Trading in Valorant is the exchange of kills with an opposing team member, in a short time span. It can be with more than one team member. Are you here to learn how to effectively trade in Valorant matches? If yes, you are at the right place. I will show you the best strategies to consider while trading in Valorant.

6 Tips to Trade in Valorant

  • Swing Together: Entry fraggers should go into a site together and cover different angles. If one gets taken out, the other can trade the kill.
  • Use Team Flashes: If you blind enemies with flashbangs, teammates should rush in to take advantage. This temporary blindness will prove helpful.
  • Watch Flanks: Team members of entry fraggers should watch the sides to protect the entry fraggers. This way, if it gets attacked from behind the kill can be traded.
  • Double Peek: If you’re not sure about an area, peek from different spots quickly. If one person gets shot, the other can kill the trade.
  • Check Corners: Assume entry fraggers might get killed, so teammates should check nearby corners to catch enemies off guard.
  • Play Retakes Together: If you’re defending and the bomb is planted, work together to take back the site. Isolate enemies and team up to fight them.

To get a kill traded, you should accompany your team member at all times. It will make it difficult for the opposition agent to flee from the scene, after killing an agent. This way you can take revenge at the moment. However, if you are unaware of their team members’ locations, you should take time to think about that. You don’t need to get yourself in trouble. Try to find the right time. 

A few agents like Jett can utilize their abilities such as Tailwind to flee from this situation. They may get down your fellows, without getting a punishment for it. This makes Jett a popular choice as a Duelist. 

What Happens if You Don’t Trade?

If you fail to appropriately trade your kills, the opposing team may get hold off the map. Here are just of the problems that may arise:

Your chances of winning will continue to weaken if you don’t trade kills. The opposing team would have more players, which would help them succeed.

If your teammate dies without any advantage, it can be an indicator of you surrendering in that area. It will reduce your area and restrict movement. 

If one team member gets killed, and the opposing team cannot trade, the fellows of the killed agent will feel relaxed. They may get down.

If you do not trade kills, the opposing team will get better economically. They would be able to buy for the next rounds. This disparity may bring negative effects to your team. You can also trade valorant skins if you have trusted mates.

Hence, if you fail to trade the kills, you may get strangled in different problems. It will cause problems for your team members, and strengthen the opposing team. 

When Should I Trade a Kill?

Trading does not have a specific time span, you may need it anytime in the game. However, some situations demand the use of trading kills more then the others. Here are a few of such situations. Keep these in mind, and if any of these happen, you should definitely trade the kill.

  • Your team is having a number advantage in your favor.
  • You want to get control of a map without facing losses.
  • You want to get better control over the battle situation.
  • You wish to give up a low-HP teammate for a full-HP enemy.

The situations I have highlighted are only few of those where trading kills can be useful. Every match has different circumstances, so you should practice hard to know more about these.

Bottom Line!

Though trading kills has many benefits, if you attempt to trade a kill without appropriate planning, you may face losses. Don’t rush in the situation, because if enemies lie nearby, you may get another member killed. This would even weaken your team. Trading is a benefit, but it requires effective strategy and planning. If you are aware of the battle conditions and are communicating with the team members, you will be able to effectively trade kills.


What is the difference between baiting and trading?

Baiting occurs when a player deliberately lets a teammate get killed in order to draw out enemies and gain information or an advantage. Trading, on the other hand, refers to the act of swiftly avenging a fallen teammate by eliminating the opponent who eliminated them.

What do non-traded kills mean in Valorant?

Non-traded kills in Valorant signify instances where a player gets eliminated without their teammate successfully eliminating the enemy who took them out.

Should I trade every kill in Valorant?

While it’s not mandatory to trade every kill in Valorant, effectively trading kills is crucial for maintaining map control, gaining numerical advantage, and fostering cohesive teamwork.

What should I do if I’m unable to trade a kill in Valorant?

If you’re unable to trade a kill in Valorant, focus on staying alive, gathering information, and positioning yourself for a favorable engagement with the enemy.

What are some common strategies for trading kills in Valorant?

Common strategies for trading kills in Valorant include entering sites together as a team, using utility to support entry fraggers, and watching flanks to prevent ambushes.