Overwatch 2: How to Play Zenyatta (Tips & Strategies) 2024

Overwatch 2 is an exciting game loved all across the world, and this gets exciting due to its amazing heroes. All heroes have superpowers that make them unique. One such powerful hero is Zenyatta, who can be the decider of the match. He can make your team heavier than your opponents. 

ow2 character

We will not ignore the fact that Zenyatta is a vulnerable hero. She can fall prey to many other Overwatch characters easily. It will only work well if you have the right strategies coupled with a great team. So, let us find in detail what Zenyatta has to offer in the game.


Zenyatta has thrown balls that work best on short ranges, however their damage rate is very low. He works best on the enemy backlines. This is because he cannot escape from bad situations. He always needs to save himself from his enemies. Zenyatta stands tall as a good support hero in the game. He can heal his teammates with two distinct abilities, the Orb of Harmony or Transcendence. Keep your Zenyatta safe so you can always heal your allies. 

If there is combat going on, always stay in the sight of it. You should not be too near because Zenyatta can heal from a long distance only if his allies are in his sight. Zenyatta can crush down the opposing snipers with a single headshot. His Orb of destruction and Orb of Discord make him extremely powerful.

Abilities of Zenyatta Overwatch 2

ow2 support hero abilities

Orb of Destruction

Though Zentyaa is not a DPS ero, players love to call him so because of his abilities. His primary ability is an energy projectile weapon. This can take strong headshots if targeted at the enemies. It releases 1 fire every 0.4 seconds which will cause damage of 48 points. This projectile moves at a speed of 90 meters per second. 

The alternate ability releases multiple shots simultaneously, which can take down a hero even if he is at full health.  It requires time to get charged, and this charge will also not last forever. You have to take care of the time. You don’t need to worry because Zenyatta loves to peek through small windows. Orb of destruction will work against shields and allow DPS units to pay heads to the enemies hiding behind it.

Orb of Discord

This Orb is released against enemies to further increase the damage they will receive. Many players can survive little damage, and even heal themselves after it. However, you will not let your enemies do this if you have the Orb of Discord. If you use it against the enemies their damage will increase. It works if the enemy is visible to Zentyaa. If the enemy gets out of sight line for 1.5 seconds, this will remove the Orb of discord. If the enemy has barriers, they may hinder this orb of discord however, once it is activated it will not get affected. If you target this orb of discord at one enemy, it will not be against it again for 7 seconds. 

Orb of Harmony

This move makes Zenyatta more powerful than other heroes. This orb is released to the allies if they get damaged. It will heal their damage. This works at a slow rate, but it is advantageous. This effect will continue for a long time. It is only stopped if the teammate gets out of sight for a couple of seconds. If you release this Orb at another teammate, it will finish the effect on the first teammate. Barriers cannot stop the effect of this orb, online the Orb of Discord. Multiple orbs will stack up if used.


Here comes the ultimate exactly of Zenyatta. Zeyatta’s Ultimate is counted among the top 3 ultimates of Overwatch 2.  This works at a radius and heals all the allies that lie in it. It will also heal Zenyatta himself. If the heroes remain in this area, they will get back to their original health. Keep in mind that while this ultimate is activated, Zenyatta can still get damaged from knockbacks or gravity effects. Another feature to note down is that this ability will not work across the walls. If your allies are behind the walls, they need to come out to get healed. 

Best Combinations with Zenyatta

Zenyatta and Zarya

Zarya will use her ultimate while Zenyatta will decide all her allies as they approach the enemies. This combination is very powerful, and any enemy who sees them coming should be prepared for huge losses.

Zenyatta and Junkrat 

As mentioned earlier, Zenyatta is prone to damage from the opponents. So, anyone who can be healthy Zentyaa would be a good pair with him. Junkrat will release safety traps that will safeguard Zenyatta from damage. Junkrat will also bounce back these attacks.

Zenyatta and Orisa

Though most tanks are leading the game, Zenyatta works best at the backlines. Orisa works well at the enemy front lines. So, if you have both of these together, you can cover all sides of the game. She also remains within the vicinity of Zenyatta. If the enemy tries to get Zenyatta down, Orisa’s javelin will counter them.

Zenyatta and Pharah

Pharah is another character who can heal Zenyatta. She has a continuous line of sight to Zenyatta to protect him. Moreover, she can bounce the attacks that are meant for Zenyatta. 

Zenyatta and Doomsfit

Doomsfit is a powerful Overwatch 2 hero that closely resembles a tank if he is given the whaling ability. The Orb of Discord if used with Doomsfit will enable him to kill anything except a tank. The Doomsfit Ultimate will teleport Zenyatta to protect her from critical situations. 

Tips and tricks to Play with Zenyatta

  • Keep Zenyatta away from the enemies. She works at eBay for long distances. Orb of Destruction can affect the enemies equally at long distances. Staying behind also allows her to know who needs to be healed, and where he should be targeted. His lack of defensive and escaping abilities requires him to support the team from the back. 
  • If the enemy Genji or Tracer is teasing you, target them with the Orb of Destruction. Use snap-kicks to move enemies away from you, and this will give your teammates time to act.
  • Use Orb of Discord to kill high-priority enemies as it will increase the damage caused by 25%. You further boost this damage by communicating with your team and putting all your focus on the high-priority enemy.
  • The icon present on the screen allows you to track the enemy who is behind the walls. Convey this information to your team so they can capture him!
  • Always pair Zenyatta with a strong healing hero because Zenyatta only can heal one hero at a time, if the ultimate is not being used. Also, the health raised is not very high. A healing hero like Lucio and Moira can greatly help him. Zenyatta works well as an offensive hero, only if he has the support of healing heroes on his side.
  • Zenyatta uUliamtecan take your team out of a crisis. It has a low charge rate, so you have to be careful in its usage. Save it for blocking the enemy’s ultimates that can cause massive damage. Use it against Hanzo’s and Ashe’s ultimate to project your team. However, you should not deny using it if your enemy is dying because of the normal abilities of the opponents. 
  • Keep your Orb of Harmony directed at your teammates at all times. This will not stack them, but it would still prove helpful. This would increase their chances of survival if they get into the hands of the enemies. However, keep monitoring where your allies are going. If your Orb is at a hero who moves from his pace, be quick to take the Orb down. You have to quickly switch it to another hero to project all your team.
  • The only way Zenyatta can protect him from damage is by using the orb of discord at the enemies that are approaching him. Use it before the enemy gets too close to you. Apart from using it against the enemies you can also use it for your ally’s health. 
  • If you boost up the ultimate healing ability of Zenyatta you can increase its effectiveness as compared to the Tactical visor.  Though it protects the team from all effects, it is still prone to Roadhog Abilities. Keep moving so the enemy never gets to know your exact location while you are in the ultimate. 

Bottom Line!

Zenyatta loves to play in open maps to get a dight of its enemies and allies. However, she can be a good choice for any map you are playing on. If you have a Zenyatta on your team, you should have a protecting hero on the backlines. 

You can pair him up with Genji, Winston, Tracer, or D.Va. Zenyatta has no escape abilities, so she may fall prey to Mei’s Frost and Soldier 76’s Ultimate. So, you need to maintain good communication with your team to project Zenyatta. Our amazing tips and tricks would help you to play at your full capacity if you have a Zenyatta on your team!

If you need more tips on overwatch 2 characters, head over to our blog section.