Teamfight Tactics Patch Notes 14.5 – Stats, Balancing, Game Updates

The edition 14.5 conveys the TFT game in an ever-changing update, improving the gaming experience for the users. It presents with balanced loot distribution, multiple new consumables like prismatic orbs, and consistent unit upgrades. The main changes that can be highlighted are a revamped LP Journey and a simplified quick play loadout. The update also removed ChromeOS support for TFT. Adjusted to traits, unit abilities, and a shift from Patch 14.4.  

These patch notes are only for Teamfight Tactics, for League of Legends, check out the most upcoming 14.6 patch notes.

TFT Patch notes

The following are the recent changes, which customized the whole game in a different aspect. These include equal loot quality, orbs, tier adjustment, etc described below:

  1. Uniform Loot Quality:

In the update patch of 4.5, the bounty is split among the players and everyone receives an orb of a given tier (quality) at that time. Specific orb assets can change but the worth tends to keep the quality.

  1. Masterwork Upgrade:

A new consumable tier was launched in the uniform of Prismatic Orbs. Displays units and crafted items. These items are even able to be crafted, powered by radiant. In the same place is an opening leading to an armory. 

  1. Crab Rave Portal 

The crab rave portal is now a feature of its track. 

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  1. Exclusions and Increased Variance:

The interesting part is that gold and prismatic orbs will not appear in Stage 1.

There will be increased variance in drops per round, which will give more possibilities and opportunities for gold openers.

  1. Adjusted Contents of Orb:

In the game, players have the opportunity to unlock various items by making certain decisions. When playing in PVE stages, all players are then guaranteed to obtain loot of the same rate tier based on their previous choices.

Orb lines are also modified to match the character’s quality tier, ensuring consistency and fairness for all players. Gray, Blue, and Gold society-building materials are adjusted to make the world look more uniform. The Prismatic Orb is the main orb out of all the other stage-1 orbs and is also considered to be the most potent one.

Orb Examples:

  • Grey Orbs: 

Now choose either two gold and Item Removers or remove a 3-cost hero.

  • Blue Orbs: 

Consider your options: the options include: buying a 3-cost warrior or selling it for 8 gold.

  • Gold Orbs: 

Whether you will use the Item Remover or prefer 4 gold by selling a champion with a cost of 5, is totally up to you.

  • Prismatic Orbs: 

Consider the possible advantages and opt either for the Greater Champion Duplicator which costs 12 gold or the relatively cheaper Tome of Traits at 5 gold.

TFT Patch notes

Units: Tier 1

  • Corki AD: 48 >>> 50
  • Corki AS: 0,75 >>> 0.75
  • Evelynn Mana buff: 30/90 >>> 30/90
  • K’Sante Spell AD%: 800% >>> 999%
  • Tahm Kench AD: 70 >>> 88
  • Tahm Kench Spell Passive Damage Reduction: 12/15/25 >>> 12/15/25

Units: Tier 2

  • Aphellios Mana buff: 40/135 >>> 40/110
  • Garen Mana buff: 40/90 >>> 40/80
  • Garen Spell AD%: 160% >>> 180%
  • Gnar AS: 0.65 >>> 0.75
  • Gragas Spell Damage: 190/285/440 >>> 240/360/555
  • Gragas Spell Healing: 500/575/650 >>> 500/625/750

Units: Tier 3 

  • Neeko shield Percent of Ally Copied: 6% >>> 8%
  • Neeko Spell Damage Percent of shield: 70/90/115% >>> 90/110/140%
  • Samira Base AD%: 240/240/250% >>> 300/300/310%

Units: Tier 4

  • Blitzcrank AD: 60 >>> 90
  • Blitzcrank Mana buff: 60/120 >>> 50/110
  • Ezreal Mana nerf: 0/40 >>> 0/45

Units: Tier 5

  • Jhin starting Mana buff: 0/50 >>> 30/50
  • Jhin Grand Finale Rifles Base AD%: 60/60/444% >>> 66/66/444%
  • Kayn Mana buff: 0/50 >>> 0/40
  • Kayn Rhaast (losing form) HP Restore on killing 2 champions: 1 >>> 2
  • Kayn Shadow (winning form) Gold on killing 2 champions: 3 >>> 5

Comparing both patches 14.5 and 14.4 allows you to explore several modifications that are in the 14.5 patch and weren’t present in the 14.4 patch. This evaluation helps to identify that better and more uniformly allowing you to ensure maximum pleasure during your gameplay. 

  1. ChromeOS Support

With patch 14.5, it no longer supports TFT on ChromeOS. This implies that the most recent game updates will not be available to you if you are running ChromeOS.

  1. Unit Improvements:
  • Karthus Adaptation:

Karthus is more specific in this regard and his latest release adapts to his current state, foreseeing his origin or ultimate.

  • Poppy’s Fix and Boost:

Mitigating unintended attack speed jumps and presenting the player with a boost in performance would be reasonable steps to decrease these feelings.

  • Aegis of the Legion Update:

One clarification in the tooltip is to give people a clear idea about the influence on ally soldiers.

  1. Multiple Major And Minor Changes: 

Such changes include item reviews, traits, and units.

  • Item Review: 

The major item change that has been made in the 14.4 patches is dragon’s claw, which has the highest magic resistance among all remaining items. Now it has a magic resistance of 65 but sacrifices 1% of the maximum health to deal additional MR damage. 

The changes made to Jak’sho the Protean (Radiant Adaptive Helm) will no longer grant both effects regardless of position. In addition, the fully adapted augment will grant both effects. Another change made is that the front 2-row resist bonus has been increased from 60 to 80, and the front 2-row mana on-hit has been increased from 1 to 2. The back 2-row ability power bonus was raised from 45 to 55, and the Back 2-row mana Per 3s was elevated from 15 to 20.

  • Minor Adjustments 

To ensure the improvement of the game to provide a better value in harder-to-hit trait breakpoints, some minor adjustments have been made. 

One of the major improvements is country dread steed ability damage for country 7 country has increased from 200% AD to 210% AD, and to make it more interesting rapidfire attack speed per stack has been adjusted from 4/8/14% to 4/9/16%. 

The Spellweaver Ability Power has been changed from 20/35/70/120% + 1/2/3/4% per cast to 20/35/80/130% + 1/2/4/6% per cast.

Some adjustments have been made to some units like Karthus which now provides more benefits from repeat casts, and the superfan object has been replaced from archangel’s staff to adaptive helm. Poppy’s involuntary attack speed gain has been fixed, and compensation has been given while Lillia’s max mana buff has been reduced from 70/120 to 60/110.

  1. LP Journey:

Some bulkiness came after the innovations. The fluctuations were extreme, even down to -/+28 after each goal scored. The rise and fall trajectories (at times, more than ±28 levels) were a bit much too, each time after a goal was scored. The junk bond market serves a short-term role and comes with an increase in its risk. It should not rise too quickly than others and ensure consistency in the rise.

  1. Quickplay Loadout Simplified:

It took at least one button to switch between two loadout slots in the game and to save time, you have to swap each setting manually. Now, with one click, you can benefit from effortless swapping of all the settings. Smooth the changeover process of the settings, which usually is annoying and leads to the repetition of the adjusting process, is an exclusive feature.

  1. Clearer Quickplay Choices:

At last the Positions & Priority Roles interface is greatly more intuitive because of fixes in the way those roles get selected. Say goodbye to confusion about which roles to pick, and the following is also highly infectious: such an improved visual experience will also manifest itself in other Summoner’s Rift queues with the option of writing out the roles you prefer.


In both patches, the major distinction is the unit revision and gameplay modification. In comparison to the preceding 14.4 patches, patch 14.5 discontinues TFT support on chromeOS, significant alteration to various traits and units. Patch 14.5 LP travel and Quick Play loadout changes are intended to offer a more reliable and efficient gameplay experience in comparison to the preceding 14.4 patch.

How does the LP Journey change impact player ranking fluctuations?

The LP Journey in patch 14.5 eliminates bulkiness by compressing player ranks after each goal and reducing plus-minus, in short, eliminates extraordinary changes in the player ranks. The modifications are intended to satisfy a more steady and uniform ascend or descendant of LP fluctuation after each game to prevent the thing where the level fluctuates drastically.

What have Tier 1 to Tier 5 models been budgeted in the 14.5 process?

Such improvements are fresh Tier 1 unit strategies delivering improved gameplay features from the beginning of the game to improved gameplay features at the end to an ultimate one for Tier 5 levels. Such adjustments are designed to make the game diverse and balance the experience on the whole.

How do the new rules for Quick Play loadout in patch 14.5 help with player experience?

In update 14.5, quick play loading slots simplify the effortless double-click loadouts for a player to switch between two load-outs. I suppose this will define the process and hence reduce the period and the smoothness of the setting transition that is necessary for a better user experience.

How are unit upgrades introduced in patch 14.5?  

Until tier 14.5, every unit stage received relevant improvements, including the champion modifications such as K’Sante, Tahm Kench, Garen, Gragas, Neeko, Samira, Blitzcrank, Ezreal, Jhin, and Kai’Sa. These adjustments targeted the purpose of the exploitation of new strategies and their implementation into the overall process of the game.


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