Will Rocket League come back to Steam?

The new trend with online multiplayer gaming is that every big triple-A Studio tries to sell their game on their proprietary platforms. If you plan on playing Battlefield, you need to download the EA and create an account with them. If you want to play Skull and Bones, you must install Origin. It all makes the process of playing games a lot more annoying.

Rocket League

While most of us expect our gaming libraries to only consist of Steam. If we buy any game we mostly do it through Steam. Steam has a total 75% market share of digital game distributors and it has been reported to have sold games worth 8.4 billion dollars. Making it the biggest platform video game distributor for PC with no competition in front of them.

Steam is good for consumers, but it’s not friendly to the developers because it takes a 30% cut for every game purchase. That is why most big AAA gaming studios are in compulsion to sell their games on their platform to avoid this hefty fee.

So, in this blog, I will talk about why Rocket League, one of the biggest car soccer games, was pulled out of Steam. Will it ever come back to steam and what was the reasoning behind this decision?

Also Read: How to Fix Rocket League Error 71?

Reasons why Rocket League was removed from Steam:

There are a couple of reasons why Rocket League was pulled from Steam. Here are some of the main ones that bolt the last nail in the coffin.

Reason 1:

The first reason was that Psyonix was acquired by Epic Games, another digital game distributor and a direct competitor of Steam. The deal amount was roughly around 300 Million dollars after that Psyonix had no say about which platforms should hold the game. That is the first reason that Rocket League was pulled out.

Reason 2:

Epic is the direct competitor of Steam, and because of that they didn’t want players to use their competitor’s platform to play their game. And eventually, make purchases that would give Steam a percentage of the revenue. By making Rocket League only available on their platform they managed to secure a good chunk of gamers who religiously play Rocket League on their side.

Reason 3:

As you might know, Fortnite is owned by Epic and it is considered to be the biggest thing that happened to online gaming. So, by not giving Rocket League to Steam they fundamentally made Rocket League their exclusive title.

Will Rocket League come back to steam?

The answer is rather straightforward. Epic game exclusives like Fortnite and Wolf among Us 2 have never come to Steam or any other game distributor. The pattern suggests that it will never come back on steam. Because no other platform shares their star titles to other platforms. You could never play Counter-Strike or Dota 2 with epic games. The same is the case with Rocket League.

Epic Games has done a good thing for existing Steam players by not snatching them from the game and making them download it again on the Epic Game launcher. So, if you own Rocket League on Steam, you can still play it. As of now, there are no clear signs that Rocket League will ever come back to Steam it is an epic game exclusive and it is going to stay that way.

User reviews About this:

Understandably a good chip of players who bought the game on Steam are pretty bummed about it. Most users think Steam is a better game launcher and lightweight client that can run on your system. 

As for the reviews, they are mixed because, on the one hand, we have players who have been playing the game since its launch in July 2015. They bought the game on Steam and they want to keep playing it on Steam. These are the ones who are unhappy with the decision.

As for the other half, they just don’t care about which platform to use as long as they play the game. Mostly, these are the newer and free-to-play Rocket League players because of that these players make up the majority of the fans.


Epic Games’ decision to make Rocket League an exclusive is a long shot because they want to force gamers to use their platform to make purchases. That is also why Epic Games gives away so many free games. Rocket League will not come to Steam as long as Epic Games owns Psyonix. If in the future Epic Games decides to sell the company then maybe it can come back but as things are right now there’s no chance of it.

However, there is a way to play Rocket League on Steam. You can check out Rocket League Steam accounts and order today! My team will deliver the account to you within 24 hours.